Friday, 26 September 2014

Sunflower and petals are all ONE spirit

Hi there!

When someone calls me
and feels really down
it is like i see him inside of me
and i KNOW as i SEE him
i CAN THUS elevate him

i can heal him
elevate him
patch him back

these are the words i jot down a bit randomly
hoping they are close to my feeling

and ONCE i do it
i feel myself repaired! inside
and feel so comfy and happy

why it feels so?
because this feeling proves that we are ONE in spirit
and it is NO theory

yes this is the picture i ve taken in Italy
i call it the SUNFLOWER

and the sun makes NO efforts
to BRING his rays to every corner of the earth
they just LAND in their

this is HOW sharing joy is authentic
and effortless

but people do not know sharing
and EVEN less they know HOW to receive (sunrays/gifts)

if you don't know how to receive
how can you give?
you remain an empty cup i tell you

when i shared my miraculous experience
in italy
in a picture
seeing sunrays coming out of my belly
except 1 person
no one came back to share this joy

because they have no attention inside themselves
they said to themselves
she will have ego

but no it was their OWN ego speaking
plus they lost their opportunity to KNOW how to get the SAME

because you are responsible ONLY of YOURSELF
NOT of the others

it means
you say
ok i see that,
i like it
how it happened
i want same
let s ask
let s be joyous
and let it be contagious!

let us share our experiences
so that they become ALIVE for the rest of us

this is WHAT a collective is

behavior of those who have the DESIRE of God
if no purpose
no seeking
no asking
no answer

and doom to same routine...
i tell you

instead of looking into your OWN joy
into yourself
you invest yourself of the CHARGE of the "care" of the other?!

it is ego speaking
ego acting
and ego is joyless
because not of the spirit

in truth 
it means you are pretending
UNDER cover of doing her good, protecting her from an inflating ego,
and thus NOT giving any feedback, no expression of joy

you are actually
censoring your heart from sharing her joy
and just censoring it
from opening!


it is NOT for nothing
that shri mataji said
only through the sufi will come this widespread self realisation
as success

because they have a DESIRE for GOD
they have a purpose
and WHEN you have a purpose

you ACT according to IT
you ask
seek feverishly
and you are restless
and keep on your track
because you see the signs
and run after them before they are gone!
because time wait NOT

this is NATURAL selection

instead people
are NOT doing ANY introspection
to see WHAT i need to IMPROVE

that my weaknesses are my potential strengths!

that the other is MY mirror
and that i can be that TOO

this is HOW a life time pass
and you die
while God kept coming in front of you
but you kept turning a blind eye to him
because you thought
that it is NEVER in a human being

and spirit is in YOU AS in the OTHERS
than WHY you take others' life as LIGHTLY as this?

why it is NOT a mirror to you?
for your OWN progress?

why the indifference?
it means that whether i had or not this experience
shared it or not
it would have been the same?

for no sharing took place

only a girl asked inquired
i told her the method
and she got an amazing experience

where she felt her rate of vibration increasing
this morning
she felt as if she saw Shri Mataji face in her heart
with thousands hands

and she saw light of God
in herself and in others

to remain general

HOW is this possible?

first the meaning of it
that kundalini was opening MORE her heart
in heart is the spirit

stunning news to me

i changed my mobile
and contacted EVERYONE on earth lol
hehehe i like dramatising effect
no contacted all my contact telling them
hey guys here i am contactable
lol can we tell it so?
does not sound english

is there any common sense filled living soul
who will no contact you
and then ask
a  third person
what have you become?

this makes me stand on my chair
no bed

first contact that person
see if she is still alive lol
and THEN as a LAST option
check a third party to know if there is some sign of life

time tells about people how they grow

whenever i have been contacted
was for a favor to give

but no one
(well except for one or two people
whom i recognise thus as GENUINE friends)
contacted me to ask
hey girl are you ok? what are you becoming?

why not so?
for there is no genuine care

this is also natural selection

i always wondered
how scene shift in life
how we change naturally platform
of friends, of level of society
for a more refined one

it is so
you keep giving to people
and they keep making wrong choices
the one of not receiving

at the end,
the balance shift

and God replace them by better than them
because it is needed for the evolution of each of us
to meet people who are WILLING to SHARE
so that we KEEP creating and experiencing ANEW

I would have wished to write this earlier
for the experience was fresher
about my feelings when i uplift people who calls me
but hey, :)

better than nothing :x

Beware that miracles..(like photos..or others) are "evidence" of the path...

they are not ego pumping...
they are not only needed..but actually required to know you are on the right path

so blessed are those who have it
and blessed are those who love those who have it
for they have it too like this.
the rest, keep busy with the charges that are not yours,
see where it leads you ;)


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