Saturday, 19 November 2016

Evil Eye - Energy of Love and Hate

Evil eye exists
and here it is what it is about
roughly speaking :

A person does not consciously
says ok i wish harm to that pretty stuff you are wearing or possessing

is just she will look at it
and you or your stuff will get spoilt

like once i wore a nice pearly brand new bracelet
the girl looked at it
it broke down on the spot! LOL
and pearls scattered all over the floor
was brand new!

same i was wearing my brand new Bordeaux colored handbag
as soon as a girl slowed her pace to check it
and paff scratched!

wearing my brand new
navy blue heals
so impressive
the girls just went behind me LOL
to have leisure to check them
of course i was hearing their comments
and paff! on spot it got unsew


but today was dangerous

i told a friend
to call me later
as i was driving

already had a list of such experience
with her
but today was too dangerous

was the car ..
i was about to have an accident!

on LAST MOMENT Divine power helped me
cause in NORMAL SCENARIO  i was done!
i just got saved..
cause i literally felt my car being pulled back
and the car in front had the "luck" to intuitively move on left
as he was trying to quickly take over other cars
and i had the lucidity to turn car on my right

but clearly
if i had NOT felt that being pulled back
i was done!

so thank you Spirit...

but this friend ...
not her fault
but is her residual
hateful and unconscious energy

here is how evil eye works :

Imagine some past traumas
which happened to you
those are recorded as images
and have some energy
the evil eye as we call it
is about projecting the energy
from the past trauma -without the images-
on someone

so is her energy projecting without the images

so i had to purify the car
which was affected by negative energy
as i felt just floating in it
no stability
and felt not clear headed
nor well

As everything is made of God energy
because GOD is everywhere
so God/Love means unity or working together ..see?
so all of sudden the car
good energy left
there was an energy of hate
which was dissonant with mine

no love = no unity= no work together
and indeed no more harmony nor unity
so atmopsher in car changed all of sudden after that conversation

So i was being rejected by my car
which was now full of NON LOVING energy

Everything is made of GOd energy
God is even in inanimate object

so i had to purify the car
i just went out
and put my hand on itand said it like 10 times
i love you car

then i felt GOOD
and could drive it with no more incident
and rather felt so comfy driving it again..

and the amazing dynamic i understood today

is that when stuff works
is because you are one with the object
and that is Love
not an emotion
but the unity in action

all of sudden
my car was filled with hateful energy
just because i drew someone's attention on it
what we call evil eye
again is not a conscious stuff that my frind did
but is just her trauma affecting my car  and me

once i said those words
it stopped the hate from the other which she put in the car

same if you have a stuff you love
just say to it often you love it
so it ll prolonge its life with yours
same for people
say it to yourself
i love you so and so
no need to tell them
and it will prolonge their ties with you

and that working together will last longer

incredible learning

if you SEND LOVE to objects
they will be WORKING with you

and another thing i learned is that Love and hate
are both needed
as Love alone without challenge is no point for universe to exist
and hate without love
there would be no Grace

so another lesson for me
Love and Hate co exist for universe to exist as it is

so yes evil eye is not intentional
but it sucks!

 Love to Hate
and by the way

We are never getting older LOL
lol i should start hiding my age
people think i was 24 while i am 34
but now i was told i am looking 16... twice..
luckily i don't need to show my ID card to buy cosmetics hahaha

Enjoy the song

The Chainsmokers - Closer

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Celebrating the 30 000th Blog Viewing

30 000th pageview was today!
Round figure ! ;) Caught my eyes :)

Today i came to a very profound self realisation

Is  not a thought, nor an opinion, nor a theory
is something i learned and i can count it as a means which has changed my vision of life

Since long
i had the impression
to be holding myself back

waiting for the ideal moment
waiting to improve and be even more perfect
so that i may be -finally- understood by some people

is like i took on me the burden
to be up to their image they wanted me to be
in a word trying to please them

but that was like always holding back my breath

after discussing a dream i had with a friend
i realised
there are some people we cannot save

at some point
i had started to please them
so i put on a burden which was not mine
this burden made me harder

is like when you have a rock on your back
and you are ascending a mountain
so even if the person next to you wants to chat with you
you will snap at him
as you are so much burdened already

so no time for such small talk
nor lightness

one day i heard
that enlightenemnt fruit
is also to realise
that actually
whatever happened in your life
was ok
things are just as they are

and they are good like that

trying and hoping hard to change people
are to bend ourselves to their cherished image they have projected on you
and what they want you to be

is something which is the real burden

if you let go of it
in a way
if you let go of trying to save them
or change them for their own good

you are happier
and you can chit chat with them
and just do the small talk they want
on a day to day basis

in a way
you surrender to the idea
that you can't do anything for them
you stop battling for this

because at some point
when i think about the fact
that we all die
what remains at this very time?
at your death bed?

is regrets
ah i should have been more loving
i should have been more kind
i should have been more lenient
and i should have let them be ignorant kids
at least i would have not wasted time from lack of human warmth
from lack of familial warmth
from lack of friendship warmth

cause in reality
a world is made of so many different people
if you try to be so picky
or if you try to shape them in your image
or if you let yourself being shaped into theirs

either you end up with a sour face
and a hardened heart


you become stupid ape
mimickeing all they want you to be

to be able to find the middle way
is to live among them
without being part of them

just to be able to Feel Life Warmth itself..

and of course the love we have for them
after we put it on hold..till we became better

so is best to forgive
and send them love

as i feel so much pity for them being ignorant
yet i know is like speaking to walls
they are -in a loving and non judgemental way- ignorant
impatient, and very much weak in truth

so the best thing you can do for a weed
is to give it love

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Marrying a non realised person

If i can give a word of advice..
never ever a yogi woman should marry a non yogi

cause at some point
her shakti won't be able to compensate
for his non realised state

at best if she meditates
everyday and more than prior to her marriage
it ll stay AT BEST stable

but living
with a guy who meditates not
even prevent you to go to meditation group
or like not incense etc.

she will lose it within 2 or 3 years
and wonder why she married

well to statisfy her comfort zone
ok i know this guy since long
so let's marry and time to have kids


all that counts when you die
is THE STATE in which you die

one better die
with a better state than prior to one coming into this world..

otherwise you will be slave to your dying state
and reincarnate
just worse
in most of cases

is tough for women
especially their friends should give the right advice

Girl i am your friend
and i advise you not to marry a guy who is not meditating
and if you married
and regret
well God will provide you for a better husband

but don't let your spirituality go down the drain

With Love

Sunday, 13 November 2016

paris meditation - final

Yes now about my meditation
daily with a friend

we used to wake up at 630 every day
and get it right

the very first day
i felt a wind wooshing out of my head
was at the place of the limit between scalp and forehead
i was told is the virata

was amazing sound it made
wooshing out
like a fountain

the next days we did same

i even managed to feel so cool
that i had to take a shower to warm up...
feeling cool in winter time
i abhooooorr it

with indian blood
i have to move to south
or some warm country

can't get so coolnes topped with winter time

was great disciplined
maintained during a week

I meditated with a yogi in morning
at a set time

EVEN when i lived in an ashram
NOT EVEN ONCE it happened
i was always meditating all alone

people should care for this GOOD old lady
she met mataji
and meditated by herself for SO LONG
30 years or so of meditation is NOT nothing


BUT most people make fun of her

i had a GREAT TIME with her
meditation wise
otherwise she is a sincere lady
and has like anyone some ups and downs
but is her private life
not to be told here

a friend who was being bullied
by a group of singer
told me her hard time

so while was saying me this
i imagined she was singing on stage
and her kundalini shooting up

so much that light was emitted
and her so called singer ladies friends
saw it
and shut up

guess what next day she calls me
and say
hey you know what happened
a singer lady saw my kundalini while she was performing

this is when i explained her
about the power of master
your life is liek a book
your erase what you want
and write what you want

call it my moment of insight!

ah yea
this morning as i was meditating
with my fiancé
aboutr 1h
i saw in vision at mid way of meditation
 that an angel all golden
was having an arrow pointed at the moon
and i looked at moon
then he moved clockwise to the starts and i followed it
and at the end he pointed at me


i realised hey !
is like abraham story
he looked at moon and stars seeking god
and at the end he found it!!!!



paris meditation - part 4

in first talk i heard at the ashram
was about the 21st sahasrara day or so

where shri mataji said to yogi
enough about cool breeze
is only the start


you should count them...

to know WHO you are

well despite that
such conditioned yogi
still thought is just about innocence powers...

is the very moment
i wanted to slap them

you are dumb
or what??


the power of a nuclear plant
will give you POWER aka ELECTRICITY
which YOU as ENGINEER of your LIFE
into LIGHT BULB, TV, micro wave

THAT IS POWER to be manifested

BUT AS SOON AS FEW yogis talk
about their powers
others say

yea yea
or wait is it some magician
or ah it is some show off

as token of your meditation practise

which are verily SUSTAINING YOU

WHY on earth
you want others to SHUSH IT???

sick to the bone
is due to envy, jealousy
and till they didn't do it
it has to be shushed

this is WHY
out of million of seekers of truth

only may be 1 in a million
might have developped powers
and among them only a handful few
must have become mahayogi

this is why the only thing you hear of it in this yogi group

cause you know
without salt
let it be a handful salt in your bassin
cause if you put a pinch of salt
as is the case of the concentration of salt in the sea
you may be NOT doing PROPER foot soak
let you empty you packet of salt once a week
just to be sure you put enough salt in it...

so that woman
whom i told i NEVER EVER do foot soak
may be once or twice a year
just to relax with some lavender oil


thought i was weird

and yet... i am the one who has progressed
while she has some blocages


cause as i told her
as foot soak cleanse you from your three first chakras

my walking cycles
cleanse you from ALL YOUR CHAKRAS

but dear...
is not mataji method...

is ALWAYS what i hear
see your conditioning??

unable to be your own MASTER
the yogi guy at center said
"tell us a creative method to purify ourselves
and his old yogi patriarch recentered him"


as long as you purify yourself
why are you AFRAID to use it???

cause is about putting others down
as they progressed
over your lack of mastery
and creativity

cause is all about you still sucking your Mother breast
and TIRING HER not by not becoming your OWN master

isn't it?

so when i said
my friends who did my method
felt her petal opening in her swadhistan

she used my method
not because i am her GURU
yea in  case some numbnuts think that
but because i TELL WHAT WORKS FOR ME

and you are just FREE TO TEST IT
as per the SPIRIT OF your yoga taught by mataji

and purifies you even MORE than some footsoak...
on a wider scale...

oh well...
next in the next day talk
Mataji said..  once your SPIRIT gets IMBIBED into your nervous system

you will TRANSFORM
and become a SUPER HUMAN


nothing like sour ears
never hearing what she says
and sticking to just cool breeze

beyond cool breeze
which is ....HELLO.....



and once you ARE that SPIRIT
do you THINK you are the SAME HUMAN
with same capabilities and skills?

or are you a superhuman

advising that arab girl
to may be put some cream in her butt
as it ll itch less??

cause is nice to send me a certificat
but it is not the one of your ring
her move was ONLY to look superior to me
by showing off a 10 euro ring being a 10 000 euro one

you will see within few months
she will change ring
cause she needs one which is 
one more expensive than 10 euro


anyway i love that girl
is the only one who helps me make abdos
just that move of showing off a fake ring was too hilarious for me
i even asked her to send me a certificate for her made in china clothes

so obedience she is..hahahaha
I AM YOUR JUDGE more abdos...
ah laughing too much tires my belly now
need to calm down...hehehehe

Paris meditation - part 3

When i went to the meditation center
the second day
i found it absolutely amazing
the fact the new guy
put chairs in circle mode

it looks like less of a classroom
more like everyone is EQUAL

and mostly...

that the circle ENABLES energy to circulate...
it enables you to FEEL it IN THE CENTER of the circle

they should keep it up like this every day
somehow they don't

anyway i met there back
new participants
i had met a year before

the talk of the day was amazing
for once ... no more old talk
always put on screen
usually old yogi always put old talks there
because is their comfort zone
nothing shocking
for new listeners

but it becomes their OWN conditioning
own limits..
so many talks of Shri mataji
one needed a NEW yogi as teacher
to put FINALLY - God may BREATHES - a NEW talk

best talk of shri mataji
are those in her early years
as she gives you a map of WHAT serves your BEST INTEREST


i can TELL YOU
much is MISSED by current yogis

no wonder
that most of them i met
did not progress except one or two

just look at their eyes
and face
as last ressort check their chakras
all hot

even the sweetest yogi girl i used to know
has developped so much hatred
don't know due to what
anyway she didn't flush it out of her system
she became such a sour face

this is the one that pained me most
she lost her sweetness, warmth, and innocent smiley face she had

went all the way 180° shift
from sweet to sour face
what can i say?

i laugh when i heard from her
"dear i thought you left collectivity"

i told her
"and you? you were IN collectivity
yet look at you, what happened? why are you so down now?"

her soul was severed from her spirit
apparently she says she meditates...

either she just close eyes and night dream
and play with her thoughts
hence no fruits of meditation are seen on her face
and this explains why the path leading her soul to her spirit is broken

or she does not meditate at all

so see 
is NOT because you are PART of a collectivity
that you are saved

UNLESS you are CONNECTED to your disciplined practise
with a REAL meditation
as i was or with limited company for meditation at best

don't dare to patronise me
with your "she left collectivity"

the only good guy who died
and who was yet alone
reached spirit

NOT because he was AVOIDING collectivity
or because he was PART of "collectivity"


so anyone trying to peek at me
behind my back
let me return him the favor
and let him know

unless he heals his knee cap
this will spread to his spine
and is no good

on this note
i will try to write next post
about the fabulous mataji talk i heard

KISSES to you
and yes stop backbiting with arab girl
heal your knee
my intuition has indeed grown

Paris meditation - part 2

Next days during my stay
i chit chatted with a person
just a hello-hi

very short yet pleasant conversation

one day later...
as i was brushing teeth...
the person who happened to be a neighbor rang at our door

and asked about me
"who was that girl..she was so pretty..."

i just overheard it

had it been a single incident
of an unknown person ringing at door
asking about me
i wouldn't have paid attention

but the day before
i met an old lady
that i absolutely knew not

i HARDLY sat in front of her
that she started to say that she was feeling some energy coming out from me
and touching her front part of body


when she said that
i was myself amazed
and wondered... has my kundalini become so strong
as to be able to reflect 2 meters away?

cause she was sitting 2 meters across me !!

so i decided to give her self realisation

she kept saying
"i feel good, i feel so good, is too much"

i am the one who became afraid
what if she swoons because is too much??

so i kind of stopped the protocol

and just went near her
to raise her energy

and all the way during it
she said
"you know you are a REAL GOOD person"
"i love you"

and all kind of other NICE praises

yet i aboslutely knew her NOT
nor even ever talked to her
i hardly managed to sat in front of her
and ask her if she was ok
and wish to help her with the energy she was feeling

that incident
coupled with my first day arrival in paris
the first comment i hear by my friend
"you became younger!"

another male friend
said "you look SO fresh"

no wonder the driver
was under cover of inviting me the very evening to a conference
was only trying to give me a rendez vous

so all these successive events
spoke up by themselves
that my SHAKTI  is THE ONE

that brought that HALLOW
of Youth, Beauty, and Love around me
so that from 5 people, 3 of them being total strangers to me
ended up saying praises
in a natural way

i consider these praises
to be its recipient

at least my meditation started to bear

Trees are known by their fruits
aren't they?

Paris meditation - part 1

wishing to enjoy sun and my fiancé
will make the post short :

I am pretty much happy

i managed to meditate alone
for about a whole year
never missing my meditation for more than 3 days in a row

the harder the discipline
the better result

and when i saw people a year later
except for one guy
who just married
he had such a beaming joy on his face
proving his nabhi indeed SETTLED

that i felt REAL HAPPY
for him AT LAST

on my first day
as soon as i sat
with all the other yogi to meditate...

i was sooooo cooool

that i thanked my Shakti
for having helped me
to maintain such a GREAT meditational discipline

even two ladies who worked on me
one of them said
i had all chakras COOL

so where could she work hahahaha

so i told her just work on fingers she feels
are neutral

and my hands
where so cooooool

even some friends came later
and said ok can we touch to check it


so grateful i am

collective meditation
helped me to measure back after 1 year
my vibrational state

and i have UNDENIABLY progressed!

much juicy details to come...
gotta prepare a good yummy pakistani lunch for my dear


Friday, 4 November 2016

Distance healing works..

still at job place
but had to take time out and BLOG THIS

I have some party tonight
and had a PIMPLE

a huge inflammation
coming out on left cheek
incredibly painful
and unesthetic

i am sure all girls will nods their head
in empathy with me

guess what?

my fiancé
who is a healer
i just mentioned him casually about the pimple...

he healed it....

the pimple is GONE
within 1min
first it got deflated
and now skin is FLAT


i say we all should have a healer in our purse
to flatten all our pimples at WILL

yes...Healing at WILL

Monday, 24 October 2016

Ocean waves on shores of consciousness

fresh waters washes on the shores of creation
to soothe them
and bring some freshness
a new breath
and a new life

is how the creation keeps living

though creation is one with the fresh water
which get absorbed in shore's sand
and can be reshaped into a new form

this very water evaporates
once new form were taken
as if there had never been any benefit

if no traces of water are left
who can remember water of life and fresh love was there?

even if it has evaporated
the traces left is the new shape taken by the sand
water gave it opportunity to live a new experience
and it withdrew 

Pain and Happiness

in murder cases
in movies
we see how many lives are broken
when a person is killed
is very much devastating

what happen when we do good to someone?
there too we affect not only one but so many other people
sticking around positively

but see?
this is never showed
is like in case of pain
voicing unhappiness is so much filling up the space

but why when you do good
people are not voicing as loudly their happiness?
is because they are not appreciative
they make it as if is their own happening
or some private stuff not to be shared

so you have the feel there is only pain in the world
the goodness exists not
or if it does
its flow is cut
due to lack of recognition and appreciation

this is why God says in Quran
unless you thank people, you have not thanked God

and unless you are appreciative
the flow of goodness get cuts 
as people stop helping you out
as they wear out when they see no appreciativeness coming their way

Drama W - end

there are many stuff that are really cool
in that drama

i just jot down these last ones
but i will avoid to do more parts on this drama
though is amazing

i will just update this one at best

once the main hero was back in his world (of creation)

whenever he sees someone he sees the reality
i.e.that this person has no free will of its own, no authenticity in his choice of being so,
it has been just A transplanted (idea) there from a higher will... and so he felt so much like cut from them, like isolated and unable to do the talking and usual sharing of his thoughts with anyone else

that's pretty much how i felt
when i looked around
once i came back from uk
i found no one
till one day i found that Hope

back in the drama

i found so cool that
at all new change of emotion in the male lead heart
the main female lead was bound to disappear..
(which by the way make us, the viewers appreciate so much more their transient life and passing little moments of happiness)

and so each time the woman disappeared
was a translation of the male feeling a new level of emotion

i find it translate so beautifully
how the feminine energy changes her face in a myriad of way
the face being the emotions and feelings felt by the man
and the female disappearing
merging back into the world of gods

so beautiful when you think of it this way..

so...the male lead (creation) aims at stability of his heart
not to be bound to so much changes of heart
so that the stability or equilibrium be reached
so that his wife (feminine principle from god creation) may stay with him
and stop disappearing

when i saw that

my heart really felt warmth and gratefulness
for the scriptwriters
who focused at the fragility of life
at the transience of feelings...

and the first amazing stuff
i repeat it
was when the scriptwriters depicted the time of creation slowing down to a standstill point
where everyone is frozen
except the male lead witnessing this ... who kept living.. while all his world was stopped..
and it hit me... that equals to contemplation of thoughts in meditation!!!

for life in real
is also meditation

as life is just the extension of our thoughts
what is life? except thoughts brought into action
thoughts actualised and realised ?

what is a sky scrapper?
it was an idea in our mind
then a design on a paper
then a building built...

by extension is what life is
just the extension of our thoughts

if we manage to contemplate our thoughts
we should by extension when we grow into our meditation
be able to contemplate this standstillness around us like in matrix, like in this drama W

from this very point of view
Life is an illusion

Saturday, 22 October 2016

K-drama W - part 4

the daughter of the creator of the webtoon

loved what she said to the creation (the male main lead)

that now there is no more god nor creator

let us create our story together

i found it again astounding and filled with wisdom

as a metaphor :

the girl represents the feminine principle of creation
and she unites herself with creation
as she shift from her world to his

and show that now that he has no more purpose to live
he should find another purpose
by creating a new one with her

lol she gave an idea of purpose
which is to live a romantic life
that is typical of what a girl would prefer

and the fun part
was him
asking her in 4 proposiion what kind of romance
she wanted

1-cendrillon type
2-romantic week end at countryside
3-romance in day to day life (giving space to little things with kindness in their romance)
4-erotic +18 love affair


i felt like falling off my chair when i read these proposition

he of course preferred the number 4

i am disgressing writing this here
but is for my fiancé
as the guy acted typically like him

he is all for number 4
while i was for number 3

like in the drama

the girl answered 3 using her mouth
while she had 4 fingers saying 3

lol i guess her body language was telling her inner choice? hahahaha

anyway this scene was so greatly transposed also in drama
i had to write it and wink at it LOL

back to the drama

the fact that she shifts from her world (of creator) to his (of creation)

was really beautifully portrayed in the drama
the transition was amazing
artisitically speaking
i can't comment i don't have the skill to say it
is a must see

but also was wisely used by the scriptwriter

as they use most of drama as a space to

i explain myself

in most stories
and they lived happily ever after
is show as last pic or last comment

but actually...

this is never shown over let's say majority of movie or drama episodes


as the dad creator said

being happy is boring
who would want to write such story...

besides is true which viewers would watched a boring movie
where everyone is happy ?
and there is no ups and down

nor any challenge??

but i guess is teh contrast that makes you appreciate happy and lovey dovey life
where we them both cuddling in front of a cartoon book
using it as a guidelines to pick from
what kind of scenario they want to create in their life from it

as unless you experiment pain as he did as a hero for 10 years
you can't really , you the viewer who followed him up to know
appreciate the happy parts that comes now

as is by contrast
only if pain, you can enjoy the happy moments

and you feel happy and not bored
as is a sort of reward for the hero and you too the viewer

but what i loved most above all
was the zoom in and out effect

am sure the viewers noted not

but as he was in a cartoon book

so has he taken a "romantic cartoon book"
to get inspired and CHOOSE with her lover
what day to day small kindness (cuddling, reading book, dish washingetc.)
would be best to pick up and follow

as a transient joy
and appreciate the  present moment

so a cartoon using a cartoon book
zoom in and out


plus undeniably
i love the enjoyment of little moments
yes transient moments and very casual are showed
how they are appreciated by them

normally is boring

because there are built on some tension...

tension being...that the main female lead can leave at any time
as she is not from his world...

is great!!!!

so as you have this tension on your life
you learn how to appreciate the beauty of transient moment
you learn in fact to breath life every moment

Korean drama W - part 3

At the end of the cartoon
it was like for any good story written  "The End"

the main female lead
what happen to creation when we write the end?

she asked

do the cartoon/creation go on living peacefully and we just don't know about them?
or do they stopped living ... hanging in time, like frozen?

this totally ASTOUNDED ME

cause is EXACTLY what i used to wonder when i was a kid
when i used to read a story it was always said : and they lived happily ever after

and when i never read that for a story
i resented the writer
as it did not close the story on a happy circle

like a full stop and you can keep imagining your heroas are happily living ever after contirnuously

or again
even not long ago
even 4 years ago i saw myself doing that :

when i use to leave my room
i would turn my back quickly
and check if everything was in the same place i left

lol you would laugh
but i used to think ok if i turn my back
may be the things get animated
as i removed my sight from them
so how can i know what happens if my sight is not there to witness them

well see
is same in that drama
and that hit me
as i thought i was watching my self worrying about such stuff
is so funny when you see yourself in someone else as essence i mean

the next amazing point
the female lead part of the world of creators/gods

was drawn to the creation place
as teleported
cause the creation kept thinking about her
so is the law of attraction which is shown

the creation the young guy
is her own creation
when she was a kid
she imagined the ideal lover

and as she put her desire on paper
and drew him

lol...word play now but real
she got drawn by the creation

so this metaphor
if you see it as such
shows you

you get what you wish for
as you energise your desire
somehow at some point
by magic they or you cross each other path

is so true
but when i read the comments of the reviewer

they all wrote :

ah if only was true
ah if only i could jump also in my preferred movie

yet is true
is just they take the movie as exterior to their self

but their own life is a movie
and they are all their own life hero
and god and goddess and creator and creation

is just the shift of the observer
that hapened not
for them to realise is


so they never started living their life
in that realisation
and thus in all awareness

Korean drama W - part 2

in the next episodes
here are some sailliant points that i like in that drama
no need to give context is clear enough for those who watched it
and have a bit of spiritual interest :

when the creator of cartoon drew something
it did not hapen according to his will
as the creation (main lead) would by pass his will

ex : he drew him drowing
but he never get drowned
as his will to live was stronger as the one of dying for no reason

so his subconscious ... kept dreaming of being killed in river han... but he fought with his free will and stayed in his conscious world where he had little but still use his God/creator given free will vs whispers pushing him to accept suicidal thoughts

this is true
in reality too
people who choose suicide
do it because they became overcome by such whispers
but they know not
so using their free will
they think is their own thoughts
and commit it..

 yet the main lead kept having nightmares about him drawning
so this proves that our dreams are not "false"
as they are in our subconscious who keeps being rewritten by
whispers from high/lower realms

this is is called in islam waswas
whispers that hit you when you sleep and somehow
interfer with your free will and control you

even though the creator is hit by the free will
of his creation
still he realises that his free will is
this too is part of his creation

as he created him to be by nature
strong willed...

i found that U-turn amazing lol
if i can name it so

and i liked how the creator explained
that even his Desire to live in accordance with moral law and in all clean consciousness (Dharma)
is so because was his will to give him this desire and attributes along with it
so somehow his desire for permanent quest for truth and thus this nature of him is also predetermined

this is why i was told once
youcan't give desire to someone for truth
is something innate
you have it or not

i found this deepness tackled by the scriptwriter amazin
i have been told that as korean have a buddhist background that may explain
them dealing with such deep topic in some drama

i say there is more to it
cause you need a backing behind
surely some spiritual master or teaching
to get you along the path

cause is a drama
means a collective work
from script writer to conveying the right feel to all the collaborator
down to the actors

so some stable and constant backing
should be to support them to do such precious drama
spiritually speaking

along the line of the drama

we learn the trauma through which the young man went through
as creation was created
to make him strong willed

so he spent most of his life till then
to look for the culprit of who killed his parents
and was told there is no one to blame for

as this is a trauma created to make him strong

this too shattered his world
as his life purpose was broken
as he lived to find a culprit
so now he had no more purpose to live

he was told that
you can become a hero (of your own life/udnerstand it as a person in charge/a master)

on through living this trauma
so that you become the hero ONLY when things are unsolved
he was told
who wants to go through hardship if he stays happy?

that won't exist

so trauma are created for you
to seek for solution
thereby gaining in desire for truth
thereby becoming the hero of your own life
(is my adding and interpretation of course..don't assume is written so openly in drama lol)

i like some quotes such as :

you being a killer was not visible
as you held a pen (pen of creator) isntead of a gun

is what is said about decision maker
they make decisions about who should live and die
but of course they are not the end users
those who hold the guns to follow their will

i found the korean script writers
have very great ability to write clearcut sentences with much deepness
is inborn in their culture

yes an inborn eloquence and wisdom

anyway to challenge his predetermined nature of never going against Dharma
that he was given by his creator

he tried to kill his creator
but did it with half will
one strong enough to show if he wants break free from control he can
and yet not really aiming at killing as is definitely not his nature

again what a paradox
did he manage or not to go against God will
yes for the show of rebellion and no in real
as at teh end, he did not kill him as his own nature prevented him to do killing

found it amazing

there is no meaningless scenes in that drama
all is there for a purpose
and fit in the greater image created by the drama

Friday, 21 October 2016

Korean drama W - Eat or be Eaten - Reality vs Illusion

I am at shock
is stupendous

listen..i first HAVE TO PRAISE

KOREAN movie makers

they are the EPITOM of BEAUTY
they have totally opened up cinematographically speaking and soulwise
a whole new era

as much as i am profoundly touched by such avant-guardist skills
technically and from awareness point of view as much i am literally bewildered
by the TOTAL LACK of recognition by the western world of their artistic breakthrough

This blog as you know
is a spiritual related blog
if i praise K-drama meaning Korean drama
is because they have their total share there

is the second drama that hits me really profoundly
by its beauty and awareness

i won't be able to say all single stuff that i found beautiful
though i really wish
to feel i am not doing injustice to it

but this will kill the beauty if i dwell too long
so i will just brush it up quickly
what you may find by yourself later and more deeply

First of all
the Drama is named : W

i see if as two V intertwined
to represent two parallel worlds
linked, overlapping into each others

one world is a cartoon
the other world is the "real" world
where the cartoonist is the creator ...

the main lead of the cartoon
was so far a puppet of the "Creator" lol
he started to get glimpses of "truth"
which made the creator afraid

as the creator saw he lost control
the readers are the eaters..of energy

all i am writing
makes perfect sense to me
as it matches my cultural knowledge about extracts on spirituality i read
and had not understood so far

such as why we are considered as food for gods and demi gods :)
seem funny to write it
as i try to read it from your viewpoint

but is not funny for me
as i am a bit versed into it

or also
why in Quran
God is called the "Creator of creators"

or also
why when you progress into spirituality
you have forces of adversities attacking you

this last one is the most recurrent one for me

as is exactly what happens with me
but spirit could tell me this hundreds time
EVEN IF i believe is TRUE

from my point of view
i could NOT encompass it

but this drama...
is sure in itself has a breakthrough
far better than matrix in clarity and coherence to convey the Message
(anyone ever wondered why we also speak in religion of messengers? it always bothered me
i kept wondering why messenger, which message? as i could never clearly state the inheritance of this message by humanity..meaning message is lost, or hidden, or again forgotteen with time..while people grab spirituality or religion in a brainwashed way)

too much to write here to give you context of my own references
through which i deciphered the meaning of this Message from the drama

so drama in itself is great...and i praised it from all angles
but what counts is for YOU TOO to KNOW your own references
to have QUESTIONS in your-self
to be able to SEE the solutions when they are here in front of you

if no questions-no solutions are seen
and message ever will be revealed to you

so the beauty of this drama
is that it showed to me
how our world is a world which is a food for the other world of higher beings called gods or demi gods

as in this drama
the main lead was the food for the readers ...

because his life was open and read and chewed by the readers..feeding themselves with his emotions..

in the drama the real girl going into the cartoon
explains ... the chapter changes happen...only when YOU change in emotions...

so... it hits me
the whirl of emotions we are in...the more..the better

this is why we live more and more in a world which is faster
the faster you move
the faster you experience
the faster you provide space to get new emotions
that are indeed, and believe me, eaten, fed upon by other beings from the other sides

this you see it very briefly in matrix , i think is with the hospital scene

this is also why i was taught
that i go for the experience of enjoying of life (called dunia in islam)... instead of the ENJOYER (the afterlife...TRULY GOODLY explained by the metaphor of the other side , the one of the Creator of the cartoon...)
SO being the enjoyer, the NATURE of me as enjoyer is BLISS
and WHEN i discover it is real REALISATION
and is the real JOY

but see?
unless you have can't have ask questions and thus to get space
to be provided with solutions

again i am amazed at the deepness of such drama
at the commitment of such producers and script writers
are they real seeker f truth?
so much details and continuous logic and ESPECIALLY going till the end of as much as they can
of their desire to know

i am really bluffed by them
and even more bluffed by the fact that this is brought to TV
i mean who on earth gives care to such stuff in western world?

open tv or american movie
is just trash or just one or two punch line of empty wisdom here and there
like a glitch in a flat/dead encephalogram ...

Korean drama are alive
they proceed from some collective desire in the production field
to seek for a better life in truth...
they have a soul...really

in France, never i watch a french movie or drama...
is so vulgar in vocabulary and in its filming is so sadly empty
no soul

at least the american one
have action and the art to make a SHOW
but that's it
it remains a show
once gone you gained nothing
actually lol you fed the other world with your emotion watching movie hahahaha

because in France, hierarchy, oligarchy in this field
killed the creativity
the love for expression, letting a person striving for answers express it

this is the reason why ... all this

so when in the drama the main lead in cartoon realises...
realises his world is fake...
his mind shattered

and he saw all his world stop
like in matrix time so slow
that you can move

(is like in meditation now it hit me
when you meditate
you are witness
so you contemplate:!!!!!!!
WHO KNOWS that it is all a "cartoon" not real
everything STOPS...
this is why there is NO TIME in the spirit world...

but see? i never felt this in meditation
only ONCE in dream-vision
where i felt the emptiness is not empty but FULL )

i had never understood it
i mean i could see the logic in itself
without seeing the meaning of the bigger picture and its link with me
as a seeker of truth in my own life

so it is so incredibly shocking me
when i saw the yogi not EVEN seeking for this...
stuck in enjoyment instead of the Enjoyer

a person who knows not
that there is something higher to aim for
and think he has arrived..
i think is in greater danger than an ignorant one
who has never sought for truth

cause he is killing truth
and not breaking through
instead he goes back to a deeper sleep
and heading for a real trauma to come...
to wake him up

so in cartoon
world around him stopped
and he could then decide by his free will
how to ''''change"""" and avert issues

that is the power of creation in action

what from the slow motion point of a view
of a frozen guy unfrozen
we would call it magic...

see now?
same stuff yet two names

lol it makes me laugh
in cabella i used the world "magic"
the young there lol freaked out
thinking i was some witch

and yet they have such huge ego
because they call themselves born in yoga
let me laugh

misplaced ego
total ignorance
and fear about what you claim to revere
because is the religion of your heart
that you were born into??
and yet you are afraid of it
you slander it
calling it some witch
plus you are IGNORANT of it???!

give me a break
so deluded and hapy to be deluded!
bottomless pit of ignorance

this is why i prefer ignorant people
to spiritual people stucked in ignorance
at least the former have still hope...

see so much discrepancy
when i see all that
i even wonder if any of them
could ever read this blog

am is it too much advanced stuff?

ah in that moment
i desire some korean producer of that drama
or scriptwriter read my blog
and at least i would get someone who undertand
what i am conveying as message...

so his life stopped...
meaning...i got the meaning this time

time or life stopped in slow motion
like in matrix...

HE REALISES his world is fake
this is the real menaning of REALISATION  or ENLIGHTENMENT

when your egg shell crack open
by this trauma of really WITNESSING THIS KNOWING THAT
is that very slow motion and stopped

(and now i got the meaning of the Eye of Cyclone
where is all silent in center and still... from this viewpoitn!!!!)

not because it was alive in first place
but because you were all along the main LEAD of your movie, cartoon...drama!

cause you were the god, the creator
hence the meaning of God being the Creator of creators

in all the zooming in and out levels of creation
like the mirror in mirror
or the drama in drama
or the fractal world

if you are acquainted with respectively religion, arts in literature and painting, or science
just grab any field you are interested in
make it your profound and keen field of learning , questioning

and you will get your answers for sure

as i do with this drama..

so everything stopped
the MOMENT he realises is fake
because once you do not believe anymore
you STOP BELIEVING in fake world, in illusion (that everything has power over you)
then you realise there is only you
so is how the meaning of being your OWN ONE AND ONLY (Master/GOD) is actualised

right now
my heart cries out
and really wonder if anyone reading
is getting what i am writing?

does it shatter some illusion?
depends of your context i say
have you keenly with your truest and profound desire
questioned a field that you love
and sought for answers?

if yes, then what i write makes sense
if no, then if i were you, i would worry
because it means
you are satisfied with a fake life, that you know not is fake
so when the next trauma comes
and it WILL come
as you are the food ..

you have to move on

as spirit told me...

Move with desire
otherwise pain will force you to move on

as space is being used
you are a merchandise in a way
a food
from which emotions are food for others

as said in the drama
at the very beginning
when the creator became afraid that the cartoon started to move with his tiny but real free will...

He wrote behind the card representing a beast...

"I prefer to EAT than to be EATEN"

see..this is the fear of the creators realm
to disappear
if the creation becomes free willed

and this is why too
there are forces called forces of adversities
popping up and preventing us
when we seek for real truth
for that real constant practice of meditation

cause they want us not Free

as Jesus said
Truth will Set you Free

and in the cartoon, the main lead
set himself free and walked into the higher world
leaving behind a world where time is stopped, a world who has stopped functioning
because everything, was just linked to him
imagine invisible ropes linking you to everything
to people, to parents, job places, even objects

aren't we told everything is God energy? everything is divine?

that we are the image of God ... all the world tied to us with this invisble ropes (fractality division i call it)
is my image

my life is my image
of my belief

if i am pure
then i will be attacked

if i meditate i will be stopped

because the creation wants not to die
not to be left behind...
so it ll revolt

because teh creators feeding themselves from your fears, emotions
wants not to die by losing you
as you are their puppets or creations
as long as not re-owning your mastership

need to be sure for the first hypothesis though..
not sure

if i believe i am not my own master
then the world keeps going on

...but if one day i awaken...this world die

Everything will perish except His Face (Quran)

Monday, 17 October 2016

Macchiato, Americano, Capuccino and Lotto!!!

since 2 weeks
i was dreaming to buy some coffee machine
Krupps is my preferred brand

also had seen some movie
where the main lead was just working to become a barista
so i was all the way hearing coffee, espresso, americano, machiatto and what not!

am not at all into all these names
got head swirling hearing them

this morning i wake up
and so a widow popping up on my screen
was an ad giving an online opportunity
to win the lastest coffee machine

i tried it
and of course server was SO LOADED
that it was impossible to even log in
i said is ok let's persist

still nothing
surely we were thousands on it

my smartphone started to call a contact of mine
though i had not even open the call section
not even the fast dial option
ah my blessed friend...
picked up the call
and as soon as he did!
i told him what was going on

he said
"i order you to win"


but what happen!?!

I WON!!!!


total amazing!

while time of winning the coffee machine was clearly OVER
and for 2 hours i tried prior to it non stop
yet...not working

and all of sudden he answered back the call 
and said



yes i had to kiss my Smartphone
so happy i was of its initiative
even my stuff are taking the lead for me hahahaha

PLUS YESTERDAY i was thinking
hmm would like to win at some online game
i like new challenges where i win hehehe

wishes fulfilled !!!

and guess what?

here i come
machiatto, americano, cappuccino and what not
hmmmm ... smelling it good in advance !

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Meeting in Unison

Having gone through some social scalping
i.e. some natural social flushing out
of so called friends

here is what i liked

that the rare persons i am in touch with
when  they speak to me

is like i feel
literally speaking
they are touching my soul

and when i get in touch with them
i only have the excitement
of expecting good


because now
i live for myself
no more for the others

so when someone comes to me
i know is for the light they saw in me

and not because i was wasting my energy out
to help unappreciative people
sucking my energy
getting its benefit
and yet giving back nothing

in return

the giving back
i am talking of

is the sharing of your presence
without some planning
playing like a movie
in the back of your brain

so yes
i wrote this blog
because i felt as if my body was some net of energy
and when i was contacted
by few new people

it felt they touched the net
lol call it field of energy
whatever you want

and it felt like a chord singing
inside of me
may be like a musical instrument
and i felt warm and happy inside

and i realised
as of now
i can only expect good encounters
as my philosophy of life has changed

i frequent myself for myself
and those who happen to cross my path
just happen to be good
cause they saw my light

so there is some inner music
in that kind of meeting

that starts playing
i start to feel it

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

B-day Love message

and lastly but not the least

on my B-day....

it sucked
i was working

should have booked my vacation
but is ok
tomorrow I AM COMING ......!!!

my lovely South

hmm... yes

as it sucked to work on your B-Day

i just went outside to buy my lunch
and out of nowhere in the queue
a stranger
an old guy behind me

"hey !! Happy Birthday !"

it made me smile
i felt a bit startled
cause the cashier said it not
so out of where the man said it?

that single event
aims to prove that

the Universe KNOWS IT

and it showed it to me in that way

so is later i realised
that it is a Certainty that develops in you
when you realise that Universe knows it ALL

so if one believes in that Unity and Oneness
in that Knowing of it all

i felt it could be real amazing
to live life from that place of knowing that Universe knows
and paves the path ahead of time for you to be able to walk on it
but is only in such moments
with that kind of perspective that one sees it
otherwise you take it for a granted routine

so kiss to the Universe
that sent me that Love message

My Smart Kitten Billy

I love Billy

Amazing Kitten
who has found his next LUCKY owner

that new owner will be REAL blessed with it
i tell you

a friend of mine
even told me
having seen Billy in 10 years time
and sending me a message

"I love you"


now what prompted me for this new post
on my busy working schedule today???

is my Billy
what he did

as i was busy working
he jumped on my smartphone
out of nowhere

same time i put him away
"let me finish work biillllllllllllllllllllllyyyy"

and my mobile keyboard was erasing all i was writing

i COULD NOT believe my eyes

so i put back my smartphone...

and grabbed Billy
before he does another sportive jump


While i was writing
"sportive jump"

from behind my laptop into my arms...



so back to my story
i grabbed BILLY
before he does his jump
and kissed him loads
i took smartphone to finish my writing
and of course it was working back perfectly!

i was about to work on laptop
and AGAIN Billy on the keyboard

all of sudden i looked at the screen
and was typed in google search bar

"FERMER ..................... "
"CLOSE it......................"

that was SO AMAZING

THAT I grabbed my smartphone to take pic
and the mischievious cat!!! he erased the page!!

he closed it!

i tell you guys

my Billy is indeed a Lovely SMART
beyond MEASURE Kitten

and is .... REAL blessed
but shush.... can't tell why :)


the lover of cats


back to my work now
am serrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriously late

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Marriage : Look at the Garb of woman

This morning in vision
i was shown
about true matching of people
made by Elders, WISE elders
in India

they used to look
for the Garb of the potential wife
ie they looked at her Shakti
and Abondance flowing

if they saw her garb was full
they matched it for the guy
otherwise move on

then i was told
now the matching is not done so
people pick up ignorantly
just looking at beauty of woman

while Spirit told me later
Shakti make a bride to be de facto beautiful
so no need to worry about beauty

Look at her Garb

now the old age equals to being Elder
or wise Elder

as SPirit told me
dumb young
dumber older


and then i was shown
two seeds/grains
which could not mix
they just hit each other

so i was told
it represent
male and female energy/seeds
which are once not correctly matched
not mingling in each other

so were unfortunately
the matches done in Cabella

one should trust our destinies
in advanced yogis...

time will tell

Kitten Smitten with Love

i was given a cat
by a friend
who had to move cities

a baby cat

actually i picked him up
there were others too

but when i saw him
i saw nice light
he was brighter than others

so i picked him up

he is a very special cat
was about to give one of his secrets
when the line got erased hahahaha
so of course i won't give his secrets out
not even a tiny bit

except that whoever gets him
will get a Great Blessing in disguise
sorry can't tell you more

just remember
if i can gift a flower
that never fades ...

what about a cat
who is a Living Being...

i put his ad out
the lucky one who gets him
will be real lucky

i can't unfortunately keep him
as i travel loads

but he is very special and cute above
any other kitten ;)

and that's his and my secret

kisses to the Lucky Owner !!!
bets are open

Saturday, 3 September 2016

I met a Vampire

i met a vampire

a vampire girl
like a spider
she weaves her net
night and day

taking her soon to be victim
in her empathy

then she threw the insect into the web
call all of her pals
to witness her meal

like a vampire
she teases
exposes and ask accounts
to the targetted victim
so she thought

in front of everyone

getting ready
to use peer pressure
in public
to confuse her meal to be

she inflates like a hen
trying to fly with useless wings
seeing herself cheered up
and applauded by her peers

told you
you are fat
you can't fly with fake wings

getting ready to enter the web
and eat her target

in the meanwhile

her karma surfaced
and she got stomped
by a Maha Buddha
in her trail

i heard a creak
and understood she became
some ants meal

Beware my little vampire
too much greediness
will make you fat

fair enough
for you are the next meal

Kisses to my ants' meal;)

Friday, 2 September 2016

Lao Tse

A week ago
as i was resting
i saw in vision the face of a chinese traditional scholar

i had no clue whom he was
given his face and the feel i knew was a scholar

after i saw two students walking under rain

the scholar smiled

and i saw his moustache and smiling lips

was told is Lao Tse :)

and the rain was the Shakti

felt really happy to see him smiling

so was encouraging me in my practice :x

The White Elephant

by sheer luck
i saw some broadcast about marriages
being done among yogi

as spirit told me
one INDEED got matched with a woman from Holland
and she is nearing her 50s lol she cheated somehow on her age

i was awe struck
to see that was SO PRECISE
it happened as i was told

i wish i can develop such awareness
while being awake

but for now is just in dreams or visions
not in "real" when i am awake

for the other people
i won't make comments
is their destinies

but for sure
those who match them
they should really really be great in checking vibes
cause they have destinies of people in their hands...

so sad affairs.

after i got asleep

in dream i saw a white elephant
who was standing like for some show case
in middle of yogi crowd
and he was in a way "jailed"
as his paws were put in some glasses of water
so that he stays there and moves not

at some point he fell trying to free himself
the people around got afraid
of him racing them..
and disorder came

people started to race all over

i was not affected by it

i was just not understanding their fears

and in dream the spirit told me
the white elephant is the Innocence which will be lost...
the white elephant is the spirit

and this was about the marriages taking place

the Innocence is being lost

is not auspicious

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Looking back at my life

I have to write
some Praise about Spirit
from my experience

again as i was flipping through old files
i realised


hardly nothing at first
except when i arrived by the end of the road
and could not see anything else
to help me grow spiritually

PAIN started
the pain of knowing something BEAUTIFUL exists as new world

the pain of
even guessing is inside

the emotions of pain
RECORDED IN CITTA/ in my consciousness
that kept popping up
every day
and even stronger
and making me ill to death

only God knows
how ill inside i was
as He healed me later

and then the pain
of knowing that FAMILY see the pain
but they think they are helping
by wanting you to be like them

cause is what you are
when you want others to look like you

in truth.

and what was GOOD

I gained health
I got saved from pain, and painful memories

cause i experienced how even strong spiritual teachers
are human being after all
and according to their selfishness they are not matching
what only your own SOUL can match

i had realised how selfish a person could become
i realised how the HUGE issue of sufi was the EGO
speaking of Ego and yet not telling you that nothing is bad about ego
except that you are just missing the reality of your own true nature that is Spirit
and that could be revealed and remembered by you in a gentle way

instead of being mocked at
or creating some inside group elitism
illness that i also saw in the so called yogi organisation
rule of thumb organisation is a plea
stay away from it

once spirituality gets organised
be sure it will become some sort of sect at worse
and hold much limitation to your progress at best

groups and a teacher
YET are MOST important to create a GOOD ATMOSPHER

cause it is what i partly miss nowadays

now my current limitation is
spirit does let you FREE
with your FREE WILL

but what i miss most
are real guidelines to feel inspired day by day
so that the next day i become a better version of myself than the day before

i feel i am missing
that motivation to wish for more
as i feel quite broken by what i saw so far of people behavior

what people most lack
is honesty, sincerity and the willingness to give others some space to be themselves and shine their own light

but truthfully speaking
i have no more wish to shine my light
cause i can let it shine
but no one really sees it
nor partake in it

at least
i am grateful that i have a good vision of myself when i look back
at what i was and what i am



Past and yet near

Time is a very bizarre experience

As i am doing some Spring Cleaning
lol better call it Summer cleaning now

and i was seeing all my past reminders of experiences
reports, writings, travels etc.
i realised is soooooo old
as if was another life time

and yet
when i think of my past
like school, college years, even 3 years ago
it is like was yesterday

Time is really a weird stuff

Waters of Illusion and the Witness State

This morning
as i woke up
i saw in a vision

that i was sitting
in a circle with other people
who were demi-gods

and in that circle
my cup was being passed from one to another
but i noticed
that they were pranking me
in the sense
that each of them
took like water or dust from behind his back
which was hidden
and replaced the water of my cup

and at the same time
i - i.e. my attention - who was in that water
or rather i would call it the plasma
changed "colors" or forms or object of attention
rather, the world, in the water changed
and my world that my attention was engrossed in/ or was living it changed as well..

at some point when
each time a new plasma was put in
it was as if i switched from one drama to another
or from one water to another
or from one issue/play to another
or from one world to another

and at some point i caught myself
from the outside/as a watcher
what was happening
they were the ONES doing it!


at some point
i said to myself
they are taking me for a stupid person?
how long they are going to make me turn in circle
while my attention kept following their drama
from one hand to another

so i blurted out
"now stop it, i know you are exchanging
my water with yours"

and then the guy
who was the demi-god in charge
"she is clever as she knows what was going on"

i wanted to slap him
just for having annoyed me with that game

end of vision

from what Spirit told me
this scene was about reincarnation
how we reincarnate from one life to another (waters)
and the cup being our true self
that i kept forgetting
and was hard to remember
as once you are "in" the water
you can't possibly look at yourself from the outside
unless you have developed this witness state

so in that terms
is an auspicious dream
as it means that it announces
the end of reincarnation
as i could see the trick
played by the demi-gods
who are somehow in charge of the rules of reincarnation

and that is
once you enter the game/matrix
then you play by its rules
and that is you accept to abandon
the knowledge of Who you are
to be able to play and experience the illusion

cause is antagonist state
by nature, spirit who KNOWS
can't be played by dramas
so if you KNOW you can't experience
as The Witness is by nature detached from the illusion

is only when you abandon
that Heavenly State of Witnessing and thus of experiencing pains and all
that you can be "in" the waters of the drama/experiences

but then
the whole game
is to REMEMBER who you are
that is that Witness

i feel i have had enough visions
which explained me the rules of the game
and had enough of good dreams giving me glad tidings of the end of my reincarnation

would like that this be actualized
and experienced in real too...

cause i am not that PATIENT
i may end up slapping a demi-god in next vision


Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Eternal Love

To my Otherworldly Soul mate
Who has the Shiniest Soul
and the insanest Challenging Behavior


It's a beautiful feeling
What we got deep inside
We got a flame that will last forever
Together you and I

Such a rush of emotions
There's no way we can push it away
Cuz they'll never tear our love apart
Our bond will never break

Do you believe in the power
Of everlasting love
We can make it if we stay together
Our love is just enough

Promise me this forever
We'll always stay this way
We can start at the end of time
And do it all again

Oh my love
I'm all yours
And there will never be another one
‘cause I'm eternally yours
My heart's a flame
And it's burning in your name
Even through the sands of time
My love will always grow
And I won't let go

No matter if you're near of far
Our bond will never break

Promise me this forever
We'll always stay this way
We can start at the end of time
And do it all again

Oh my love
I'm all yours
And there will never be another one
‘cause I'm eternally yours
My heart's a flame
And it's burning in your name
Even through the sands of time
My love will always grow
And I won't let go

It's a beautiful feeling
We've got deep inside
And there will never be another one
‘cause I'm eternally yours
My heart's a flame
Such a rush of emotions
Burning in your name
We can't push it away
Even through the sands of time
My love will always grow
My eternal love

Riding the Boat of Breath ..

Such a nice sunshine...

Do you know why at times we feel toiling
making efforts to get things done?
and feel tired?

and at other times
there is no effort
you just do your stuff
it is smooth and flowing?

because it all depends on who rides the wave of your Breath


Your breath is a given.
but there is a battle for it
among your soul who is the rightful owner of it
who has the full right to ride the Breath

and the others' pestering throughts
which are the alien entities
alien as in "not your soul"

so when you feel tired
is because these entities / thoughts
are battling to ride your Breath
and your body feels this battle
and it gets tired

but when your soul expression rides it
as it is the rightful owner of the Breath
it is all smooth and fast
like there is no time
and is Eternal Shipping to the Horizon of Life

and you breathe slow and deep and effortlessly.

But when there is attacks from thoughts
your breath quickens
because it is stolen by the other entities
they rush to ride the Breath

the more you breathe out
the more you die to the hands of other entities

this is why in meditation
your breathe slows down
cause your body gets in touch with its soul
and let the soul rides its rightful divinely provided boat of Breath

The Breath and the Soul

Right now
i am feeling such a vastness in belly
its upper part feels warm and joyfully fizzy
like when your pour some coca cola in glass?
lol and it feels popping up in joy ?

my belly feels same
right now

it is fizzily joyful
and feeling vast and warm
and that warmness is so much expanding
that it feels like my eyesight is also expanding

actually is the both ballons on top of head
removing themselves from your face
which make your vision expands

this is why the prophet muhammad
could see behind his back
as mentioned in hadith

or when he was being given birth
his mom at delivery could see pillars of some palace in syria or egypt
i don't remember so well

or when he received revelation from Angel Gabriel
he saw everywhere he turned only the Angel Face even at the Far off Horizon

cause is the vastness of the witnessing state of the Spirit
when you are getting out of your identification of your body
and witnessing your limitless existence
of the True Spirit

and while writing that
i feel so much love going up from the belly to the heart

it feels like the belly is a jar
filled with waters of love
and that this pool of loving waters
are streaming upwards
against the physical rules of the Gravity
which are pulling man soul even more on lower astral levels

and when that current of Love
or river or stream of Love goes upwards
it enters your heart
and the heart feels so full

and from the heart goes forth the Order of softness
reverberated back to the belly
and the belly feels even more warmness and fizzy love inside it

is a sort of self nourishing cycle

Self nourishing cycle
like in "nourishing the self/soul"
or like in "nourshing itself"

i guess i can only write
but unless one feels it
this has no comparison to read it from someone else

and i feel very much liberated inside

this happened
like i won a battle over myself

here is the story
over the past few days
i have been dealing with say average people
i.e. who are non realised beings
on a project of saveguarding animals

and during this project
there was the pro animals and the against
i was in charge of the pro side

thing is
i can quickly grasp people's thoughts and intentions
even when they don't speak
is very bewildering
because i know their subconscious "thoughts"
the thoughts they are not aware of

so i had a hard time
to not blame them for their ignorance
you may not realise it

but is hard
to know
and yet not to blame

because see?
people are ignorant
is not a negative word ignorant for me when i use it
is a factual word
ignorant means for me
that they truly ARE clueless about their subconscious prompting
and how their subconscious is affecting their conscious and thus their behavior

prior to that knowledge
i used to feel driven to show people their behavior
in the hope that they want to change
supposing that they want to improve

but when yesterday
i saw this vision
i realised truly what was to LET GO

to LET GO for me now
stems from this vision

by the way
while i was writing this prior lines
i felt so much loving energy moving lovingly in my left swadhistan


lol so funny that a part of body, feels love?
so weird..

back to my vision ...

i saw that each of my breath
i.e. when i breathe out
it was like a boat
an invisible boat to the eyes
and that boat was carrying "parts/expressions of my soul"

soooo beautiful and poetic
i found this vision was
is very refined see?
is like a soft petal of flower
upon which you see morning dew

is fresh, fragile and beautiful vision
you can only feel marvelled by it

so after this vision
my inner voice
explained me
not in sound but in images

your breath carries your soulful expression of what you want to give/share with Life
and it goes out of you in invisible format (to your eyes)
but then it is returned back to you..
and that time in a denser format
i.e. in what we call fate
so that you may experience what you sent out of you
back to you

see? how beautiful is that?
this is why what you give is what you receive

this is the boomrang effect

Gives good out of to Life
and Life or God will return it back to you 20 times more or in an unlimited way more

it is said so in the Hadith Qudsi
because the amount of what you give to God/Life
is equals to the sincerity of your desire when you breathed your Life out
ah i feel like dying of Love writing this
because i see it while i am writing it
is so beautiful

it feels like a lovely feathery dream
all soft and pretty

but see?
again, if you send out to Life
complains, anger and try to convince people to change their behavior
you are sending out the expression of your soul
so you are asking for Life to answer the request of your soul
which is to see an answer to your complain, anger and argumentation

in that case
Life ONLY reflects back like a mirror to you
what your soul sent forth as experience request

so then
i realised while being shown this

isn't it better
that i use my breath to EXPRESS what my SOUL REALLY DESIRE ?

you see
telling someone what you dislike and what you want them to change
is still not you
is your REACTION to others' presence/thoughts
so is you being a slave/prisoners' to others' thoughts/behavior
i.e. is you being a channel of reaction to their thoughts
so you are following others thoughts
expressing only opposition to their thoughts

your breath is NOT carrying your SOUL DESIRE
your breath is ONLY carrying their thoughts

in that case
your breath is only stolen
by other entities
who are living through your breath
and you will get hit back by the very thoughts you opposed..

is a kind of self beating LOL
this is why the only person that hurts you is only yourself
and never the other

so beautiful vision of Life

EXCEPT MYSELF who decides how to live my life

in that breathing out your Soul Desire vs thoughts of others

and this is how
when i saw this

my inner opposition to these people's way of behaving and acting
just got dissolved ...

cause as i realised how the amount of breath is numbered within me
as once this number is gone
death of body arrives

so one better breathes out our soul/light
than useless thoughts that are not even my own light
it is how my own light is stolen away from me

as others' thoughts busy this "space/breath" initially given to my soul

the breath was initially the boat given to my soul to ride
so that it may experience Life back in forms

all of sudden
i surprised myself
to see myself
just LETTING GO of what before used to bother me
and create opposition in me
resistance in me
readiness to jump for clearing up conflicts

cause it is not about caring about others
the whole stuff is about caring for your soul
when you care for your Soul to ride the Boat of Breath
then ....


and this is HOW you are of help and care to others


Love and Kiss to my beloved readers'

Saturday, 30 July 2016

The Birth of Souls

This morning just before i woke up for meditation
i was seeing in a vision
the birth of souls

i just remember this part now
the rest i forgot

i saw there was space
which was dark
and was surrounding
a sort of "place"
which was in a trapeze like form
and  it was filled with hot hot energy
you can say was like a fireplace

and the borders
which were the junction of this darkness of space
and the fireplace

this fine border
is wherefrom i could see
souls were being born

then when they were born
de facto they fell in that "fireplace"

Humorist Kevin Razy - Terror Attacks & Daesh

... the part about Daesh guy saying to a newbie"You read the Quran?" cracks me up!!!
Aberrattional ending line, where the new terrorists depicted as even more heartless than Daesh itself..
who ends up being afraid of the violence of those they hired...

use English Subtitles

Friday, 29 July 2016

Final Words

Do your best. That's all you can ask of yourself. If you did your best and things just didn't work out, you don't owe an apology to anyone. And you certainly don't need to feel 'bad' about it -- or, worse yet, guilty.


Good bye Past
I am coming New Life

Shakti Arise

No comments on the current craziness in the world
otherwise i feel i will get into GREAT depression
these are sever cases of possessions without doubt

But from what Spirit told me
is ok
the ongoing battle has been won
so there should not be any evil forces
doing these crazy terror acts

i was so sad
seeing my Europe becoming like Middle East

as one can rejoice that calm returns

i can now decently give space
to a good vision of mine
about the mediation practice

This time i was meditating at 3am
and by the end of meditation
i saw a vision of Mataji

yes yes my cute lovely spying Yogi
i SEE you
as you see,
i have not left meditation
is only your own imagination

and am pretty sure
none of you get up early to meditate
instead of getting up at 3 am
you may be sleeping at 3am
may be after having flirted with one guy or two!

hey is ok;)
but don't pretend to be IN yoga while i am OUT
cause i am more IN than you can EVER imagine...
Ponder my words..

Besides hasty judgement,
hypocrisy is what i hate most

back to my writing

Apparently as i was saying
Shri Mataji knows that i am doing GOOD in meditation
as i see her now and then

so i saw her  
she was pushing with her both hands up from shoulders
doing it several times
from neck to up 
2 or 3 times 
like you lift something?    

So she was actually 
confirming about the cycles
that i do

First you need to make SURE
your raise your shoulders
and open them wide 

once you do the cycles
you know what i talk about if you read my blog
then right AFTER you straighten your spine

and to help spine to be really aligned
you need to raise your shoulders 
so that SPACE be made to let Shakti Arise


and if you are a good girl and boy
you will see me soon 
or not ;)


and now remember me like that song...