Saturday, 25 April 2015

Movies are projection of our desires

i understood one thing
that we project the part of us which
we feel is missing in us

in fact it is not "missing"
is just not yet into our power
to manifest it out
and experience it

obvious example are movies
asian, indian movies
show love stories among a man and a woman
be honest

in india
in average traditional society
women are servants at least
respected mothers at best

but no freelance lover
to the spouse to be before marriage
and even less flirty wife after marriage
her role with time becomes that of a matrone
at best
for in most of cases they remain in a servant like position
if not kitchen slave like one

i am giving gross example
but in essence is true
you won't see a to be wed girl
as in bollywood
and EVEN LESS a wife as such

because this love life is missing there
for family and tradition and mother in law
have a heavy weight and limit such behavior
of course i am not for excess of unhealthy behavior
but i am pointing at the projection

projecting in movies
the weakest part of us
that need to be manifested and to exist
because we had not found in us the
tool to make it happen
no outlet other than movies

same to my dismay
i learned that in japan
porn industry is very much developped
more than in west

because the sex life is missing there
japanese people are all smiling in real life
but is hard to have the guts to flirt there
so they manifest it by using this porn industry
as an outlet as a support

so an outsider
which see bollywood movies
or any other movies
like american with their national heroes

will say oh what a loving, or heroic
people they are
in fact is just what they are reaching out for!

they are in need of materialising
this love in their life
this flirting
this heroic deeds

in a way
movies are excellent for self knowledge
of a country
if followed up with self reform
if you know ah ok is my weak point
then you can understant it is your desire
and you can fulfill it
by manifesting it truly in your life

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