Sunday, 6 September 2015

Universe is playing

The Book "The Alchemist"
is real good

as soon as i start reading it
i literally started to
get all my "little" wishes

so much that it felt
like living in a fairy tale...

and as i am a good girl lol
i remembered
to thank and move on
and not go into the

because if is so incredible
i can bet my ass that it will stop

for God will say
"ah yea! incredible?
ok so let it be rare then"

i should have done
a compilation
of every little thing
that happened the minute or hour

here are those i jot down
like that :

we finished our meal
and i thought hmm
would be ideal to get some
hot cup of tea
but thing is we had no time
to order
so we went out
and on our way
a free tea machine!

tell me
how on earth
a free self-serving tea machine
can be found right once
we went out of restaurant?!!

only in fairy tales
you say it
and it pop up
out of thin air

plus really
it made me feel
God cares more for me
than indeed i care for myself

cause my self
wanted that hot tea
but i did not find "time"
to treat myself well
and yet God took care of my Self
who wanted that experience
now and not later
in better way...

next day,
on the spot i needed cash
no ATM in view
lol a chinese lady
and told me
in chinese
take my cash and order
for me lunch using your card
i laughed hard

had not even to find any ATM!

next i needed to sew back
a piece of cloth
and with the lack of time
where can i find a sewing kit?

just going upstair
and guess what?
i see a needle
with the RIGHT color
of thread i needed in, in bonus...

seeing EVEN a needle
i said to myself
is really like
you ask something
and the universe play with you
it comes -literally round the corner-
and say "here you are"

hey by the way
i love that expression
in this context "here you are"
as our true nature is God
that EVEN a needle is filled
with light of God

the "here you are"
is all the more true!
here you are,
even in the needle
you can see yourself!

that is real play!

plus you know why it works?
cause i don't take it serious
i just take it as a play
"yea i would like that"
and is an honest wish
which stems from a need

not all needs are fulfilled
only if it becomes your desired one
and then indeed
you just let it go

this is why it works
plus is magical
is really like it preceeds you

now it reminds me
of God who says in prayer
that muslims know well

"ask me everything
even about your shoelaces"
i had always wondered
how would God manifest itself
to bring me a shoe lace
now i know
if God could manifest Itself
to bring me a needle,
then same for a shoe lace.

the needle example
is RIGHT hitting on the spot

and is sooooo kind!
because is like you get a gift
and in most unexpected way

so these are synchonicities
that happen for the fun of it
so if you want a fun life
then you get it

now i wonder not
IF it will get fulfilled
but i wonder HOW
'cause i am curious of the possibilities
and if it get not fulfilled
well i don't have time to wonder about
as all the time new needs are showing up

plus is really like
God walks with you
as He hears your need
and then
like he runs ahead
letting you there
and go to fulfill your wish
it feels like so

or like
i find myself
trying to look around
is there someone who is playing it
and is invisible?

like that time
as i told you
the alchemist book
is like you read it
and as you believe in it
is like you are blessed by its blessings

so what i loved in that book
is being attentive to signs

around us
i just read it and loved it
and paid not more attention
more than that

and during my day
stuff just started to
"stand out"
like when i looked around
one thing or person light stood out
and i knew is the right thing to pick up
or the right person to approach for that job

a concrete example
with our team we were staying at a place
we were trying to decide if we keep staying there
for the job need
or if we have to move out

but this i knew not
they were having this conversation among themselves
on my way back
i saw the cleaning team
and then the landlord
and then our neighbors
all 3 of them getting out of their way
and mismanaging stuff

but i paid no more attention
but when i joined up discussion
it HIT me
how everything was ALREADY there
pointing at the end of our stay
we could not have done better staying here
actually the "universe" would just not have cooperated
for us

so decision was taken to leave
and RIGHT after
we got a better work environement
with all the missing stuff
that we were so far NOT aware of
being given to us

so these are signs
they are everywhere
just is just that we see them not
because we do not pay attention to them

for us to pay attention to
is NOT to look for signs
but to have a very calm mind
and then put our question forward

as the universe is ONE
it canNOT let the thing INCOMPLETE
it cannot leave your question
and not bring the other half of ITSELF
in the form of the answer

and i am now sure
we always get the answer
is just either we are not mature enough to see it
i.e. we have not the eyes to see
 just we have not asked
so even if the other half of our unasked question is there
ie the answer
we won't see it
as we have not asked it

like nowadays
after those intensive meditation practice
i noticed when we were walking
a kid and i raised his energy
yet he started crying
and i wondered why

in dream
the spirit said
because it (the surge of energy)
reminded him of the heaven lost

so he was crying of happiness
for feeling it
like you do

ahh i felt like crying
hearing it
is sooooooooooooo honest
i love such honest personalities

and also
it was said
that "i noticed this
and remembered
while for most people
is just a passing by stuff
with no importance"

so since then i realised
how it feels now during the day

is liek that each and every thing
is singled out
as if everything has its special place
to be / right to be

before the actions in the day
was like a tempest to me
one thing rushing on top of the other
like caught in a whirlwind

still same amount of work
still same responsiblities
but everything is so much standing out
with its own light

plus is like i see stuff
with calmness in mind
and nothing else around
just the thing i am focusing upon

so from that
and is only by confronting us
to our own life
that we can realise how we changed

if we meditate
and say stay in some himalaya
how can we confront ourselves?
and see that we have indeed changed
and experience life anew?

plus it shows you
your limits
and you can yearn to cross them
to be a new version of yourself
and ultimately
find the Highest Vision of Who You Really Are

so signs could stand out
or this book could resonate with me
because of my own previous work
which has born its fruit
and made me more alert
and yet peaceful

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