the notes upon the journey,
At first sight marks one's destiny.
the voyage comes to an end,
Return lies the hasty key."
[from the movie]
i had guessed its end, from the first few minutes.
because i sensed it : )
also, because i believe that life is like a big puzzle with missing pieces
what we see in a linear way, and call time is not so.
i can't explain it.
but it is true.
when i was in uk,
it was so,
all the present had its meaning from the past
and i was finding out the lies of the present based on the past hiding
how a story told from one point of view (like in the movie, the story is told from the boy's point of view first)
had no satisfying meaning
one could not feel complete inside, full.
we are at loss at some point
the crisis could not be understood
nor the "missing part of time" could be explained
such as what happens in someone else's world when something else is happening in mine,
hence the gap while meeting each others.
it is like there are always some missing clues,
or some crisis out of hand
like into any normal person in everyday life...
where all of these are coming from?
it was all in a parallel state
and when you tell this to your family
they take you, into their love, which is not love
just pure attachment,
(for they got used to you,
as you being into their world)
as a lovely object
yes an object which is on a wrong path
and that they need to fix
by adding crisis, their own crisis, to your own : ))
like in the movie
the mother was in plain crisis
accusing and blaming others
going against girls' gaining higher education for they get diseased mind : )
and lose their sanity lol
or like the father who kept repeating to his son
you are my only son
tell me what makes you sad.
i was innerly so glad,
he did not tell
for this is the beginning
of letting the others to come into your world
to come and use his power to command you
as to how to put yourself aright.
the mothers get emotional
while the fathers got hyper disciplinary
both eat, in their blind "love"
your right to be free
to be free to settle your own issue
to find your path
never anyone could fix your own issue
for your issue is the key to your freedom
handing them this key is to make them use their own meaning of what "love" is
to be their ruler
while you have to find true love
the one that will make you break down all the boundaries
which have made you doubt, be angry, depressed, sad, in crisis...
the notes upon the journey,
At first sight marks one's destiny.
the voyage comes to an end,
Return lies the hasty key."
only True Love is the real medicine
the real helper
the real confident
the real goal
the real music that you should follow
seen like the parents' pressure and blackmailing of their children is so funny
funny because it is false
false because they do not hold the cure to their children's issue
but that is terrific,
for that is true too
true because at their level,
they think to know the truth,
thus accordingly, they chose to pick up this drama of theirs
which is to worry, and be sad
and burden their life and the life of those whom they claim to love
all this drama is always going on like this
for when things get out of the normal format
people think that you are mad lol
truth is we are not bound to time and space
but this no one could believe it
unless he experiences it
and the coming back is just depressing
for it is like having discovered other worlds
another way of living
and still having to be bound to old ways again.
This movie is true
it is just that people knows not that inside is such a potential
isn't it beautiful to see that what seemed unexplained
was whole from the beginning
for the seen and the unseen
have always been complementary AT ALL TIME
and that only narrowness of view prevented us to see
that it has been there all along.
it is like there is for all things
a "male" vision and a "female" vision of what Truth is
and when you bring both to complementarity
it is when UNITY of vision is established
and both could be reunited
only if there is this LOVE.
which has been marvelously portrayed by the couple.
and isn't it beautiful that very rare are those who can see?
while all others think to know it all
and find that laughing out at others is the wholesomeness/totality
that finding out disease about someone is the only explanation they have
while in truth,
Truth HAS to be ONE
it HAS to exist
for if questions, unease and yearning exist
its opposite is THERE somewhere out.
and only those who look for it,
ps : i loved when at the beginning of the movie
they said to each other "it was you i liked ... (i meant i like) your music"
by then i thought, we are all a musical air being played in truth
we are the music.
(continuation...) ...there's a secret to it i guess, and
only those who truly believe in their hearts could unlock it's secret!
love is like a beautiful art, like a beautiful music, it's endless and
it's TIMELESS! and i don't even know what i'm talking about, but this
movie is very very nice! touchingly nice!

that's the magic and miracle of love! there's no space or
time when it comes to love! when two people are distine to be with each
other in love.... love wil break boundaries, rules of time and space, or
whatever that thing in physics is, just to make that destiny with love
happens. nothing is impossible in the destiny of love....but not all
people will have that destiny to find true love....(cont.)
the music IN THE MOVIE at 1:31:15 is also very beautiful.