Sunday, 9 January 2022

Progress in meditation

Finishing my morning meditation:

I got a the vision of a fire that was lit and grew so high, meters high.

Then, scene shifted to tibetan monks meditating in a cave, but their back were screwed with fake metallic squeleton on top of their spines, like in the movie Equilibrium.

Spirit said, this is symbolic of their rigidity, as they use their right side to cultivate, the mind.

Then scene shifted to a huge Cobra standing in its tail, and coming out of a cool breezy fog.

Again, was told is a very good sign about the growth of my kundalini.

After, I saw some symbolism about the laziness of mine, just saw white bed which split opened in two like a door.

I guess this is the next purification of the entity in me.

Haven't seen it yet. 

Was told like for laziness, to purify laziness you need to go slowly.

True, I'd say like a seedling that makes it way through the rocks to the sunshine.

Be persistent and constant. Little by little and lose not the vision of the goal.

Oh at the end, I was told 

Why I do not read the bible, as I (Spirit) did read the whole Quran.

So now am on read gospel of Thomas.

At the end, it was said:

"Water still by 28. I need to go now. End meditation".

Lol I didn't get it first what it meant.

Then, when I opened eyes, saw the clock, it was past 27.

Then, I realised, end of meditation now as attention/connection with spirit comes to a  standstill for now.

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