Monday, 14 September 2015


i discovered a very interesting stuff
about ungratefulness

people are ungrateful
not because they see not the favor
they receive

but receive the favor
but want the favor
to happen
according to their rules
traditions and their own
cultural, or sectarian mind

cause if it does not
they shove the favor
into some forsaken forgotten
part of their mind
literally sweeping it under the carpet
once they have enjoyed it.

cause they can't BEAR
to see they could get some favor
by another means
that WORKS
other than their OWN

and so they HAVE
to ensure themselves
that they are empowered
by the Standard of God
to customise you to their image

just to be able to say
"yes yes our way is the best
it works
see ?  this is why [retrospectively]
we can show the favor to the world
and say is branded "our sect/religion..." "

BUT if the favor is not
according to their group standard
it can't be remembered
by all means it should be forgotten
cause it would be a shame
that something works
when "we" are not the maker of it!

there is a saying in quran
that says
about God
He is the best Creator of creators

is a very lovely sentence
people refuse creative power
to others
they have to concentrate all the power
as if they were the One and Only God
and others were below

just in case
they forget
there is NO such exclusivity

you should be able to enJOY
what other's qualities and favors are
without trying to customise it to your taste

for such people
i take a very great pleasure
to show them
that they are plainly and simply
UNGRATEFUL to God's favors

as my uncle used to say
wherever comes God Mercy take it
question not its origin

i love that
cause when you don't do so
you are sure you are destroying
your God given Heaven/Garden

cause you start getting at war
with God means of Mercy

whatever good and mercy
comes to your way
take it!
For God sake
just take it

and be grateful
and if possible
thank the person
who is the means of mercy
to you and to your kin

not that it pays the person
but it gives joy
to be seen

and if you are grateful
you increase your own "luck" too
and you see your own life
as being blessed

instead of ending up
in some inner lamentation
of why am i so unlucky etc

there is no unluck in that very case
you just need to be grateful
when you are given some favors
just to allow the flow
to keep coming your way

if you try to force
the other into your own image
unless this person has no backbone
and no personality

do you think
it would be happy?
once joy of the play
and its lighteness along with it dies
the flow of favors coming to you
from that person dies too

is not calculated
Grace is NOT calculated
it just feeds itself from the joy around

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