Friday, 18 September 2015

Promises made, promises broken

i was passing by
and heard that music
that just mesmerised me

and i just stood there
stuck listening to it

this song is so melodious
is a heartfelt message ...
so well timed.

once i heard it
i felt so odd
is like everything speak to me
and really everything is alive
with messages that communicate with you
right after you ask a question

my answers were
delivered in dream

so it was delayed

but now
answers come
just like in the very moment
while i am awake
and right the corner..

is true
question and answer
are two sides of the same coin


this song is beautiful
because if you hear it well
it says to you

that promises is not about who promise you something
but when you promised to yourself something
have you ever went through it?
till the very end?

if you just do
keep ONE promise
and went through it
then it became that rose
that the song speak of

a rose structure
is that one
of ascending curves

and the rose is 
describing your path
that you kept threading
because you kept your promise

all this
made up that rose
once you look back
you saw you become that rose..

where lies
your liberation...

Song : "Promises" from the movie "The Music in Me"
Sung by : Debbie Gibson

Lyrics - that i corrected :


Promises made, promises broken
That was my song
Only song that I knew
I never kept one
My heart was not open
No but now, you see me new

The rose beyond the promise
Is all I've come to be
Because I kept that promise

Though none made to me

Promises made, promises broken
No that is not who I am
Now its all in
What is unspoken
And all can believe once again

Rejoice, rejoice
We are one song one voice
And we are free
Just sing
Sing strong
We know where we belong
No one can never break you
When you see the promise through

Promises made, promises broken
The only song
I ever knew
Now we're all in
And here with hearts opened
Standing in what's true

The rose beyond that promise
Before you, yeah that's me
And I'm delivering

source :

ps : had i said i hear and see piano everywhere? :)))

Thursday, 17 September 2015

it is Me, it is not me - part 2

and then
when i went back
every bits came back like a puzzle
and i realised that there were signs
but i could NOT SEE those
only once it was over
and his mask fell off
i realised but everything was already there
for me to see
but i was just blind to it

you know why?
because we choose to be blind
as i dislike very much treachery
i shoved it out of my life

but doing so
i ended up being blind to people
who are treacherous
so much that it shocks me
that such fraud
on such professional level
may exist

and this line might be shocking
to read
but one should love treachery

it does not mean
that i say woa cool let be like that
or how this should be promoted lol
i am not insane

to love
is to love unconditionally
it means to acknowledge its existence
and not shove it away
as if it is not part of creation

treachery and any other negative stuff
which are obviously bad are bad and remain bad
that's it

i should learn to acknowledge their existence
cause they are there
so that i may see them

this is why i repeat
this is why
i could not see the signs

how something will show itself to you
and thus protects you
if you refuse to see it
and acknowledge it?
it can't connect with you
as you refuse the connection
and its very existence

if i had acknowledged the existence
of such bad stuff
like treachery etc
then i would see their signs
all pointing at them

and once i see these signs
then i could let them be
and move on

while moving on
i can save myself from much
headache and fraud
by getting caught in the very thing i reject...

second point about this love
and that one forget
is that it transforms...
this treachery
once i acknowledge its existence
i can see it
once i see it
i can let it go
and literally move on
(go out of the office
as if i had fire on my ass lol!)

and once i let it go
then that light transforms
the ugly face of treachery
which then disappears from my life

this is why Love is IN-clusive
is not EX-clusive

when people think of separation
is because of fears of something they reject
cause they find it ugly, unacceptable

of course
is ugly
of course is unacceptable

but then what after?
you are only required to acknowledge its existence
once you do
then you can move on
let it go

on its own
do the rest of job for you
it transforms this very ugly thing
and this is why it is gone

cause you saved yourself
by yourself
from it

you are
you become your own savior

is so true
if the word savior exists
is because of the danger that exists
but if you hate so much the danger
that you don't want to acknowledge its existence
how can you use the word savior?

once when i was in uk
i remember
i was waiting at the bus stop
and i asked a question to myself
and my self answered to it
the question and its answer 
both are the same coin
is just the two faces of same coin.

danger and savior
are two faces of the same coin
you can't get one without the other

and why this ?

i start thinking
i had a very fruitful day

is funny
cause i got this answer i am about to write
to a question that i am asking only now
again it proves to me
all answers are given to us
but we do not see them on the spot

is only later
if we are lucky
we realise
we got the answer

so why this?
why getting that weird duality?
of danger and its savior?

as i was driving
i got that answer to that question
i did not even ask lol

i was driving
and saw my bracelet
which was on arm

and when i saw it
i said to myself
when i bought it
i was so enthralled by its refined designed
that i connected myself to its heart
this is why it stood out from all the other stuff
in the store

and i saw in the bracelet
that it has its own heart/light
a core
and as i connected to it
and liked it
my attention is IN it

but when i saw my arm
first i saw my shirt
and as my eyesight went from the shirt
down the way to the bracelet itself
i saw for the first time
the beauty of it as a whole
not just the beauty of its core
but the whole impression/atmospher it creates
when it is worn

then i realised on the spot
this is why God sent his light
in multitude
in so many hearts of people

is to be able to see Himself
from another point of view
so that He may perceive Its own beauty

'cause if He had just remained
on His own
HE would have known only His core essence

but as HE dispatched his light
in every single thing
then He could use the Perspective of One
to see the Other

this is why in sufism
this saying is well known
"I was a hidden treasure
and wanted to be known"
(this is why He created creation)

this is how i ended up
seeing the whole beauty of a bracelet
when i was seeing my arm

but when i was jsut seeing my bracelet
i could only see its core beauty

and then i realised
this is why in business
for i had always wondered
finding it strange
that business who are specialised in selling a product
WHY do they require market study?

if you love a product
then why asking a third party view?

your love of a product
should bring you so close to it
that you need not an outer perspective see?

then i understood
cause the company is so much engrossed
by its core business
that it NEEDS a third party to SEE
the general stuff
to get an overview
to see stuff from another perspective
to gain another global view of its product

cause attention is One
and if it is STUCK IN
then it is engrossed
and it cannot detach itself
raise higher to see the whole picture

but if attention is ABOVE
then it can rise above
and get that whole picture
and take decision more wisely

why this duality?
we need duality to see each other
without danger
there is no savior
because of the danger, the need of a savior arises

and without savior
there is no danger
because the very existence of savior, points at the existence of danger

creation has been created
to be able to mirror the existence of the other
once this existence is acknowledge
then Light/Love Power can transform it

otherwise bad remains bad
and even get worse
for the one who keeps denying it.

and i just understood
that line of quran
that i NEVER EVER made sense of

this is in 55:43
"this is the hell that the guilty one/wrongful people deny"
then the line, immeditately responding to it :
"which of the favors of God, will you deny?"

i never quite understood
what the favors were about
bad is bad
that's it

is because bad becomes even worse in our life
when we keep denying its existence
so it is precisely this bad stuff that will hit us
as this frauder
and this is the hell you kept denying

to be honest
if i try to acknowledge to myself
that all the bad stuff DO exist
then there is a certain work colleague
that i want to butt his ass
cause he is a real lazy coworker

i just dislike laziness
because it makes you break your word
and put other people in trouble
and made them hanging onto you
is so unfair

but right now
my inner self
i feel it revolting itself in my chest
and saying no no
no way
jsut butt his ass no love for him

i can HEAR my self
saying it
and even see her
crossing her arms
and pouting
and shaking her head
"no no no"
"no way! just butt his ass!"

is funny
but i have to be honest

so the solution
should be that i should acknowledge to myself
that what i start hating
i.e. his total lake of commitment at work
and sheer laziness

that i canNOT change them
so i should not be oblivious to them
they are there
that's a fact

and then
just let it go.

if the Power of Love
find is the right timing
then It would change his ass
but i can't lose precious time
and get even worse results with such a colleague

i can console myself
who knows may be he got a lobotomy?
hence his absent-mindedness?
but in truth,
he does it on purpose
i hope then he will get what he deserves.

because my inner self
is still rebellious!


It is Me, It is not me... - part 1

well it has been 3 times
this week

that i noticed
that i don't recognise
when i speak

is W.E.I.R.D.

i found myself 3 times
in a trap like situation
while i knew even not
that it is an unfavorable one

but each time
thank God,
i saved myself from long term headaches
without knowing
what i was saying on the spot
HAD some meaning

is too weird
even writing it
sounds weird

for instance
i met a service provider
who had to give me the right pass
and when i looked dubitative
just because i felt innerly a trouble
i just said
"i would prefer the former option
we discussed"
and to my amazement
he ended up
giving me BOTH passes
and asked me to choose
the one fit me most

is his job
and he ended up
saying to me
choose yourself what suits you best
never ever ever a company does that

business rule is
to just sell what your ass wants
and the way you want
and never downgrading yourself

and here
he just asked me
to go and check both options
and take the best one

i just let it go
cause i thought
though to my advantage
may be he is nuts

there was no more seat available
for my trip
i was asked just to wait for the boss
and he came and out of thin air
gave me one

and lol
my heart said no
i liked it NOT
so hehehe
this time i am the nut one

he is providing me
"graciously" a seat
when everything is booked
and i said no lol

so i asked him
if i could still get the seat
i had initially booked

you know
i asked that just because
i really felt not good
for the one he was giving me

and guess what
he did i don't know what
and i ended up with the seat i wanted

it was so fast
that myself i was standing there

this time i said to myself
you are the nuts one
move on now

and now
just today
what happened?!

i was dealing with another
service provider
and as is a new one
i ASSUMED all background check were ok

i assumed
cause i could not imagine
such fraud existing

i was about to pay
when again
i said
"please give me first the contract"

everything was about the right timing
otherwise i was in trouble

but this i knew not
how could i have guess
background check was not cleared?

plus when the guy has credibility
you don't question it
you just go with the flow
everyone is ok
so i am ok too
as simple as that

and when i said that
he just lost his face
became bitter
and i understood
is not business like manners
and he is a fraud

here is the interesting stuff
that prompted me to write this blog
is my very feeling
at what was happening

is like i could clearly see my thoughts
and i was ALL FOR IT
i had totally bought the project
all ok!
very enthusiastic and believing

so i could DURING
the negociation see myself
i mean see my very thought of
"all approved, now go for it!"

out of nowhere
i blurtted out this line
"please let me see the contract first"

and now
i tell you the feeling of it
when i said it

it was like
it was not me speaking
when i say me
is the thought "go for it!"i was SO identified with that very thought
that it was me

but when i said
"give me contract first" line
my "go for it" thought disappeared
i could see it nowhere

there was no doubt
that was a full of knowledge Me
asking the very thing that was going to be a future bone of contention

and nowhere during this time
i went through the confusion
"i go for it or i go not"

so i understand
that no doubt state means
having no clash between your mind
and your Real Mind.
the latter overriding the limited knowledge
of the former
and being so VAST
that there is no contention

contention is when your mind
gets into conflict with an inner intuition
then comes doubt
or when two thougths hit each other
then comes doubt

but the state of no doubt
is when the Mind which is Sea
absorb your mind
which is a tiny river
so no more doubt...

first time EVER i GOT IT!

so,  in my situation
i had taken my decision
i was all for it!
this is the stupefying stuff

and YET
my tongue blurted out
the opposite

it felt like
the thought which was erroneous
was not at all controlling my tongue
and that my tongue was independant
and asking on its own the truthful stuff

written like that
it may sound weird
but is all new to me too

it was shockingly clear
i did not recognsise "myself"
i.e. i did not recognise my thought i stood for
i could NOT enact that thought

my own tongue
was protecting me from my erroneous decision
and by then the I that was being acted upon
was NOT the "i" of the thought

this is very new to me
also the second very impactful feeling
i have when i thought again about this

is like a powerful
somehow all-knowing
independent speach
which POP UP
on its OWN

and the image/vision i got
when i went over it
was that of a strong current
that pop up like a geyser

and pushes up
upwards enough
so that i gained the whole picture
and uses my tongue correctly
to ask stuff which are not those i had thought of...

is truly the vision i got
and is very NOT me
is funny
i ended up thinking
would be embarassing
if one day i happen to blurt out
something which should remain hidden
just because the geyser decided to pop up
at that time

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Heavenly Music

let's listen to that Master Piece
isn't it Heavenly?

Ennio Morricone - The Mission Main Theme (Morricone Conducts Morricone)

yesterday night
as i was going to sleep
i saw a very fine vision

one note to myself
actually visions
are a bit like unexpected
good trips

is like you know not
when you got one
and when you are -in- it

actually you know not
is only once is over
that you realise
hey was real

because during your vision
i feel
one part of the mind is off
so it cannot disturb the vision
by butting in
and asking but why this
and why that

is like the mind
is shut down
so that the vision
may flow

this is why
on the spot
there is no self conscious
of what i am doing there

now the vision itself
was very elegant

so as i was going to sleep
i saw a conductor
with his baton

and i saw how
he was hearing music
from higher realm

actually i could
hear a very beautiful music
which was very quick
and clearly the notes
were coming or played
in higher realms

then i saw piano keys
being stroke
so i saw them one by one

i wanted to write them down
because the melody was very exquisite
and the rythm was quite fast

is when it hit me
i could not play piano
so why writting them down

then i saw a zooming out
such a great zoom out
that i saw the earth
and the black space all around

now that i write it
i feel was very beautiful vision
hearing the unheard beautiful notes
and contemplating earth from the universe

then at this point
the spirit told me
speaking of Itself
"[the Spirit =]I was the conductor"
"the piano keys you could see was your Witness state"
"and the piano keys being played fast symbolise your petals which are opening faster"
ah yes
and i asked what that zooming out was about
cause i ended up out of earth
seeing it from outer space
i got it!
It said
"it symbolises liberation"
isn't it the MOST beautiful good news?!

you bet
i am even more enthusiastic
to meditate lol

i feel comfy now
plus even writting this
there is such a nice scent on my tongue ...

that's real sweetness.
this is why i wear no perfume
cause i want the real one!

if i wear perfume
i always wonder
where the smell is coming from
from the one i am wearing or from the real one...

as i am hearing, seeing piano everywhere
even in my train station...
i guess i will gladly surrender
and start piano lessons :)))

Monday, 14 September 2015


i discovered a very interesting stuff
about ungratefulness

people are ungrateful
not because they see not the favor
they receive

but receive the favor
but want the favor
to happen
according to their rules
traditions and their own
cultural, or sectarian mind

cause if it does not
they shove the favor
into some forsaken forgotten
part of their mind
literally sweeping it under the carpet
once they have enjoyed it.

cause they can't BEAR
to see they could get some favor
by another means
that WORKS
other than their OWN

and so they HAVE
to ensure themselves
that they are empowered
by the Standard of God
to customise you to their image

just to be able to say
"yes yes our way is the best
it works
see ?  this is why [retrospectively]
we can show the favor to the world
and say is branded "our sect/religion..." "

BUT if the favor is not
according to their group standard
it can't be remembered
by all means it should be forgotten
cause it would be a shame
that something works
when "we" are not the maker of it!

there is a saying in quran
that says
about God
He is the best Creator of creators

is a very lovely sentence
people refuse creative power
to others
they have to concentrate all the power
as if they were the One and Only God
and others were below

just in case
they forget
there is NO such exclusivity

you should be able to enJOY
what other's qualities and favors are
without trying to customise it to your taste

for such people
i take a very great pleasure
to show them
that they are plainly and simply
UNGRATEFUL to God's favors

as my uncle used to say
wherever comes God Mercy take it
question not its origin

i love that
cause when you don't do so
you are sure you are destroying
your God given Heaven/Garden

cause you start getting at war
with God means of Mercy

whatever good and mercy
comes to your way
take it!
For God sake
just take it

and be grateful
and if possible
thank the person
who is the means of mercy
to you and to your kin

not that it pays the person
but it gives joy
to be seen

and if you are grateful
you increase your own "luck" too
and you see your own life
as being blessed

instead of ending up
in some inner lamentation
of why am i so unlucky etc

there is no unluck in that very case
you just need to be grateful
when you are given some favors
just to allow the flow
to keep coming your way

if you try to force
the other into your own image
unless this person has no backbone
and no personality

do you think
it would be happy?
once joy of the play
and its lighteness along with it dies
the flow of favors coming to you
from that person dies too

is not calculated
Grace is NOT calculated
it just feeds itself from the joy around

Sunday, 13 September 2015

New video I made "If you were a melody...then i would always love you"

oki :)
i happened to watch the movie The Holiday
starring kate winslet

the part that hit me
was that the trailer maker
was making melodies
to suit character of a neighbor (Arthur)
and speaking of Kate (Iris)
he said

which now become for me
a great memorable quote from
the Holiday...

"Iris, if you were a melody...

... this is what you would sound like" :

and he put that melody on for her

and said
"i only used good notes" :))

it just hit me.
what if you were a melody?
what would you be?

indeed the melody
was suiting her character
her benevolent role in the movie
it was shining and speaking for her

no words
but a melody

and a melody
flows so well

i could see myself flowing
on the scores of the melody
of that movie

and feeling
the wind blowing  in the movie
to anounce christmas in Los Angeles:

"The wind...
it's what makes it so warm this time of year.
Legend has it, when the Santa Anas blow,
anything can happen."

only once you get started
hehehe she went back to bed
too funny
depressive habits
hard to change lol

the cool breeze there
that was the bearer of good news

as it appeared
with the two men
who were going to
change her life
and empower her
with her dream of love

as said in it:
'anything can happen' :
and i saw myself
feeling the cool breeze
under the
Maestro soundtrack
from this movie
so good it is

so seeing
myself as a melody
on that score

and feeling
the cool breeze
blowing like a strong
inner wind
announcing the great change

empowering kate winslet
and finally
making her
realise her lead role
of 'a powerhouse'
as a woman

that inspired me
those dandelions
and swirling
marking the end of summer 

and i got inspired
for making up my own movie :x

here you go
Movie : If you were a melody...
... then i would always love you.
-by petals1000uk

for so much i value genuine character
when you sing your own song :x

ps :

in praise of the Original Movie - The Holiday
i am quoting an extract from Youtube :

[...]"iris, if you were a melody, this is what you would sound like"...i almost feel like every cord struck, hit a note in my soul, like this scene may have been 10% script,90% improvised, its just way too deep to have been part of the original script. Love it.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Turning metal into Gold...

The book that most interested the boy 
told the stories of the famous alchemists. 
They were men who had dedicated their entire lives 
to the purification of metals in their laboratories; 
they believed that, if a metal were heated for many years,
it would free itself of all its individual properties, and
what was left would be the Soul of the World.

This Soul of the World allowed them to understand anything on the face of the earth, because it was the language with which all things communicated.

They called that discovery the Master Work
it was part liquid and part solid.

 - The Alchemist
by Paulo Coelho

if likewise
you purify yourself
at the end
you will remain
with your own Pure Essence

like the metal
of its individual properties

the soul
is from the spirit

but is the manifestation
of the Spirit/Source
on an individual level

once you
purify soul
it will shed off
its "attachement"
its limited definition
of its nature
its actual identity likened
to its own properties

and once shed off

its real true nature
the spirit
will shine
and that is the
Light of the Spirit
Soul of the World
and best and
accelerated way
is meditation
in the midst of huge pain
for it makes your properties
attachement to them
melt quicker

than in your
happy every day life
when the heat of the cooking
is slower

even though
you consider our body
is the like the earth
it contains minerals
iron and other metals

the real purification
is the one  of the human being
the real transformation
is the one of the human being
the real turning metal into Gold
is the one of the human being

is NOT
about getting rich
is NOT
about transforming metal into Gold

but is about
transforming your dreams into reality
and your soul returning back to the Spirit

writing this
i feel like strangling
a certain guy i love
for he put me much
through the cooking heat


the day
i will get
the consistent
reflex to meditate
right on the spot
when that exceptional
cooking happen

i will update you

but for now
i am doing pretty well

he just makes me lose
my hair too much

guys are born
but i read somewhere
after marriage
the women make them lose their hair....


ps : if they still have them..

Dream Land

In honor of the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
i think is a must i post

i really love to read that book
bit by bit
if i read it straight in one shot
i won't be able to really taste it
good things should last long lol

i love the part
when the boy
speaks of his observation of the desert
and of the caravan

 you know why?
because i really felt love
in that part
and so much cool vibes
were flowing out of my hand
and even right now typing it
i feel real love in the heart

actually is a very mesmerizing part
when i was reading it
was like i could see
-literally speaking-

the love of the desert
surging and measuring
the love of the caravan in its trail

was as if i was in the desert
and was all silent around
and there was only
the love of the desert for the caravan
and of the caravan for the desert

is so beautiful

only a beautiful observer
can write such beautiful
and mesmerising moments.

i love
when he said

The boy thought about that for a
while as he looked at the moon
and the bleached sands.

"I have watched

the caravan as it crossed the desert," he said.

"The caravan and the desert speak the same language, and

it's for that reason that the desert allows the crossing
It's going to test the caravan's every step to see if it's in time[my notes : in perfect match with the desert own frequency- in syntony], and, if it is, we
will make it to the oasis."

is really human gift
to be able to observe
only in true observation
you can truly feel the love

now is bizarre
the english extract here
does not emit
the same love
than the french one

for once
the french one
is better translated
or the translator put his heart in it.

yes i love the part
about how the desert
"allows" the caravan
its crossing ...

because the desert
is qeenly

the caravan

and if that progress
matches in its frequency
the one of the desert

than the crossing

because the desert
would have allowed it

and when you think
that desert soul
speaks to the caravan soul
and they are both part of the
Earth Soul

it gives even more
to this Language of the Heart
isn't it?

may be as human being
if we have a dream
and consider it
being a land
like this desert
and us being this caravan

and if as an observer
before wishing to
enter and exercise rule

we were observant
of the rules
with the Observation
of our Heart

we would know
how our Dream Land
will allow us to travel in it
and reach our destination

we can invite others
into our dreams
and if they too
have this inner
good manner
and not mannerism
but this

real good manner
to be obervant of these rules
then we can teach them
how to share our dreams
and thrive in them

as dreams
are just foreign lands
yet not discovered

and as a caravan
we really need to
learn this language
of the Heart
to cross it
and reach our destination

not long ago
i have been told

a personality
equals the average
of the 5 people you frequent most.

is really true.

we should watch
whom we frequent most
and take the average
and see what we are

a step further
i would say
we should look
at the heart of the 5 people
we frequent most
and then see
are their heart
sharing our dreams?

are they obervant
of its rules
observant with their Heart?

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Universe is playing

The Book "The Alchemist"
is real good

as soon as i start reading it
i literally started to
get all my "little" wishes

so much that it felt
like living in a fairy tale...

and as i am a good girl lol
i remembered
to thank and move on
and not go into the

because if is so incredible
i can bet my ass that it will stop

for God will say
"ah yea! incredible?
ok so let it be rare then"

i should have done
a compilation
of every little thing
that happened the minute or hour

here are those i jot down
like that :

we finished our meal
and i thought hmm
would be ideal to get some
hot cup of tea
but thing is we had no time
to order
so we went out
and on our way
a free tea machine!

tell me
how on earth
a free self-serving tea machine
can be found right once
we went out of restaurant?!!

only in fairy tales
you say it
and it pop up
out of thin air

plus really
it made me feel
God cares more for me
than indeed i care for myself

cause my self
wanted that hot tea
but i did not find "time"
to treat myself well
and yet God took care of my Self
who wanted that experience
now and not later
in better way...

next day,
on the spot i needed cash
no ATM in view
lol a chinese lady
and told me
in chinese
take my cash and order
for me lunch using your card
i laughed hard

had not even to find any ATM!

next i needed to sew back
a piece of cloth
and with the lack of time
where can i find a sewing kit?

just going upstair
and guess what?
i see a needle
with the RIGHT color
of thread i needed in, in bonus...

seeing EVEN a needle
i said to myself
is really like
you ask something
and the universe play with you
it comes -literally round the corner-
and say "here you are"

hey by the way
i love that expression
in this context "here you are"
as our true nature is God
that EVEN a needle is filled
with light of God

the "here you are"
is all the more true!
here you are,
even in the needle
you can see yourself!

that is real play!

plus you know why it works?
cause i don't take it serious
i just take it as a play
"yea i would like that"
and is an honest wish
which stems from a need

not all needs are fulfilled
only if it becomes your desired one
and then indeed
you just let it go

this is why it works
plus is magical
is really like it preceeds you

now it reminds me
of God who says in prayer
that muslims know well

"ask me everything
even about your shoelaces"
i had always wondered
how would God manifest itself
to bring me a shoe lace
now i know
if God could manifest Itself
to bring me a needle,
then same for a shoe lace.

the needle example
is RIGHT hitting on the spot

and is sooooo kind!
because is like you get a gift
and in most unexpected way

so these are synchonicities
that happen for the fun of it
so if you want a fun life
then you get it

now i wonder not
IF it will get fulfilled
but i wonder HOW
'cause i am curious of the possibilities
and if it get not fulfilled
well i don't have time to wonder about
as all the time new needs are showing up

plus is really like
God walks with you
as He hears your need
and then
like he runs ahead
letting you there
and go to fulfill your wish
it feels like so

or like
i find myself
trying to look around
is there someone who is playing it
and is invisible?

like that time
as i told you
the alchemist book
is like you read it
and as you believe in it
is like you are blessed by its blessings

so what i loved in that book
is being attentive to signs

around us
i just read it and loved it
and paid not more attention
more than that

and during my day
stuff just started to
"stand out"
like when i looked around
one thing or person light stood out
and i knew is the right thing to pick up
or the right person to approach for that job

a concrete example
with our team we were staying at a place
we were trying to decide if we keep staying there
for the job need
or if we have to move out

but this i knew not
they were having this conversation among themselves
on my way back
i saw the cleaning team
and then the landlord
and then our neighbors
all 3 of them getting out of their way
and mismanaging stuff

but i paid no more attention
but when i joined up discussion
it HIT me
how everything was ALREADY there
pointing at the end of our stay
we could not have done better staying here
actually the "universe" would just not have cooperated
for us

so decision was taken to leave
and RIGHT after
we got a better work environement
with all the missing stuff
that we were so far NOT aware of
being given to us

so these are signs
they are everywhere
just is just that we see them not
because we do not pay attention to them

for us to pay attention to
is NOT to look for signs
but to have a very calm mind
and then put our question forward

as the universe is ONE
it canNOT let the thing INCOMPLETE
it cannot leave your question
and not bring the other half of ITSELF
in the form of the answer

and i am now sure
we always get the answer
is just either we are not mature enough to see it
i.e. we have not the eyes to see
 just we have not asked
so even if the other half of our unasked question is there
ie the answer
we won't see it
as we have not asked it

like nowadays
after those intensive meditation practice
i noticed when we were walking
a kid and i raised his energy
yet he started crying
and i wondered why

in dream
the spirit said
because it (the surge of energy)
reminded him of the heaven lost

so he was crying of happiness
for feeling it
like you do

ahh i felt like crying
hearing it
is sooooooooooooo honest
i love such honest personalities

and also
it was said
that "i noticed this
and remembered
while for most people
is just a passing by stuff
with no importance"

so since then i realised
how it feels now during the day

is liek that each and every thing
is singled out
as if everything has its special place
to be / right to be

before the actions in the day
was like a tempest to me
one thing rushing on top of the other
like caught in a whirlwind

still same amount of work
still same responsiblities
but everything is so much standing out
with its own light

plus is like i see stuff
with calmness in mind
and nothing else around
just the thing i am focusing upon

so from that
and is only by confronting us
to our own life
that we can realise how we changed

if we meditate
and say stay in some himalaya
how can we confront ourselves?
and see that we have indeed changed
and experience life anew?

plus it shows you
your limits
and you can yearn to cross them
to be a new version of yourself
and ultimately
find the Highest Vision of Who You Really Are

so signs could stand out
or this book could resonate with me
because of my own previous work
which has born its fruit
and made me more alert
and yet peaceful

Friday, 4 September 2015


"you smiled that smile, and it brought out the sun in me. it changed me."
-some song i forgot lol

i loved to hear it
i had never realised that people smiled not

once i have been asked
why you always smile
the question left me blank

i realised not that
one could ask such question
is like asking
why you have a face and two hands?

and yet
now that i remember it
and looked around
indeed i now understand why
it was asked

because most of time
people are bearing a sour face
is so serious

what is funny
is not being serious
what is funny
is to show a serious face
even for something which should be light

and that is why
we laugh at kids

when they do
something wrong
they come
and put some serious face
and then start justifying it

so what makes me laugh
is not the seriousness
is the fact of putting seriousness
on something light
just to make it weight much more
than it ought to

then this stuff becomes heavy
on us
more than its due

is not the stuff in itself
that demands so much seriousness
is our behavior which should be
sincerely committed
so that there be no lacking from us
when we do it

the whole stuff will become light

if you look
at the workplace of the
most successful start ups
their office look like Kindergarten!

Rebecca D’leema, who was formerly part of the cabin crew with Kingfisher Airlines and spent six months designing this office, says most of the features reflect the beliefs and thoughts of the founders. That is the reason, she says, there is no system to mark attendance for employees. There are also no access codes or cards for entering and exiting.

“The founders absolutely dislike wearing dogtags around their necks and they are clear about the fact that if they dislike something, how can they make their teams do that?” D’leema says. “Naveen (Tewari’s) dislike for wearing trousers
“InMobi is my dream company,” confess two candidates who interviewed for jobs at the Bangalore-based mobile advertising firm earlier this year. Their desire, however, has less to do with InMobi’s business or their job profiles and more with the company’s new office on the outskirts of the city. A visit to the office  on Outer Ring Road explains these aspirations.
Work at the InMobi office, spread over 120,000 sq ft and across three floors, may still involve writing code as in other information technology companies, but one can do so on the re-writable desks or walls, sitting on one of the 100 beanbags in the office. Or at any of the two fully-loaded coffee shops or meeting rooms that have cartoon graffiti on the walls. In between coding, an employee can choose to play at the well-spread games zone or jam in the room dedicated for singing and playing musical instruments or just catch a nap in any corner.
Founded in 2007 by four alumni of the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) — Naveen Tewari, Mohit Saxena, Abhay Singhal and Amit Gupta —, InMobi is one of the most successful Indian software product startups. It is among the top three mobile advertising firms globally and has business across nearly 200 countries, with revenue estimated at $200 million for 2013, say sources.

inMobi, bangalore, office, indian startup, creative office india, office dhaba, employees, inMobi office, inMobi smart,

 source :

it just give me the wish to go
there and work everyday :))

so when we wear a
sour, uptight face
trying to "show"
we are serious
we are committed
we are all-as-one-should-be

standing erected
like hovering over
the stuff to be done

then we end up
losing our natural
way of being (creative)

the word in itself may
look empty
but being creative
you can replace it
by saying
being open

when you are open
you are open to alternatives
that can prove to be most helpful
for your job at hand
not only for office

so what is required
from us
is not to show a serious face
for we waste energy
to maintain it

instead of focusing on
how to be open to
circumstances around us
which is more useful use
of our same energy

we only
owe to ourselves
and thus to others
to be sincere with our

when we are
then we can enjoy
riding through waves of changes

it means not we won't have
at times sour faces

but when we have it
and someone shows up
with some humor
if we start laughing
and take part in it

then is the good sign
that we are still
and human :x