Monday, 28 January 2013

Watching thoughts during day time

You let go of thoughts (they are of past or future, but never of the present)
for only Hu is (of the ) Present
and Hu begets not, nor is begotten
so why these thoughts?
where they are born from?

from this inner well
that keeps being cleansed
and thoughts are rising
and being thrown out
but like your father if you try to recuperate the old things that the mother is throwing out of the garage
we are never going to end the cleaning! : ))

so, when thoughts arise
or problematic or tensed situation arise
or just situations arise : )))
watch the event
while putting your attention 
at the base of the well 
from where all mounts up, 
i.e. 1cm below your navel

this will help you to center yourself
and not being thrown overboard! : ) 

as in the present you are thinking
you think that you are present
but no
Hu is the Present
and Hu is Joy
it is the same Hu that all of the environment utters
like the pigeon
have you listen to it, it says Hu, Hu, Hu
and this Hu manifested in the pigeon is of a gracious nature
the pigeon is a gracious manifestation of that Present State of Mind
so is the nature
for is it not said that nature makes the zikr of Allah that you do not understand?
this Hu zikr is so that it manifests the present spontaneously
as no pigeon blocks it : ) with its thoughts
nor trees block it with their own ideas

and its mark is of the Present
is Grace and Flow
it is JOY

in human nature that Hu is present
that Joy is present
just thoughts cover it

can you imagine?
i suddenly felt in awe
if one becomes a thoughtless, a fully thoughtless human being
and the Hu of the Present
manifest then through us
then such a shining Beauty one should be?
for if it is is so with trees
what could it be with a human being?

so that you be the joy
for joy is not thoughts
so you empty the vessel/mind for joy to shine
joy does not come
it already IS there
and it is Present
it is your present/gift

and if you feel hurt look at where you felt a hurt
where you felt it
for it is not you who are looking
but the Healing Motherly Love through your eyes

and it is gone, healed!

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