Monday, 15 September 2014



so many things to write
i make lots of self discovery within a week
i also NEED to write a letter of praise about a friend
such beautiful qualities she has

but as i am in hurry
just one quick post

it was my birthday
and i realised ONLY true friends
remembered not only to WISH it but also to CELEBRATE it with me.

now, i naturally can tell
who is a true friend
from a "meditation peer" lol

a true friend,
like she acted,
and i felt positively shocked,
she bought me a gift weeks ago

another one
with her daughter
they learned it later that it was my birthday
but both of them
did such a beautiful surprised b-day party

it is so caring
i tell you why

we came back at 1am
who has the courage to do a b-day party at this time?

but she knew i loved the wii dancing
and what is funny
is that her daughter had heard me months ago
saying i love this wii experience of dancing
we shall do this together!
i never mentioned to them that i would love it for my b-day party

and they prepared it for me.


another group of "friends",
during our summer holidays
i literally told them
that for my coming b-day
i would like to have a wii dance party by and with them

some will laugh
why i was so direct
but it is only because
first i considered them as family/real close friends
for i always gave them the BEST advice
for i wished them the BEST.

so much, that i told them
i feel like being their "psy" giving free consultation lol

so i wanted to see,
is it same on their side?

as you know,
i am not a material person
 the whole year
i took part in their collective b-day parties
either by being present or by taking part in their gifts
or even by creating videos specially for them
because it gave me joy to show i am THERE
and to SHARE it with them

JOY is to be SHARED
there is no other way

i did my share.
now, what about them?

so, this time
i openly not only give my b-day date
but also told them what i would like
because i KNOW what gives me JOY
and joy increases ONLY if more people take part in it

yet! no one chose to remember
to celebrate it with me
for the exception of one girl who wished it by mail
which is sweet
but let's be honest, it was not my point
and she knows it.

my point was
let 's dance ! lol

i concluded

experiences in life
give us
the clarity

to know WHO
are your true friends
and mine i can count them on a single hand

true friends are those
who remember you
BECAUSE it is their INTENT
who care for you
who are not only opportunist
or remember you for collecting money

but whose hearts are -IN the present.
and they don't shove the message under the carpet
as soon as they HEAR it.

you see,
it is HOW you pretend to "forget"
or say that "circumstances" were not right.

had the 1am circumstance right for a wii party ?
but the HEART was there.

you see or hear something
WHAT you CHOOSE to do?

close eyes?
but where is joy?

this is what a friend and her daughter did
they created joy for me, for them

i am really appreciative
because above all
i SAW they are true
and this

when time will be right
they will get it 1000 times back from me

they don't know
but i know

i never forget someone who did good to me sincerely
especially when no one cared.

and i could give them what their inner heart desire
for this is my wish
if i can see the sincerity of a person
and i know what she wishes
then i am happy to look forward to her happiness
and i feel happy to feel their happiness in me too.

so above this b-day party
which seems a petty thing

i tell you what i discovered about them

i discovered that my friend
is a beautiful mother
she shared with her daughter
in all honesty

told her
look it was our friends b-day
we did not know about it
it is a belated b-day
let's do something
as she is coming to see us today

and while that day
they had NO spare time
they came late to their own appointment

just to go and shop for me gifts!
which were bought by her daughter

which amazed me
is that she pinpointed
one of my preferred flower
the night jasmine from india :)

she wrote me a b-day card
with such innocent words
who happened to be so true

wherein she said "tu es une personne trés gentille"
which means real "kind and nice" person.

and packed herself the gifts
i loved to hear
that at the shop she refused them to pack it
for in her mind she had a very PRECISE idea
of what SHE wanted.

so at such a young age of 10

i loved it!

what a wonderful mother
make such a wonderful child:)

she taught to her child
how to be honest, straight forward, assertive
and have fun.

it is up to the parents to give children
opportunities to experience life
to know good manners
but not mannerism
i.e. good manners FROM the heart

and the b-day cake was so cute
lack of time
but no lack of care
it was donuts
i loved them!

of different kinds
of course the chocolate one was the best!:))

what i loved about them
was that they respect themselves
they respect their heart
they EXPRESS it


you do not look at WHO
but at the WHAT

what is my heart saying?
and you follow it

and of course
then the who is then being automatically honored

you can only share if you have something to share
if you don't have love,
how can you share it?

it will burden you
when it comes to celebrate b-day of someone else
in a group of "friends".
you will choose "to forget" and  turn a blind eye
to a few people b-days

because this is the moment of TRUTH
where you realise inside of yourself

hey why should i celebrate her b-day?
it gives me no joy.really.
let's turn a blind eye to it.

and why it gives you no joy?
for you never learned to appreciate this person.
you used her
were neither truly appreciative
nor grateful.

therefore, you are unable to love her.

and this is the truth.

this applies only to those who pretend
to appreciate you and be your friends
not to those who never issued that claim.

for them, it is normal lol
that they do not take part in b-day.

sharing joy and love
must be natural

so those who naturally showed it to me
by celebrating it with me
are those who are first sincere with themselves

then, they could be sincere with me.

why is it so?
because it is those who appreciated me
they saw me
and let me know
that i've brought something into their life.

for the others,
for sure i brought something into their life
for i am not oblivious to the good i did

i am not oblivious to the practical advice i gave them
rare are people who give you life saving advice
only because they wish the best for you

but then, these "friends" chose to let it become dust.

and this is a natural feedback
a natural selection happened
in the most spontaneous and authentic way
while leaving them happy
with their choice for they were free to choose
and never from me they will hear any reproach

as my aim was to see.
and for me it makes me happy
for i have seen and i know.

and clarity is what helps you
to advance in life
to make right decisions.

and only truth remains,
falsehood always perishes

when time passes.
from your life.

this i call
natural selection!

ps : i was feeling lots of scent in my mouth
while writing this!

in the bull eye!:x
and blessed post.

pps : the WII dance is :

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