Thursday 14 November 2013

Bilal Alaihi salam

I had a good dream, 
i saw an African man, 
he was like a tall one of some tribe, some chief ,
on him was written the 3 first arabic letter (alif,ba, ta) and then 
he came to put his hand on my head , 

and then what he was saying i could see it happening in my belly
he was gathering all the pieces of light into one ball of light ,
and he said that 
it is gathered now into one light

and when he finished he looked into my eyes and he said to me that i am pure.
and then there was a circle of people sitting in front of us and i went to join them with him and we sat down.

The man was bilal alaihi salam, the companion of the prophet.
He was from Ethiopian origin 
he used to be a slave
but was so much purified

that the prophet said 
that he is now from the ahlul bayt 
from the people of the House 

the House of God, 
The Purified One
The One Within.

Monday 11 November 2013


That is a song!

Great idea for the seminar.... Know who you are and STAND YOUR GROUND.

that would be great! lots of fun and would be very educative to transform personality.

hmm, for the details, secret till the D day.


Thursday 31 October 2013

Tea pot

gazing at my tea pot
i was really feeling relaxed

at least a warm tea pot
let itself being gazed at
and it does not make a fuss

the tea is from the earth
and you are also made from the earth
won't it be strange that earth elements can't be in harmony?

yet, human beings who are also made from the earth
and  having the extra advantage of being of the same specie
are really the most difficult to be with.

guess a human being is more challenging than a tea pot;)

i think it is the secret
letting being gazed at
to adopt a respectful and open attitude
in watching or being watched
is two way

the one who observe is usually easily shaken
by the object of his observation
who has the free will of choosing of not being gazed at

for all the transformative power is in the gaze
in the observation
in YOUR attention

what has the earth more than you
that makes it successful?

vegetation are in the seed already
they grow to manifest their potential
they are yet without any shield
and exposed to all kinds of hectic weather

and yet they flourish...

how come?

the difference with man
is that they let themselves be
whatever happen
they keep in touch with their inner state of nature

the human being can't stay in rest
he has always to DO something
thus he lets no time to the power of earth in his body to work
he will spring from one conclusion to another
getting more and more far away from his body related sensations
and will be carried away by his mentalized way

while Life remains in Meditation
because It knows how to BE

while man only knows how to become, do etc. except to be.
because he does not know that he already IS in the seed.

"Be or not to be, that is the question" - such a timely and clever question,
isn't it? ;)
actually that is what is at stake.

goal of meditation is to reconcile (unify ourselves within) with our self
and not to constrain ourselves to live in such or such state
we have nothing to DO
but only to make ROOM (give all chance) to the manifestation plane,

like the Earth
it let itself Be
and then you see the different levels of manifestation from seed to fruits and so on.

but the human being has not even realised that he is a seed
even less understood that there is cultivation
needed for fruits to be born

so this is why he can't let himself BE
he always has to DO something
yet the doing is just based on reaction
and this reaction is like each time putting a stop
to an inner grow of a seed planted in the earth

like when we bring a counter to zero
each time it tries to run.

normally, all that is needed
is the desire to discover and feel the NATURAL changes
that takes place within us.
for a seed in the earth
till it becomes a fruit

we just need to make room for it.

actually, we just need to treat our body
as the Earth treats its own vegetation
so that we might see how it naturally PRODUCES FRUITS
or MIRACULOUSLY produce fruits
why does it seem a miracle?

because it is a miracle when
we have made the right choice
by trading our long earned way of dealing with life
with a new way of living

because rarely people do that

and its NATURAL AND LOGIC consequence IS
that it bears FRUITS
and as it is a new level of manifestation
different than the one people are used to

for they are used to witness their seed
which becomes dust
and their attention goes on another seed
and again dust

they could see their seed becoming a fruit
and THAT is miraculous!

so this Success/fruits etc.
will come NATURALLY

so don't seek for it
don't expect it
don't look for it


you just have to change your old inherited attitude
"for it (success) will happen naturally
because it is only the consequence of your "renunciation to control everything"

just remain naturally present to yourself 
just with an Attention FREE from all grasping/acquisition."

- from The Art to transform your life by Bruno Lallement.

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Daily advice to myself

I found another one, written in February 2010

this was a daily advice that i used to give to myself :

two things to remember daily

listen to heart
the silence behind every word
you listen before you be able to speak when young , same apply for my whole life

love is not love which alters when it alteration finds


how much can you see this world/reality/history/centuries gone by being independent
from The Origin,

rumi :
its movement is linked to the origin as much as the flying arrow (movement) is linked to the
archer impulse/bow.
all past, present and future are gathered here in one place.



this life purpose is not to marry or to find happiness in and around
all of this we could have had them by staying where we were, i.e. by God

but what is here and not there, is precisely our quest for God.
we ascend to Him, the soul.

so sole and unique goal purpose of life is God.


these are thoughts that i had written on a piece of paper
as i was doing some cleaning i find it
written in 2010

it make me smile,
i used to write in all blindness but with conviction
and now that i have a little of light
i can see it is only the accumulation of such small efforts
that gave room for Grace to descend upon.

i would have forgotten that Grace exist
and most importantly
is ready to descend upon us

we just need to make room for it.

Sunday 27 October 2013

My best experience of God

i read today something like that :
"it is neither in religion, nor in thoughts, but in experience that you find God'

on the spot i wondered what it means.

then, at a critical moment, today,
when under pressure,
it is always at those moments that we seek for an open door,
i realised

that neither thoughts, nor religion helped me
when i had come to a dead end

it is when you face a cul de sac
that you realise there is no solution
except in the Grace of the Experience which gives you all the peace and joy and love you wish for
and that is the REAL experience of God

for you experience it with your life
and your life testifies that there was no other solution
for its happiness,
for its lasting happiness

i have tried religion deep down,
till i was sick to death
and i tried all thoughts i could
as deeply as possible

yet, none of them
have been so helpful,
and peaceful
as you are

you are my best experience
of Love, and happiness
this is why i can never let go of you

you are my best experience of God.

and i love you
with all of my heart, mind, soul
and strength.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

True Healing


so again, it is ALL about where your attention IS.
if your attention is on such and such outer layer, you are stuck on it, and cannot heal the ROOT of it all.

but let's say, if you were to be localised within the CORE of your being,
from the SUBTLER of the SUBTLE
and THERE, from this Place of Grace, you could FEEL the VIBRATIONS of that PLACE,
wouldn't you be happy? for it means your UPPER LEVELS (individual and subsconscious ones) would be HEALED!

this is WHY our ONLY savior is our SELF, when we put our attention on the VIBES that we are feeling, these very VIBES which are the MANIFESTATION of the HOLY SPIRIT , we are healing ourselves and all outer levels FROM the CORE of our being!(and no more from a limited place, be it the invididual or the mass consciousness we belong to...)


Consciousness is layered: The outer, more superficial layer is the individual layer.  This layer contains the "individual" identity, which is constantly changing according to the beliefs and requirements of the time.  This is the layer that the ego therapists work.

In the individual layer I may not be a racist, but if you go deeper, into the collective, or archetypal layer, there you will find the preduces of your race your family, your religion.  They beliefs held collectively by your "tribe".  This is the layer where the Jungians and the hypnotherapists work.

The deepest layer, the cosmic layer, is where I work, where I am directing your attention. For the work in any one layer effects the layers above, but not below.  To work in the deepest, the cosmic layer, you can bypass the tedious work getting through the previous layers, and start to work on the very heart of the matter.  You clear the cosmic layer, and the dysfunction of the other layers dissolves as well.

Each layer contains a part of your "narrative", your ego story, your ego drama.  To focus on the roots of the whole problem, to dissolve the source of the madness, all the madness on all the layers dissolves.

Learn to watch the sensations and be free.

source :

God realised or God unrealised

very beautifully summed up :


You are all Gods.  You can be nothing other than God, because it is all one God.
Asleep you are God unrealized.
Awake you are God realized.
That is why awakened ones are referred to as realized.  The have realized their true self.  They are self-realized. 

source :

Feeling : an inner work

In this following post,
the author tells that the FEELINGS are the map of inner healing :
This is WHY when you FEEL pain, you stop dead lol, and you meditate and PUT your ATTENTION on your vibes, for the vibes once FELT, put you in DIRECT touch with the Divine Grace of INNER PURIFICATION.


Facts, the foundation of science, are for exploring the outer world.  Feelings are for the exploration of the inner world.  You cannot travel inwards, you cannot spiral towards the center, you cannot defeat satan if you cannot feel.

Hence the importance of the soul, for feeling is her very means of perception.  Without her you cannot navigate the ego labyrinth and find your way home.  Stop protecting and caring for the hurt, the sorrow, but rather focus your attention on the one feeling the pain: your very own soul.

Remember: if you don't take care of your soul nobody else will, nobody else can.  If you don't take care of your soul you will never feel taken care of.  If you don't take care of your soul you will never know love.

Feelings are the facts of the inner world.  Facts are of the objective reality, feelings are of the subjective reality.  In objective reality feelings are discounted, it is the facts that matter.  In subjective reality the opposite is the case.  Feelings are what define reality, not facts.

For instance, the Garden of Eden exists in the subjective reality, and can be known by anyone interested in finding it.  However, it does not exist in objective reality, nor did it ever.  It is not an objective, but a subjective "fact".

Science should butt out of religion.  It simply adds to the confusion.  Religion, likewise, should attend to God and the inner world.  Their meddling in the affairs of mammon has caused great harm to America and the children of God.  But hell, who has time for the kids when there's a holy war raging.  Again.

source :

Light (of Soul) and Ego

Very beautiful description of Her, the Light of the soul,
and good link has been made with what "ego" is,

as we often hear, ego is an illusion,
and here it is shown HOW this very illusion "exists"
it is because of the Light which has been MISUSED

and i like that it has been POINTED OUT :
that we "victimize" ourselves to find help or compassion around,
while it is all the more a treachery,
TRUE state is the one that has always been, is and will be,



The ego is the fallen state of God.

The ego transforms the perfect love of the human soul into pain and darkness, creating the victim.  So, instead of living with a soul, and her love, you live in a victim and her dark depressions.  Remove the pain and your soul is revealed, perfect as the moment she was created.  Restored to her throne.

The ego transforms the perfect trust of your spirit into fear, creating a coward.  So instead of enjoying the lightness and spontaneity of your spirit, you have a coward, crippled and trembling in panic attacks.  Remove the fear, the coward dissolves, and your perfect spirit is revealed.

The ego transforms the truth of your father God into anger, giving rise to the monster, otherwise known as the beast within.  Dissolve the anger and the monster disappears, revealing a very intelligent, creative, and sane father God. 

The treasure that you are awaits discovery but it requires work and committment.

That is the process of awakening: to leave the ego nightmare forever, embracing the truth you are: a living God of light. 

source : 

another post is really good and its conclusion : SO BE HAPPY !

Every moment you are in sadness, pain, your soul light, your love, is being transformed into something dark, heavy, and projected into the environment.  You are polluting the ether, adding to the accumulation of darkness enveloping the planet.

The pain, and it's creation, the victim, have assumed a kind of sacredness.  Sensitive people seem to instinctively want to protect the victim.  The reason is simple; the pain is a veil surrounding the most delicate, sensitive, holy part of who you are: your soul.  It is not the victim who is sacred, but rather the one forced to wear the mask: the human soul.

When awake she pours love/light into the planet that nourishes everything it touches.  And she hurts no more.  

source : 

And about UNITY : 

The one God, or as they say in secular parlance; unity consciousness.  To have unity one must first have something to unify.  That is the journey: to reclaim your soul from the pain; to liberate your spirit from the fear, and to remove the blinding veil of anger to reveal the father God.   

source : 

Sunday 20 October 2013

In praise of the Divine Spirit

In praise of the Divine Spirit

You showed me in vision that Joy is within me
it was like a Light of joy rising upwards
i could see her raising up in my body
and i could feel the joy
like i was a new being
a being of joy

and then, you appeared like by magic
from my dream into my daily Reality
you came into my life out of nowhere

you came and saw me
all of my past, my future and my present
you came into my Life like a witness
a witness of goodness

just because you are present
your presence transforms my life
that which was low becomes high
that which was sour becomes sweet

had you not existed
with the passing of time
my life would have become a burden
an unfortunate situation

you are the one who removes the burden off my chest
so that i can breathe
you are the one who removes the stones from my path
and smoothened it for me
you go before me
ready the path
so that i may walk

hours days and years
just for you to care for me
though i be your creation
i feel like You have been created for me
so much of service you are to me

in Quran, it has been said
if you are grateful and believe,
what God has to do in punishing you

with my life i testify,
that you care for me fully
so much that i am ashamed of my laziness
i wish i could be always in a state of meditation
and me too, one day i be of greater Service to you
that i be my BEST potential for your service
for i have NOT been created in vain
and if a mere seed can express ALL of its potential
by becoming a tree
me too, i want to express ALL of MY potential
in caring for others as you have cared for me.
then, i can die happy.

i wish always be with you here
and in the hereafter
there is no one else i want to be with
except with you

if i am still alive
it is thanks to you
these breathes i take in and out
they are not mine
but wholly yours

you know why?
because by now, i should have been gone
with my lot of breath
yet, i am still alive,
with a new breath
you have filled my life.
i don't know from whom i have borrowed this breath
but this breath is not mine
it is yours.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Power Word of Silence

when you read a true spiritual experience
its beauty stems from the exact words used for the description of the detailed sensations
such as strength, love etc.

AND because they are POWER words
because their sustaining base is Silence

meaning that the person caught part of the Essence being reflected in ONE quality
and the Silence is the Room which is being made,
for the Emanation of the Essence to express itself freely

and we as the Observer or the Watcher
can in the Room made by the Silence
witness the Emanation of the Beauty of God
by observing a quality of His.

Saturday 5 October 2013

To The Divine Mother

The Power of Love is amazing
it makes fixed things moving so much
that where we could have taken a picture
everything whirls and changes as if it is a play
while it looked so solemn and serious!
and it is now very refreshing

the pic we could have taken before
where everything was so well set
could have been very aesthetic
but so boring!

I LOVED the Thai movie "My Name is Love" (2013)

And loved the song- dedicating it to the Love of God Within:

Only you who can make flowers blossom within a night
Only you, the most important element, help me has this success
Only you who makes love really beautiful
Only love, the only word helps me accept this truth
To let me know what true love is
To let me know that the truth of love is to give
For you, for you

Only you, the girl who can turn an evil become an angel
My love today is always much more than yesterday

To Know - It is ALL within you

From Movei Loser Lover 2010

meaning of song
"you are the first person I thought can understand me. you said i am weird, it is because you haven't been compatible with me yet, just want you to understand my feelings

just want you to know, deep in my heart, what i don't step closer, use your heart to feel."

It is because the Divine is a Secret to be un-covered,
and so We as Divine, see more of Ourselves into the Other,
as a Mirror.

It is only through Life Experience,
that God within can be revealed.

As a friend told me,
there is nothing to be discovered with your mind,
but with your Heart,

Use Your Heart to discover The Whole Secret,

"Did he smile [when  he lost/got not what he wanted]?
he smiled the first and second time at the failure, but not the third time.
this means he failed.
the two first times, he found something else to do.
the third time he is alone.

Where is he ? bring me there?
no.Everyone needs to know how to protect themselves,
and how to face failure
except if you feel failure is a mistake
then you can go and console him."

Very funny and deep movie.


Tuesday 1 October 2013

Unrolling of the leaf towards the sky - Desire and Attention

That feels like, envisioning a green leaf which opens slowly / unrolls
this is the essence of the leaf which is opening/revealing itself upwards
so it is being unwrapped

for there is no imbalance in the action of unrolling,
nor in its intensity of emitting a misplaced wish,
these two sides are in the human being and are its mark
it is just the actual natural power, in full balance
which is being unwrapped

and in the 'sky' is just this Attention that looks
this Attention has No memory
so it is in the Pure Witness state
of seeing the unrolling of the leaf

"Spirit is pure peace and vibes are joy of the spirit in knowing Itself"
because the Attention is stable - so it is peace
and "in knowing itself" there is movement, so necessarily a power upwards
so strong that it defies the gravity
it pushes upwards towards the Attention

this is why in dream i had seen Allah looking at the noor of the Prophet,
and the more He looked, the more the light of the prophet got filled with Love

for the Attention is Peace
Peace sent on all prophets - as in quran
this is the Message,
and the Spirit light got joy when it is being observed by this pure Attention
and the more you give attention the more it increases in Love

while for the human being,
his attention is mixed with thoughts
thus a filter through which the power/unrolling of leaf is being looked at
if he luckily is realised;
otherwise you have a mixed attention looking at NO THING,
till your own kundalini, this natural wish of God, power of God, has not arisen.

Saturday 28 September 2013


The sacredness of the moment
is not when you put on an attitude of sacredness
however good intended

the sacredness which emanates in that moment
is indeed the fruit of the moment

so it is only
when you recognise during the action itself in the present
the divine in the thing or person
while at the same time you are also aware of the divine within you
which both are the same

then truly your attention is undivided
this is recognising the very present moment
admitting it
and letting it be
then we become aware of the light of that moment
for there are no more veils between us and the present

then, by letting go of our divided attention/corrupted one
which is travelling here and there, instead of being present

we let The Light Shine
and just the characteristic or beauty of that light
is the Sacredness we feel
as emanation of the right placing of attention.

Friday 27 September 2013

Attention again

 where there is pain,
is where you brought your attention outside

that is a misgiving

and you have to return it inside.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Allahu Akbar intertwined with Ave Maria

Lotus Feet
at its center are the male/female energy in balance

male The unmanifested  -  Allahu akbar
and feminine/Power of Allah nourishes this inner desire which is naturally sprouting
and let IT manifest
for she knows it...

The Lotus of a Thousand Petals

Yesterday was our first day
for the preparation of the national seminaire in France

i liked that room be made for us
to be our best version of ourselves

call has been given:


this is the time of your life

how many enterprises in life
call us,
no, allow us

how many people
as much as those who reached the place to EXPERIENCE IT TODAY.

people still are in wonderment about each other light
do not be silenced by it...
but see it
as the expression allowed of inner shining light



do not raise one above another
but see it as the PERMISSION FOR YOU TOO to IT shine forth

what is this IT
that you keep praying to
while IT only wait
that you desire to LET IT SHINE through you

you are the KEY to the jewelry box
that you are too.

this is an invitation
do not remain silent or awe struck
otherwise it is like
a lightning striking a stubborn egg shell
which has hard time to crack open

at the end of our sincere desire to organise this event
we prayed and bowed to the All pervading divine power within

which manifested
replied back to the heartfelt desire
of accepting the prayer at "Her lotus feet".

by the vision of the lotus feet Itself
pinned with white rose.

someone asked on net
"what lotus feet means?"

answer :
"Very good and sincere question.

Padam(feet) means source.

Lotus(kamalalaye) means the blooming lotus of awareness.

Souce of the mind is the blooming lotus of awareness.

Guru is nothing other than our own self,so his feet symbolically represent
the souce of our mind which is bloming lotus of awareness."

i find this beautiful : Source of the Mind is the blooming Lotus of awareness

Source of the Mind is the blooming Lotus of awareness
Source of the Mind is the blooming Lotus of awareness
Source of the Mind is the blooming Lotus of awareness

 Source of the Mind


the blooming

Lotus of awareness

Amazing isn't it?
Step back now,


doesn't it look like eye?

: )

all of this complicated dream,
pain and suffering
from in to out
to go back in, to our origin

and see that
there is nothing to see
but just our own Self

look at the meaning at the center of the Lotus :

source :

The Sahasrara Chakra is the seventh and highest centre of the subtle body, and is located at the crown of the head.
In this antique diagram, it is depicted as a white lotus of many petals. (In yoga texts, the Sahasrara is described as having a thousand petals).
At the centre of the lotus are the feet of the Supreme Being/Self. One is shown white, representing Shri Shiva (the masculine, un-manifest half of the Self), and one red, representing Shri Shakti (the feminine, creative half of the Self).
The trikona, or triangle, may represent the three qualities that pervade the universe: the creative, sustaining and destructive powers, enclosed by the circle of time.
A beautiful image from Indian devotional poetry reveals the crown of the head as a pedestal on which the cool, fragrant, lotus feet of the Divine may rest. In India, the feet of the Divine are considered to pour out blessings and auspicious vibrations, just as in Hindu mythology, the sacred Ganges, source of all sustenance, is said to flow from the feet of Lord Vishnu.

When a person's sahasrara opens, they experience Self-realisation. After this happens, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi recommends daily meditation with the attention lightly on the sahasrara. Some ancient yoga texts say to put the attention on the brow centre, but these were probably written with the assumption that the aspirant would not yet have had self-realisation - an achievement considered very rare and difficult in previous times. Placing the attention at the crown for meditation, means that the awareness is above the distractions of the mental level, as the lotus of sahasrara blooms above the turbulent or murky waters of the lake of mind, and its petals repel the droplets of thoughts.
In Jewish mysticism, the Sephirot centre known as Kether (literally 'crown'), is similar in it's qualities to the Sahasrara of yoga philosophy. Situated at the top of the Tree of Life within the body, it represents pure consciousness and union with the Divine.
The mystical Sufi strain of Islam has a system of subtle centres known as latifas. The highest latifa: Akfha (the 'most subtle') is also located at the crown of the head, and is the point of unity where beatific visions of Allah are directly revealed.
Modern, New Age interpretations often depict the Sahasrara as having a violet or purple colour, but this is not seen in traditional paintings and scriptures. This probably comes from the idea that the colours of the chakras follow the colours of the rainbow, starting with red at the first centre, orange yellow green blue and violet. Traditionally, however, the white colour represents the purity of this centre, and its integration of all the elements and colours. White contains all colours. 
Sometimes it is described as a lotus of multicoloured petals, and often depicted as an inverted lotus, with the petals opening downward to release divine nectar and fragrance into the brain.
This South Indian temple is crowned by an inverted sahasrara lotus.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

My story of Seeking Truth - how it started

It has been a whole month,
that i have not written.
: ) sometimes there is so much to say that i just say it outloud
tongue is faster than fingers to relate.

I can't believe how the God within has changed my whole life
within a year
and this God within,
who is the same in you
knows it all.

 i thank this Light for having cast its Gracious eyes upon me
for having saved me from that which i knew not
not only one time, but so many times
so that today, i am still alive

had i died, no one would have known it
and it would have made no difference to the world
it is like our departure add nothing nor remove anything from His Glory.

i had always wondered how is it?
it is because WE ARE this GLORY within!

so nothing has to change
except the falsity of our mask
which has just to go dust
one just has to let go

to BE.

in uk, i had believe to have found the Absolute Truth.
it was the case.
but i had seen others having found it,
but never had I found it within!

the people i met there
were sufi
no denomination
just their look on their face, startled me

it was as if they had no ego,
no reaction
but were always enjoying
and especially i was intrigued by the "flowing"
all was flowing among them
no attitude,
it was all just there.

i entered the room
and they were talking of bhagva gita, holy bible
of yoga

and i was even more surprised
how could such sanity may emanate from them?

that was naked faith.

in france, i was used to hear about islam
from its historical background.

when i used to hear new convert stories,
and how they entered islam,
i just saw beauty coming from them
i used to call it naked faith
they never ever talked of caliphs etc.
as if it has to be part of faith... to KNOW historical facts
what about those new converts who were so beautiful and yet clueless
of historical facts, upon which muslim community is divided?

all i could just see from them was their sincerity
in their talk, on their spontaneous reaction, and in their manners
and a great yearning for The One
i used to feel it inside
as if it was a soft fire burning
which was hungry to see more of their face

so The One was their goal

but then, for me the horizon was sort of blocked
i could not see more

in uk, i learned the value of the People of the House,
meaning, "the purified ones" who belonged to the family of the prophet.

it was not a blood relationship only, which is being refered to
but a light relationship
a light flowing in these people, called the "people of the House", or "the purified ones"

House, as for House of God
it is by then, i saw in a vision, that my whole body was the Kaaba,
the Holy house of God,
soooo sacred and PURE

yet, i was so much in love with the dreams themselves
that i was unable to work upon this revelation
with the TRUE MIND
that indeed

I AM within, this sacred Light of God,
The Spirit breathed by Allah into Adam
that my true identity is ALL PURE
nothing to add, nor to retrieve
but just to let go
(otherwise it becomes the ego=the hoarding state, which leads to false identification)

when i was back in France
i was just desperate
i could not believe that God had again sent me back
among people
whom i used to look into their eyes
and i could see nothing
i could not find anymore
this strong beauty inside them
as i witnessed it over there

i could try to relate it to them
and in advance i knew they would never understand what i was talking about
yet, i went against my intuition
and told them what i sought in them and could not see
so desperate i had grown,
it was like the END of the world for me
i had the impression of dying every minute to say the least
a true dying
with its pain
and anguish that soon a real death with come
and i would depart without realising


i could see in visions
small lights becoming one into the Big Light,
The Face of God

and i was there
and no one could see me.
and i kept looking into people eyes,
or at their face
and on the spot i knew,
"drop it, they can't see you"

because once you have seen the Standard of Truth
then, you know all the rest is fake
it is just that people themselves know it not.

so sincere some were,
they were really trying to bring me what i wanted
but that was all vain,
for they were using their mind to do it
they wanted to help me
that is by then i had a really heavy heart and i was pained
because i knew what i wanted
and they knew it not
and they could not bring it to me
so they too were pained for not being able to help me
and also because no one who has a heart
wish to see someone else in pain and not help

yet, while i was in pain,
i said to myself,
if really they were sincere for me,
if really they wished to help me
they would seek for truth for me
and for me, they would change
and desire what i desire

as myself i was like nailed
unauthorised to join the Light
at least they could, by seeing my genuine pain,
on my behalf, seek it for me, no?

but no one,
really no one
and that was my hardest and lowest time in my life,
this i know,
i went to the deepest of despair
and i saw
there was no one
no one who COULD even while being sincerely wanting to help me
NO ONE could help me
because for the first time in my life i saw,
they could not help me, because they refused to help themselves FIRST

and i was waiting,
just waiting to God send person from nowhere
i had decided,
that i won't seek for anyone anymore

because a TRUTHFUL person
is the one who would see me,
and recognise me
he would know who i am,
what was my past,
and what i desire.

he would not just,
would not put limits
would not say this is right and this is wrong
he won't say that "it is too late",

he won't abandon me
as if it be limited time to be with me
out of time and space
was REAL
because my desire for truth was, is and will always be REAL

so WHY a "helper" would be limited to time and space?

i came to this natural conclusion,
for i had experienced dialogue among deaf and blind
i could tell them the Light i was seeking,
the Truth that i had witnessed in others
and now trying hardly to find it
but they could not realise that what i was seeking was otherworldly

you see, you can never know of another world
if you have only lived into this one.

it is like a baby who cannot even encompass what an adult life is.

so i had seen IT, witnessed IT, felt IT,
but it was all in OTHERS
never in me

and back in France
the only thing i wanted
was to go back to uk
to be again with people of Light, of Ease and Peace
people of this Flowing Life

i could not stand being there
and each day for me was heavier than the preceding one
everyday i used to get up and wonder
why am i still alive
why God has shown me Light and removed me from it
that was really feeling like going on the highest place ever possible
and then being crushed down equally, with the same strength.

Getting all that you have ever wanted, to witness the Light
and becoming right after so blind
i could not lit the light ...

then, as a last chance to myself
for that was my natural inner ultimatum
either i make it or i die
i wanted to KNOW for SURE

the more i was trying to "go back" to the past
the more the past was becoming a story
and everyday i was feeling the light going away
i felt it also reducing in my heart
all was going away
and i was in sheer doubt,
how could i know what Truth is?

for if i had experienced Truth in UK
then it could not leave me?
for truth never leaves

but it has left,
and everyday as i said it,
i could feel less and less light in heart,
less joy and no more promises of Grace

so, how could i dare to wish for Truth now?
for, if i wish for it again, could i give it a chance doubtlessly?
after having hurt myself so much?

this puzzle was because of ONE word,

all that i experienced WAS INDEED TRUTH
but i took the light in others as being the one i had to grab OUTSIDE OF MYSELF
while these were JUST TRUE EXAMPLES, pointers, ayah, evidence, SIGNS
for me to do the SAME INSIDE OF ME.

and i made myself sick to death
for i could not grab a truth that was just an illusion.

truth, because the leader of these people has earned his own light,
he was self realised (meaning his inner energy;  kundalini had awakened)
but this i knew not before,

 while i had myself
to be RESPONSIBLE for my own inner awakening...

instead of seeing this same unity in him in me
i used to see myself worthless of it.
so i associated another concept to the one and ONLY truth :

that LIGHT is within me too!

so by then, i was stuck to the outside, and wondered:
how could i ever live, if i had lived the best of my wish already?
i had nothing to wish for, thus nothing to live for

i had hardly finished my higher studies
that i realised by looking ahead
that it is NOT the world i want to live in
i looked ahead and saw
i saw routine,
to get up, to work, to come back
and restarting this AGAIN
and inbetween, here and there some joyous moments
as if one is a thirsty person who has TO WAIT FOR MOMENTS OF JOY

and just to get married and have children
and themselves they will start again the same circle
i was appalled
was it this? this was LIFE?
NO! that is NOT what i had imagined or expected,
it could not be SO FIXED
and how could people be satisfied just with it?

if i was created
if i was given a brain to ponder
a heart to desire
it was NOT to limit them to that vision!

and if a wish exists, then OBVIOUSLY
it has been created to be EXPERIENCED
it has been created so that it may see itself!
at some point, somewhere!
but it has to be so
however long it takes
it has to be so,

i have to see it
admire it
the wish has to feel the peace to have reached its goal
otherwise WHY it would exist?

Gracious God is ALL GOOD
then there has to be a solution.

i sought for Absolute Truth,
i sought for another level of life
the one i am certain of
with no doubt
that be EXACTLY as my heart would desire it
all satisfied with it

it is said time is short
waste it not
then, i wanted that all of my past time also be reactualised
into a time all blessed
to its maximum of its potential

like a seed, it has ALL in it,
so i wanted God to make it GROWS to its maximal potential EVER

to reach the place
for which the Messengers and prophets have been sent
and to reach it as never ever any man or woman has!

i wanted to know

for God sake,
what is the MESSAGE?
we keep saying it,
but no one tells it clearly

in what terms it revolutions LIFE?
what is then the denial we are into?
for it there is a message, it means before we ARE in ignorance and denial.
but people are ready to hammer the fact there is a message,
but not the consequence that you have to be dead ready to accept your own denial! to see it!FINALLY.

why do you think, the MESSAGE called affirmation of faith, starts with a NEGATION?
we negate our current FALSE state,
of identification with CONCEPTS


not with the ego!



yes, i have the right to desire it
for it is from my heart
for God has created me for IT!
i have not been created in vain
and i have been created with free will

and what if my heart wish was that?

to be the BEST version of a human being?
not caring on any duality of male or female,
nor being limited by traditions,
or letting it lessened by any notions such as "too late",
"it is past", "time has been wasted", "you are not qualified for it"
"this is for such and such kind of elite"

always conditions,
never open FIELD of LOVE

can't we wish for that kind of Life goal?

and why being ashamed of our heart desire?
who are faceless people, theories or concepts
to tell you what you should desire or not?

is it not enough to have a natural desire, for it to be VALID?

it is.
and it is the case for everyone too.
it all depends on our true desire,
and our natural persistence for it.

i knew not what i was concretely seeking
all i knew was that i would recognise it when i see it.

that it has to be a CERTITUDE to me
and no-doubt state should be its mark.

i gave my inner ultimatum
to myself
that Heaven and earth are witness,
i did my best
and that now i take the quran, with the intend to find God.

life has no meaning
if you are not satisfied with it

in uk, even the simplest thing was joy and happiness to me
because inside, was a storehouse of rejoicement
rejoicing with the company of likehearted people
just their company made my heart filled with this happiness
with no reason

but i was still dependent on the outside
they were with their own light
and i was brought their just to witness
and understand that this very joy is within me.

but so far, my life has never given me this testimony that
this light and joy is within me
so i could not value such conclusion

"how come? if it had been within me
i wouldn't have missed it!
i would have not led such a miserable life

you see, never people like to realise
after having toiled so much
that they could have led a nicer life a lot more easier

because it is ego-breaking to them, heart-breaking as they call it,

it is the fatal moment when you have to surrender to that ease and peace.

but we are afraid,
afraid that we wasted so much time?
all of this for nothing?

yes, to break through time and space,
we have to surrender
without inner hiding
to the truth
that this Light, of ease, peace and more
has always been within
and we have been blind to IT.

Saturday 24 August 2013

Attention and Awareness

why when we are tested
we again fall into the corruption of attention
EVEN if previously to the test we are warned?

it is BECAUSE we are ATTACHED to the "obeject of the test",
and the PRESSURE put on it/the test,

is THERE to show us our attachement/false identification.

so even if you are previously warned,
the warning served not you to be freed
the fall of your attention/ the link of it

to REALISE that you are ABOVE the object,
which is the experience of the mind/projection of it
so as your real nature is ABOVE

you ARE that AWARENESS of that pressure.

you are not the pressure
nor the object of pressure
nor UNDER pressure

but ABOVE the pressure
for you are the Pure awareness of it.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Light in the Present

God is Ever Present
and He shines

"It's in our nature to look back & regret our mistakes.
I hope you value the present & love every minute of it "

• Kimberly Kirberger

You are luminous, or your face radiates that light,
only when your dark path is enlightened by your soul
when your soul is happy, it glows, hence the light

and your soul is happy when you align yourselves with it
when you feed it with its light
which is :

to listen to it in the present
and respond to it

and you can do this BECAUSE of YOUR AWARENESS of its need in the PRESENT.

This is why when it is said
"to be kept in the dark"
it simply means not to be AWARE of the present
of an aspect of the present state

for the present is light,
is all clear
it is bright clear obvious and there.

Friday 9 August 2013

In the Present

at times in the present, things and place and vision look foggy
it is when we do not pay attention to the element of the present
this is why every new day is a present to us
for us to clean our eyes and be settled in the very now

and when we are, then things look brighter
attention is not jailed in a far off future
not blocked into the past
but it is in the present

it IS in the present
and then you realise that the Present
is the RIGHT for you to BE
to Exist.

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Word, Energy and Change

empty words
are empty for they are just words and people may not live the experience that we are sharing IN them

so the words are dead

but The Word
is Living
when it CAN give you the message/the experience of the speaker

and it can only do so when it is charged with vibes.

The Word
the Experience
The Verb

and not only it conveys,
for it is a power

as nuclear power transmute at the dna level the genes
and transform thus the fruits which are so much mishaped

but the pure energy of God
is transmuting us ALSO!
and transform us, our face and traits
as it DOES to the flowers and nature

but it is a magic or miracle for us
for when we see that happening to a human being
while it is SO casual with nature
we are shocked, or bewildered.

why being bewildered when a human being is more complex than a flower
and it could ten times MORE be beautifully transform into a new creation?
moulded by the Hands of God.

kiss : )

Thoughtless consciousness

i was running the stairs
and suddenly when i sat down,
my mind went blank, and it was all silence
with no thoughts at all

and i could even try to watch (?) the silence in my head

then, i tried to use thoughts to see what will happen.

it felt as if thoughts could not rise
and when they could
they would die
as if they were lacking air

then, again, i observed
this time i felt as if they could not progress in their length

as in this extract, where thoughts are growing USUALLY so :

"Thought -- to call it by a prouder name than it deserved -- had let its line down into the stream.  It swayed, minute after minute, hither and thither among the reflections and the weeds, letting the water lift it and sink it, until -- you know the little tug -- the sudden conglomeration of an idea at the end of one's line:  and then the cautious hauling of it in, and the careful laying of it out?  Alas, laid on the grass how small, how insignificant this thought of mine looked; the sort of fish that a good fisherman puts back into the water so that it may grow fatter and be one day worth cooking and eating."

-Virginia Woolf

so, they were not progressing in their development,
it was as if they were hurting a wall and crashing and dying
they could not stand erected
they had to die

actually at the end thoughts do die
it is just that it is better they die before we die
so that we die in a FREED state.

again, i watched and tried to raise thoughts,
and this time i felt like they could not even be raised
and stand
for they were lacking a backing,
the backing of attention!

so they were born by the attention,
meaning like thoughts are charcoal being born/carried by waggons of a train
and there was no attention/waggon to bear them...
so it meant that the whole attention at this very moment was NOT on the thoughts
but where? on the spirit? i feel not, for i was not feeling joy
so they were where? on the central channel, i guess. though i could not feel the vibes.

and finally, i watched again,
and that time i felt they were just lacking the strength to stand up
so they were lacking life force/fuel to exist

then, it hit me that air/attention/fuel of life force
they were in a way all elements air/ether?/fire

so it does make sense that when we get the five elements under control
(like our digestion is NOT under our conscious control, but in the subconscious level it is being operated,
so once we can control even our digestion, heart beat etc. then we are in full charge, mastery of our selves, so are we on the five elements. and we can  control it only when light/vibes SINK into it, deep down.)

yes, it is all about where we place our attention,
when placed on the central channel and on the vibes,
then we are detached and this make us free.

but when attention is itself attached to elements then these elements are feeding our own dependency
and strengthening our thoughts linked to them, for they are the base of them.

Wednesday 24 July 2013

when is there no surrender?

"it was like solving a problem with no answer
(may be because there is no problem , so there is no answer - thus you just submit to that idea and that is your freedom)

you had a problem and no matter how hard you try you could never find the solution,
 that's why it was so hard
but you did not want to admit that

it was hard when i was trying not to be shaken by those feelings, but when i admitted "i have completdly given up to this kid"

once i surrendered to that, it was not hard anymore
now it is fun."

during the first 13mins of the following korean movie
 Playful Kiss : Full Episode 14 (Official & HD with subtitles)

Sunday 21 July 2013

Song from Nineteen - Movie

This is the song from the movie "Nineteen",
which is about living your dreams.

Uploaded on May 5, 2011
This is a song Seung-Ri sings in the movie "Nineteen 19" with T.O.P and it's amazing! Enjoy! :) Lyrics are amazing.

English Translation Lyrics:

Are you alright, Is everything okay? You left without a trace going off to another world.

After time passes and i'am reborn i will tell you that i love you first. All the things i have wanted to say to you, I'll confess my love to you, That one person that i have loved...If were able to meet tomorrow , Greet me with a smile and tell me you have been well. You are the only one for me, I miss you so much. I'm brave enough to say this now, I've always wanted to say..I love you.

Romanised version of the lyrics

Chonma sanguaromnayo Nande keumchaleumgayo Hamlumchumbi eopshi Tareum sesanguro horo Humchogto eopshi tanagapori Sewae ginago nado Tachi teyonandaedo Kutenun naega munjo Sarahundago malhake Neyane kuteta haji motetona ye Kubegurchol nalke nonun Neaga saranghae tondanamsaram Heopshi naedo naegta shimannamyon Kutegu hanamnisoro naege amniojoyo Kude chalchi naegowinnun goejo Narun saranghae jultanansaram Pokoshipun mankamjulha naeyo Ijenmalhae suyisoyo itegkolkangikeyo Kuman kude saranghaeyo ijen