ahh, i am getting so lazy posting on this blog
have too much to do
but is important to record it all
so let's do it :
i had a vision
i saw i was in sort of a
space shuttle
and then the door
and i saw the Earth
and randomly i picked
up a place
a continent
i was seeing America and Europe, Asia
i picked up one, as i was lacking time
and i was absorbed
was very
smooth! (fall)
smooth, like being
absorbed by sponge ... wool...
lol in real i could feel i could not get more absorbed in my matelas hahahaha!
Actually as my friend said
"that was an amazing vision, baby!
:)) hahaha baby
this english expression makes me laugh
cause i really feel like i am a baby in a craddle hehehe
so is like this..
here is the inspired interpretation :
of course from Spirit knowledge, not mine
i suck at dream interpretation on my own
about the dream meaning :
imagine you are the
awareness..or main emergence from the absolute..or the I AM
you see,,everything
,, from above..see?
like a space station
ah.. it reminds me of Dr Who episode
you knew that it was all true?
well .. isn't it exciting?
coming back on earth
this vision is like the one of Richard Rose
he was on top of some mountain
and seeing people from above
and he could ,,become
anyone,, by ,,focusing attention on it,,
and i KNOW is true
cause before was same
when i focused on a flower
a seed
actually i WAS it
meaning i felt i was a seed germinating
i was in the grass
and i saw the grass
and i saw myself growing
and saw the sun rays warming up the ground
is what i have been told
we all have gifts
we need practice to develop them
well for me is the healing and that stuff how you call it?
to become what you focus on?
i want to try this
need space and room for that in my schedule
so noted down
back to vision now
in other words..this
is the principle of ,,how,, the awareness by,,focusing,,...becomes
consciouness...and goes,,poof,, in the object ,, and gives it
and THAT is the principle of reincarnation
lol far from the myths
and far from the indian ideas or reincarnation
is just in absolute terms
simple as that
so i saw myself reincarnating
as an experience
cause later in dream
i was on this earth
and taking pictures of flowers
people were annoyed
that i was making them lose time
but flowers had such a beautiful color
they were shining
like an aura around each bunch of flowers
so bright and shining
lol again i say shining
so on earth i was experiencing people's frustration
and the "lack of time" fear etc
but when i was up there
as awareness i had no emotions
it was awareness
and no emotions of fear etc
cause as spirit..or
pristine joy awareness...you have no fear
,,when there is focus
of attention..beware..that is the moment of creation..
as soon as i focused on earth
i "became" part of it
all makes sense ..
so the "fall" from heaven
is this allegory
you need to get "lost" on earth to experience Life from within
is the way back ...
re,,uniting,, with this power of God..this awareness that is "up there"
to be one with it..or spirit..or awareness..or
bliss..or the true reality...
and who unites?
is the soul of course
so i saw in vision
how /why
reincarnation occurs..
so when i jumped
was soft as cotton wool
when i entered into the earth
it felt like going through a womb
absorption (of attention) happens
,,because of my focus,,,..this creates consciousness or attention..also known as the soul
so...so when people saw vortex is actually the door of possibility of creation they are themselves creating by focusing their attention on that spot of earth
and they go
there..to experience new experiences..etc
as the attention digs, the vortex is created by its power
in the process..the
spirit becomes flesh..etc..animates the soul..creates the
environment etc
so this fall
this separation is essential!
unless it separates..it can't know itself..universe is based on
this tension..like electricity?..
that is life cycle reincarnations
and the way back home
the way back is
from consciousness becoming attention (top of head)/focus becoming intent (of spiritual cultivation) / and becoming
awareness back to before time ..
and that is called ... Realization
ps : i SEE you - from Avatar Movie song
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