Saturday, 30 November 2013

Shri mataji

during this morning walking meditation,

Shri mataji put her hand on my and for a while and we did the walking meditation together

after she took me as an adult take a child in her arm.
really there i thought she is old and i am heavy
then in my thoughts she said or i heard i don't know anymore 
"what do you think I born you already so long"
meaning in comparison it is not heavy at all.
and then also i saw again her feet, and that time she put her feet i think a bit everywhere on my head
for it happens several times and each time i felt lots of coolness on that very place :)
so it was on forehead,
on back of head at the end definitely
and i was still feeling it cool when i wrote it
oh i also saw her sitting on a sofa on a stage and there was a huge transparent bell all over the place
it felt like a transparent shield
which recovered all the people there on the stage
actually it is how she used to transmit
she used to extend her shield when transmitting to the masses
and of course, Her transmission was WAY before She told them about the hand positions
soooo powerful!
she put her hand on my head, and again i wanted to rest
and then she sort of push me hardly and then put again hand on head
there i swear i saw her angry!
she had Lionness eyes
ah, next time i won't slack and sleep
as my friend say,
be erect like a coyote! haha:))
so i am meant to strighten spine
and head
and HOLD the posture
to go on meditating
open eyes
looking at a candle
and attention on vibes.
so i better OBEY next time!
i don't want to face a tiger next time luring hidden somewhere
i saw her feet like the feet of an elephant
this is the mark of Her Innocence
at the end,
i saw a huge pillar
and then i saw that on her death bed it scrolled into the pillar
and the door which was the bed ending closed the pillar hole.
and she went in the pillar on the bed.
she went away where she came from.
now, i meditate better
for i remember to RELAX before
for without relaxation
nothing would work;)
kiss and Love to My Friends
and Shri mataji:x

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Meditation visions

 ah! here are the visions i got at the end of my meditation :

i saw shri mataji from her left profile, while she was sitting on a sofa
and then, i saw her feet in a plate with pink petals of roses
then i saw joan of arc which a sword towards the sky in one hand and a shield in another hand,
she was protecting from negativities, hitting the shield.

then i saw again the feet of shri mataji,
this time i kissed them and put my forehead on her feet,

then, i felt lots of coolness in my back agnya

and then, she gave me an indian sweet made of carrots,
and she fed me with
and finally, she gave me a diamond ring on my left finger.

wow, that was soooo cool and awesome.

actually thanks to my friend i am now mediating more regularly during the day,
as winter days are  short, group meditation at the center are late,
around 730pm.
now, i can meditate early in the afternoon,
and feel no tension.

so nice!

ps : the spirit said to me while i was meditating "i love what i irradiate"
i LOVE you too, A LOT!
kiss to you:x

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Hate and Love

ok i learned a new thing today
why it was said to love your enemy

i used to think that is impossible to do
why would you love the one who is doing all she can to get on your nerve?

it is because this person is bearing guilt
so, as you show love and compassion to her,

this guilt in her will come out more strongly
and she will feel it more

then, of course,
either she admits her guilt and reforms
which is good for her ass

or, she burns in it
hence the increase of her anger.

that is quite straightforward actually.
and usually, we don't use love,
because as we are not guilty
we react instead at others stupidity
and we think the other is like us
guilt free
and thus she would understand our reaction
and reforms

no way!
all she wants is to provoke your anger
and your hate
for she wants hate!

that sounds so insane,
she wants to be hated!

ah, that is aweful as what one could wish for oneself
to receive hate!

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Radiance Sutra

This paragraphe was appealing to me :

source :

There is a current of love-energy that flows between Earth below and the Sun above.
The central channel of the spine is the riverbed. T
he streaming is as delicate and powerful as the tingling touch of lovers.
Entering there, radiance arches between the above and the below.
The whole attention resting in the nerve, tingling delicately in the center of the spinal column, tracing that current between earth and sun, 
become magnetism relating all the worlds.      

Lift your hands, and with a thought, 
let the hands become magical weapons, 
divine shields that turn aside all the energies of the outer world.  

==> as my friend would say, "this is epic!" LOL

Spread the fingers over the eyes, covering the ears the nostrils, the mouth,
and abandon yourself to the space inside you.
Enter the vital energies thus contained within.
As the charge builds, lovingly and fiercely plunge into the inner centers.      

As the surge of light-substance rises
follow it up into the space between the eyebrows
where it breaks out as an orgasm of light. 

ok i felt for any muslim reader here still in doubt :

this is that :

Marriage of the prophet muhammad parents :

'Abdullāh's father fixed his marriage with Aminah.[1] It was said that a light shined out of his forehead and that this light was the promise of a Prophet as offspring. Many Arabian women approached 'Abdullāh, who is reported to have been a handsome man; so that they might gain the honour of producing the offspring. However everyone believes that as decided by God, the light was destined to be transferred to Āminah through 'Abdullāh after consummating the marriage.[2] 'Abdullāh's father was the custodian of the Holy Ka'ba in Makkah. 'Abdullāh lived with Āminah among her relatives the first three days of the marriage. Afterwards, they moved together to the quarter of 'Abd al-Muṭṭalib.

source :

 ok to be followed

a double edge sword

when two realised people have an argument

two ways of behaving :

one is going to pick his phone and call all people 10 miles around,
and backbite the person,

suddenly, he got amnesic that the other is also God within
how convenient to forget that ! hey, yes you have to shove it
under the carpet, just for a while, of course,
to allow yourself to "complain" of your misery to the listener

and the listener is invited to take side for one ego (the one who is backbiting or slandering)
against another ego

of course, the listener is seduced to this possibility
for the backbiter or slanderer is putting seed of devaluation in his consciousness
about the other realised person

while pretending to only seek someone
to find a solution to his misery


only solution known :
as if talk is going to solve anything
talk is only mental
and is a helpful tool
but not a one you can hung onto
for hours and hours

but still that is acceptable (to backbite)
because both are playing the innocent ones
and justifying their "hurt feelings"

still conveniently forgetting
that everyone is One Spirit
but to hell, this "common sacred knowledge"
who cares? isn't it ? LOL

in this option, the realised person had a fight with another realised soul,
and he chose to gain support for his ego against another one.
ok, he CHOSE to increase his impurities.

second choice,
the realised person, has an argumentation with another realised one
and she decides to FACE the problem
admit the pain in the ass effect of it ;)

and then,
USES meditation,
this is CALLED purification

and this has NOTHING to do
in terms of value
with "complaining" like in the scenario 1.

in the 1st scenario,
you revert back to your time of ignorance
when you were NOT realised
and keep on severing ties
while you give lip service of Unity in Spirit.

but when called to meditate
why? because the ego KNOWS it will die
so it will fight back to NOT meditate

in that version,
the listener and the backbiter/slanderer are AT LOSS

poor ones,
but they know it not.

in the second version,
and yes you guess right,
:) that is me:))

the realised person
is happy to see what angers her
for she then gets the opportunity
to KNOW what is to be PURIFIED
and then she reverts back to meditation.

tension is GREAT
for it helps you to see your own darkess emerging
and you, of course, SEE it in the other

the other is a mirror to you

and you USE that mirror
to PURIFY yourself.

funny, how the other one,
could MISS that point,
though he is the VERY mirror
who helped me to purify myself
and is thus a means of salvation to me
he is himself
a means of LOSS for his own self!

that is the double edge sword.

ok, let's be honest
there is no he,
it was a she

well, after a second thought,
there is no other

there is only ME ;)
ps : after the purification 

so to conclude,
there are those who know the solution AND apply
and those who know but desert it

it is HOW you seperate people in two groups
natural selection



today, at the end of my morning meditation,
i saw someone standing in front of me
with a plate of flowers

like the plate, we prepare for arti,
in India.

and this afternoon,
after my walking meditation,
i saw that two women
were behind me following
one on each side
they were wearing white robes
and had crown of flowers
and were holding the same plate
like this morning

how could they wear spring time dress
in this cold!

i looked for the word aarti

very beautiful word :

In Sanskrit, the word arti – written as aarati – is composed of the prefix aa, meaning complete, and rati, meaning love.[citation needed] The arti is thus an expression of one’s complete and unflinching love towards God. It is sung and performed with a deep sense of reverence, adoration, and meditative awareness.[1]

Complete Love-
that ! is beautiful!


Wednesday, 20 November 2013


hm, when everything seems "ok"
then, it is when life for me becomes boring,

i prefer to get some challenge
and see FOR MYSELF that the shakti REALLY works

otherwise too boring,

ok, when we get angry,
we are really feeling hot

it is when the citta is in its delusional state
it has forgotten its orgin

(that is the purpose of life, to REMEMBER)
(hence az-zikr, the Remembrance in islam etc. etc.)

so this is WHAT we are TO REMEMBER

principle :

you feel vibes
when you connect with your Majestic GROUND Citta (which is brilliant)

ah, so beautiful this sentence
i love it!

Majestic Ground!
and we connect with it!

and we can feel it!

back to what i was saying,

so the idea when we get hot, angry etc.
is NOT TO DELAY meditation

and not LOL next week
when "i have time"
or when "i feel better"

you are just waiting to go back to your deluded routine
and purposely missing the opportunity to harness back your citta to its origin!
on the most critical moment

as you meditate on Allah

here is some insight on your chakras functioning and consciousness and citta :

chakras are like pump
they pump energy

the more your body and chakras are in good shape
the more they function
pumping energy
which is fuel for your consciousness
to get transformed!

and transformation is not vertical
like going towards the blue sky!LOL

it is in the NOW
and no space
it is when the consciousness which is tied to the body
on lower levels,
changes as the chakras pump

i feel it is like
it gets bit by bit, thanks to this fuel,
untied from the body
once untied
it "ascends" meaning goes to more refined  higher ground
which is the BRILLIANT ground

you do not need anymore your chakras

which were only a tool
for your citta to remember ITS SOURCE

this is why major
religions emphasize on purity of body
so that your chakras remain protected

but most people don't even go
on the second level which is to
use them FOR the transformation of the consciousness
which is GREATLY made easy with the self realisation
given by Shri mataji

so to conclude the story,
once the consciousness reaches its pristine majestic radiant knows its Source 
it knows it is the Awareness(Spirit)

or, in other words,
it knows the Mind factor is its it doesn't suffer anymore.

End of the Story
and they lived Happily Ever After 



Purpose of meditation is above what you can imagine!

ok when i was meditating
i felt a presence of a person from old time
some very refined person

when we meditate
the demi-gods or such in search of wisdom
they come to you

for you become BEACON of light to them


you are not only doing yourself good!
but ALSO to the others!

seen like this,


so only if we advance in our meditation
we can help them.

Staff of Light

some good vision,

while i was meditating,
at the end of meditation
i saw the Hermes staff,
with two branches intertwining
till the top
and on the top they were holding a sun
that was all in gold light

then, from the top to the bottom
many arms keep opening up
and descending

it is about the opening of the petals
for when multiple arms open like this
and very quickly
it gives you the impression of petals of flowers opening
look at a time lap
it is so

and i found this expression VERY BEAUTIFUL :

many petals opening,
bow down on the channels

isn't it BEAUTIFUL?
the bowing
the graceful bowing down of petals
on your channels!

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Amazing choice

over the past few days
i found myself many times in conflictual situations

1-on the spot it is too late to have a "correct attitude"
for we are only covering up our "defects"
if we try to be nice
at some point or another, the emotions of anger or disappointment
will come back, but at a bigger level

2- so just behave as you feel like on the spot,
for it is a matter of seconds , be what you are by then

3-as quickly as you remember,
best is on the first impact,
to raise your energy and turn it at the belly level
and know or say that "it is ok"

then i suppose it should be ok :)

4- we all do mistakes, errors or create tensions around us

which is normal, otherwise life would be boring

but when we HOLD onto it for hours, days and years
then, it is when it becomes a problem

for we ALWAYS have choice
and at ALL time, we CONSTANTLY make choice
and repeating over and over a dislike towards someone, is a choice,
taking your mobile and calling all of your comrades 10 miles around is a choice

and letting go is also the choice
and is the BEST choice ever
for it is a choice that creates a more FREE world ahead of you for the day and week and months
and even years to come

otherwise, how come so many people when they grow up
end up "jailed" in their routine?
because of their choices

their choices have revealed their quality over time
and they equal to what their current life
displays of its freedom
just enslaved to some hate, anger, dislike or fears

therefore, when you put your attention on a potential "choice"
the choice is actually a seed,
and the seed itself is a WHOLE world within
as much as a seed contains a tree and even a forest in its full potential
if we look at its development over the time;

so when you choose to reiterate again and again
your dislike towards someone
actually you only choose to enclose yourself more and more
into the world you dislike
and the dislike of a world
means that you are closing this world to you

practically, it means that during the day,
ALL the extensions to this seed,
like a network stemming from it and going towards it to feed it
is CUT from you

and you are NO MORE nourished by it

so, even though everything is there for you to enjoy
you are cut from the water of joy during your day
yes, your day has dried out
and you see no more point to life

that is a sad state of affair

the neurone itself, is the seed
the core of your experience
it happens you disliked it
and the dislike takes the form of a person

if you keep cutting your link with this person
all of the other branches that you see coming and going from him or her
are also cut from you

like for the neurone and its synaps,
like for the seed and its offshoot in the soil
or the tree with its roots

so is a person with his world

you better assume your attitude on the spot
as best as you could
and be responsible of its consequences
without GOING on blaming the other

and later on, you better forgive and let go
and see the next day as a NEW day
and expecting much new joy to come your way

otherwise, you will just let the branches dry out too
and one by one, they will die,
and one by one, your doors of choice will close
and your day will become a dull routine

LOL that is too sad to consider that

let's quit on a brighter choice :

how about forgiving the person
meditating at home
for when you are stuck with an issue
your attention is on the it
it is then a GREAT opportunity to meditate
for then the Energy knows what needs to be restructured
and transformed for the best

then, you can try out and see, if indeed the people have changed
magically overnight towards you.

that is the ideal choice. to let go, meditate and have this excitement of seeing
what new might have changed in your favor overnight the next day

that is witnessing yourself by your Self

i like these :

it is real 
no kidding

picture :

An amazing choice,
is a choice that leads you towards more doors,
it frees you
and gives you the luxury to choose ALL kinds of possibilities

yes, an amazing choice,
would lead you to a rainbow of possibilities,

and would color your day,
your day is no more dull,
but really is "aLife"

ps : some people say 'i forgive'
this too is an attitude
is witness by your change of a transformed MIND!

and actions prove it,
it is not by backstabbing someone
and then, heart happy
you can say "i forgive"

this has Nothing to do
on the REAL world!

:) kiss to those in the spirit

Thursday, 14 November 2013


Just during the Diwali time,

the first night, i dreamt, it was like real, and i saw the starry sky
and suddenly the stars got linked to each others
and it formed the outline of a body of white light,
and the face inside was that of a baby to represent the innocence,
and the body represented like that was called "the mahdi" (the guided one)

this Mahdi
is the Shiva body of Light

this time,
in this era,

the Mahdi,
comes from the INSIDE of us

that is the symbolic Diwali
this was indeed,

the festival of light
in me:)

Water of Light

Yesterday, i dreamt that i was in front of a pool
and there was water in it,

it was so real that i felt the power i used in the dream

for i raised the water in the pool
by raising my hands
and then, the water arose
and i had used my attention
and my attention was filled with power
though it was a dream
my body felt it in real

and the water, once it arose
was no more plain water
but transformed into light!

THAT was awesome!

that is me ; that is not me

 i was meditating but during it i got asleep i think, for i was dreaming of stars and explanation was given about attention by way of making reference to stars and a circle of light

so there is light and the light is me
and the light start from a point and that is the origin and that is me
then it makes a circle and that is the path
and the path is me
and my attention is in the circle and that inside of circle is me

and if i put my attention on others’ affairs i am out of a circle and that is not me
and the more i put attention out, the more i go far away and get lost and that is not me
and the more i put attention outside, the more i swim far away  in a few seconds
and the distance is that which is between two stars ...

like an eternity

and that is not me

that was fun to travel in the space

Bilal Alaihi salam

I had a good dream, 
i saw an African man, 
he was like a tall one of some tribe, some chief ,
on him was written the 3 first arabic letter (alif,ba, ta) and then 
he came to put his hand on my head , 

and then what he was saying i could see it happening in my belly
he was gathering all the pieces of light into one ball of light ,
and he said that 
it is gathered now into one light

and when he finished he looked into my eyes and he said to me that i am pure.
and then there was a circle of people sitting in front of us and i went to join them with him and we sat down.

The man was bilal alaihi salam, the companion of the prophet.
He was from Ethiopian origin 
he used to be a slave
but was so much purified

that the prophet said 
that he is now from the ahlul bayt 
from the people of the House 

the House of God, 
The Purified One
The One Within.