Wednesday 24 April 2013

Locate the pain and love it

When you face an issue

remember unity inside is needed to realise Truth ultimately,
so GRASP that moment when the division comes on the surface (of the consciousness or in life)/tension you feel
and CHOOSE love within

locate the pain inside
and where you feel it
send it love

this is how you love all in compassion

(for it is not about loving the outside, 
it is about fixing it inside through love
that is the big difference

on the former case you will either go nut
or you will end up loving and accepting the unacceptable shit of others lol

while on the latter you will learn to be tolerant with yourself and thus the others
for the sake of Unity of Truth)

Devotion and Truth

o my soul i have found devotion again

it is not for me to be part of a religion
but part of the spirituality

i cannot deny therefore my background/ the ground from which i stem
as much i cannot deny the corruption of my own land / mind and body

but what i know
is that only the holy references in islam
all of them, yes, i found them all into the christianity and hinduism
like a thread you can follow.

and it is not important to cross-reference just for the sake of it
no, for it helps in no way to play with concepts

but it shows the thread of unity
the diversity of faces and forms, though the essence is same
the diversity of faces is needed like a bud opening, for the essence to be touch in its deepness
and entirety while opening and letting perfume diffuse around

yet people fight above the forms
while they are all from the same
and this very same Divinity is ----installed---- within
THIS is this very ESSENCE i wish to say, INSTALLED within
so great, it is installed within
and you just need to recognise it.

of course, how can one recognise It/this Mark of Unity
when one is in conflict within?
conflict within is reflected in ANY type of conflict we are involved with on the outside

and UNLESS we do NOT AIM for the UNITY within
we can NEVER recognise it

and of course! wishing to see unity within
is already a barrier!
for it is the i which seek the unity
but this make two! lol

so it is true, one cannot reach the unity within
for one IS IT.
and one can REALISE it, ONLY if one make the "effort" to make NO effort towards it.

this is WHY letting go is the key word.
discipline is not of this or that ritual, discipline is of that constant letting go to finally

and devotion is the intensity with which,
rather i wish to say the velocity with which
you progress to this Truth

you just need to rekindle the flame
and see it roar
touching the sky, as the skyscrapers boldly try

but this One is a Real One,
it DOES touch the sky
and then, you keep having another one
and keep touching it at its turn
and so on

there are so beautiful articles
i need to post them.

Touching the Essence

God is this All pervading Power of Love
everything is made of energy
the difference is that they are more or less dense
once their travel is completed they achieve a more material form
while in the spiritual one, they are hardly graspable

if we are made of the five elements (earth, wind, water, fire, hm ether what is that lol)
and that these elements are within us
if we near their true essence which is this very divine energy
for this if we go into meditation, deep meditation
then, at some point we have to reach their true essence, which is our true essence then.

and then, if we have a desire, let's say to have a job
job too exist on the material plane, and made of these elements (an office, is made of this elements, the place, the people etc.)
so if we come to close contact with the feeling of love
if we do not  consider a job, like a title or like a distant and separate state to just possess or acquire
but if we see in it, a living essence, that is calling you, and loving you
if you can manage to feel it
then it means that you heard the call
and if you heard it
then you too you can reciprocate the love for you heard it

this is why it is important to know what you desire
if you know what you desire
then, you will feel the inner call for it
and the love from it
which is actually your own love that you undiscovered in this time and place/in this form.

if you had not desired it
how could you have heard it, felt it and ......... at the end , when it comes in front of you, touch it?

so it is not about possessing
for it is already to be discovered within
but it is about recognising it
all the way long

if you uncover it within
you will remember it and know it is the right one
in your dream travel outside.

also, i feel
if God is this witness
that silent witness
that keen observer

then, if he is not to decide for you
for it would put you into the state of slavery
to get what you had not consciously/unconsciously willed,

if he is to stand still
but it is you who has to move to that love that you uncover within
may be this is how you enjoy the travel
while the end goal of it
is when you recognise outside that which you uncover inside
and thus love would have brought you to your destination
blending would have occurred
and this is how one could name it, as fusion/blending/union  in Love from the beloved to the lover.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Colors of the Wind

To those who discovered the rainbow within :

To those who feel the cool breeze of the air : )

why not the present

You know why we cannot live in the present?
because the present is hell

and we seek to evade ourselves from it
under pretexting to look to the past, in order to weight the issue
in order to find solutions

then, we project ourselves into the future
for we WANT certain results.

of course, then, it is impossible to enjoy
while we can only enjoy/use feelings of the present
that is the only real state

but there is no living in the present
because it is hell.

and what is there in the present?
it is only our own consciousness or soul
so that's it. that is the real state where we are,
a lowly one.
where we wish to depart from our own company.

Monday 22 April 2013

Safinah Nuh

This is a great extract :

Four years later, however, I came across two lines attributed to Buddha describing his enlightenment experience. Referring to self as a house, he said, "All thy rafters are broken now, the ridgepole is destroyed". and there it was - the disappearance of the center, the ridgepole; without it, there can be no house, no self. When I read these lines, it was as if an arrow launched at the beginning of time had suddenly hit a bulls-eye. It was a remarkable find. These lines are not a piece of philosophy, but an experiential account, and without the experiential account we really have nothing to go on. In the same verse he says, "Again a house thou shall not build", clearly distinguishing this experience from the falling away of the ego-center, after which a new, transformed self is built around a "true center", a sturdy, balanced ridgepole.

Source :

the good part is that she added : clearly distinguishing this experience from the falling away of the ego-center, after which a new, transformed self is built around a "true center", a sturdy, balanced ridgepole.

 because usually it is only a part which is spoken of, not the other
and one get confused. 

the image of a ridge pole and its rafters is like we have built a wrong house, 
which is not proportionate
for its ridge pole is not linked to the right source
and of course all the rafters/experiences that come to our ways
come and aligned themselves in such a distorted way
what do you want? if the base of construction is not sound, construction is meant to be much more fragile than a good house build with a true ridge pole. 

so the soundness of the axis is important
your soul SHOULD be connected to the SPIRIT
and the axis is that bridge or that ridge pole :

very fine one isn't it?

if there is an error in the ridge pole, then you are dead. 

anyway, the rafters, they are so well aligned
actually it is like this in life, 

first you as soul get connected to the spirit
ok the cool breeze is there to established the path to it
like a motorway 
route is designed
but it is up to you to strengthen the connection

the stronger the connection
the stronger will be the current passing from the spirit to the soul 
all along the ridgepole/axis

and in that case, all the unfit rafters / experiences / people 
at a given time
will be either meeting you or leaving you
it is impossible that a disproportionate ceiling be built
if the ridge pole is there

"The magnetic field of a bar magnet revealed by iron filings on paper."


for SURE the current WILL protect you from the unfitting one.
it cannot be otherwise
and it is also one refers to the lotus which comes out of the mud and is not dirty
how could it be, if there is a divine force/power which let it grow and yet protect from disproportionate attachements?

in that perspective you don't need to feel tired of making effort,
though you have to pass through this, as long as you have not make it right for your connection.

it is like a strong current has to pass from the spirit to the soul
and while passing it buzzes
and the buzz create this electro-magnetic waves 
that repulse or attract the right rafters for you.

so intensive meditation is the key
if you want a pretty, well proportioned house.


house, temple of God 
points at that time of well proportioned house

the kaaba as well
it points at the perfect proportioned of the house
ever wonder how the perfect size of it has been built at the time of abraham
they were using stars in sky to direct the proportion of the house

anyway, the ridge pole example, 
make me definitely think of the safinah nuh, 
the arche of noah, 
for it has been built in great and fine proportions, definitely.
that is the safety for those who take it. 


Sunday 21 April 2013

Spirit and Soul

The spirit is that Light
it is the special light which is your savior
for it is like a stream of sharp light,
a very thin bridge
that send its ray and make it your path to walk upon

this ray, this bridge of light
is destined to the soul
which is the one in darkness

the spirit, is beaming in that joy
for it is whole and self sufficient

the soul
is the one who has fallen out from that heaven
and forgotten that I AM

so when light reaches it
it takes time to the soul to open its eyes
and wake up

because it is so much used to look around
that it does not see inside that light reaching for it

for sure, if attention is on one place of a room
it is not in another corner of it
in that case one is blind to that very information coming from that corner

so a wider awareness is indeed
the one that helps the soul look all around
a light that lit on everything

this spirit enlightening the mind
is called in that function
the Witness, or the pristine awareness

though both are same
i feel the witness is when our mind get used to this sound functioning of his
which is to witness what happens around
without getting bonded emotionally

and pristine awareness
make reference, rather hint at the soul
it is "from the soul" perspective that it is an awareness

while witness is from the mind perspective

and pristine, well it means "original in its purity"
who do not have "regret of past"?
and think that precious innocence is lost?
but no, precisely pristine MEANS that it is still there.
so there is hope.

then, the beam of light which is ever coming to the soul
is i feel nourishing it
fulfilling it.

for everyone has its food
and the food of soul has to be of same origin

body food is made of earth elements
all minerals and fat comes from earth
while the body is ALSO made of earth

so soul food
SHOULD come from the GROUND of the soul too
and it HAS to be the spirit world
and when the soul receive its food
then, we become what we eat lol

if we eat junk food, the body smells and health show it to you
and make an ugly face to you a few years from your eating habit lol

but the soul,
need also this light as nourishment
and when it is nourished from a higher realm
where vibrations are faster and purer and wholesome and complete
then the soul which is stuck and leaving in lower realm, where there is pain
is thus healed as it is fed
it progress and it ascend and it beam too.

it is just more real than the life of this body
for the life of this body is slow in growing and decaying
but the life of the soul is so rapid i feel
this is why we cannot realise on the spot that a child is growing everyday
but if we see this same child after a gap time we see that he has grown, no?
may be because our daily life entrap our vision
while when we are detached from it, we are free to see.
who knows : )

Seeing the child that you are

Ads on youtube are getting amazing :

even the BAD boy and the GOOD guy
did not exist anymore and end up both being cuties!

yet there is ONE thing that didn't work out,
when olds one resist to have fun, that ends up in a weird reflection LOL

Saturday 20 April 2013

You are Beautiful

but you don't know it.

plus song, i am "beautiful".

the criminologue helper came to shelp shifting from ugliness himself to helping people see the beauty inside themselves.

Friday 19 April 2013


While meditating
we are meant to be in the present
not that we are not supposed to be in the present in general : )

during meditation
this is our truest state
we are in the present
because we give up our mind and heart to the cool breeze
it is like you are sitting in a boat
the boat is on the river
and you put your hand in its water
while the boat keeps moving
your hands feel and experiment the coolness of the river

likewise you do not do any effort in the meditation
except to feel the cool breeze
and literally speaking
you put your heart and mind into the cool waters
by surrendering to the cool sensations

and remember the cool breeze is free
it is the power of God that has stabilised that which was chaos
and put order where things were inordinate
so much for the creation
can a single individuality like you could be more burdensome than the whole of creation that you now witness in its perfected state?

what is belief in God, if you do not believe in what He can do for you?
in the present, what is He asking from you ?
whoever you be and whatever your religion or philosophy be?
it is to surrender to this very power of Grace which works for you
to bring you were the rest of the perfected creation is brought day by day.

you can only so much surrender
according to your trust in Him
if you trust then you grasp the present
grasping the present
is not wishing for a past scene or a future one to come
though they be really pretty to consider
for in the present you are
and if you are honest to it
the really beginning of staying ever after in the present
is to surrender to that present state
and what that present state is except to enter the gate of that which is free like air?
and yes, trust in Him, can never be experienced EXCEPT in the present : ))
this is WHY it is only the present that is asked of you
to surrender to the present.

we are with those we love
if we love ourselves, we love freedom for ourselves
freedom from being jammed into life
due to our thoughts
thoughts can go only so far
they bring you delightfully to very far and unexplored places
but then, they let you there, you are stuck
imagine how many thoughts emanating from you
and keep clashing with each others and making knots
how can you at the end be on a motorway and just trace your route,
if you are caught up into a traffic jam?

yet, when you lit a light bulb
light emanates from it
it just let go of what it holds Inside
when the filament is being heated
light emanates
Inside out it goes like this

this is how one radiates.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

How we forget our true identity

When i remember what i heard in the previous video
about the ego
it said, that what we believe that we know about ourselves (thus what we believe that we are) is ONLY a reflection about what society see us/tell us.

likewise, it distorts the truth of what we are.

and strangely enough,
what we are?
commonly, we can start with a physical description
but what is the boundary?
it will extend as far as our experiences are, isn't it?
so that even what we experienced a given day in a given year with a given person, will become part of what we think we are, be it emotionally speaking or in any other way
because it will taint our perception of ourselves
we will feel more or less secure about a topic
and identify with the weakness or strength of our feelings by then.

so far, can our identification process go!
or it can be very narrow, depending on our choices to define ourselves.

and so, loneliness could be a trait of character that we identify ourselves with
and again, it will be defined by the reflection of what society taught us (through our formal learning or life experiences with family, friends or lack of it)

yet, it is not true definition of loneliness
it will be tainted, would be seen through rough glasses, it will be like rays of light reflected by society on us
while it would have absorbed and hidden the other rays of this light
so that the true meaning of loneliness
which i am sure is a beautiful one, which is THE ONE,
will be distorted and forgotten by us
because that loneliness it is also what we are
for we were born and were lonely
and will depart also in that state
it is just that in between we will gather a full range of experiences
which are aimed at awakening us to our true self so that we may dig into it deeper i feel.

so that the experience of being our own friend
could be such a beautiful experience
except that we rarely take pleasure in our own company
so much we have forsaken ourselves : )

Little story about images

in a movie
a son who has been abandoned by his mother
and met her in his adulthood to take his revenge from her
is now willing to change his feelings towards her
since he understood the underlying reasons of her abandoning him.

and he said that as his mother has had so far only a bad image of him
and worked with him and came to know him only as an unfair businessman
for it is the only experience she had with him so far

the only way for her to have another image of him
a renewed image of him
and feel him differently when she looks at him
is for him to do her justice in the business area
by giving her back what he took from her when he was taking his revenge

this is why acts/deeds are important
they help us feel different about a person
and this constitutes the experience we gather about this very person
and the image we have of him
and how we sense ourselves when we are in his vicinity

and thus indirectly our deeds of past experienced by the person
we control the atmospher of joy or lack of it

but greater is to not associate ourselves with the reflection of the people in us
but to know who we are.

Daring to do

what is faith

Faith is the gap between what we do (cooking meal for someone) and the result of it (its unexpected appreciation)
we do not control the result
but we control what we are (doing)

focus is just one pointed (on what we ARE doing)
such a great amount of concentration
to be what you desire  (= real doing)

and then,
you let it explode,
when you bring your gift into a new atmospher
where it shines
this shining is the one into which you bathe yourself
and it is through this shining
that everything is shared.

Dropping the Ego

This is a very straight to the point video
listen to it well,

Neat and clean :
Ego is the self we imagine to BE.  : ) right now it makes me smile, for if  I AM how can i imagine what i am, as it is PRESENT in front of me? so it simply means i do not have yet eyes to see, for my eyes/sight/attention is diverted/veiled by some other seeing, with which i identify myself with.
so any seeing is not me, for in truth  I AM that true self born with when i was a baby.
Ego : is when we catch someone's attention and the reflection we get from his reaction constitutes our identity then. Ego is just the reflection of the outside world (absorbed in us).
Role playing, we all have this acute sense of role playing, our rhythm of being, reaction and automatic responses and manners of beings are different from family to school to friends' setting. this is why students are "shy" in front of classroom. not because they are shy people by nature, hell no way, they are the ones that bully you in the school lol. no, they go shy because they see Inside the discrepancy between their way of acting in group and now they are standing in front of their same peers and have to play the role of a student. so it clashes with their former identity.
and also this is why they laugh and giggle without reason it seems.
but no, it is just that they sense it, and as the guy say in the video, no one tells them it is because you are right to SENSE the gap in your roles switching, and NOW turn Inside.
instead the teacher will laugh at their oddities and the friends too and finally the poor student performing in front of the classroom will too find himself quite silly to perform.
it is like i feel, in life, at times, only foolishness exists (in the sense of everything is done in excess) and there is hardly ever anyone who cares to tell you
where sanity lies.
it is not about judging, but it is about showing you boundary,
not for the sake of rules or severity, but for the sake of helping you to turn Inside.
unless this someone exists, you can't remember ... and it is most probable that this someone exists in your daily life, and you have been the one who has been so far blind to give him/her credit.
I liked the part about the dead leaves dropping,
they drop, for it is simply into the Absolute Awareness of it falling,
you do not have to do any effort for it to fall lol,
but just to be aware of it falling.
that is pure awareness
without association.
that is purity of faith.
of witnessing.
which brings you back to what you ARE.
so just let it fall.
just see it falling
for in any case it will fall,
do not make effort
you know it is bound to fall no?
so just see it, for ONCE, in your life,
simply fall.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Gayatri mantra

A very well read
and try of the gayatri mantra (recitation) :

illustrated in this video :

water resonates to what is thrown into it
throw a peeble into it and it resonates / creates vibes.

so make good use of your own water,
for your body is made of 70% of water...

make it resonate with the wish of receiving light
and becoming light
for sure it will happens.

it all depends on what you wish to put in it
and it will be returned to you.

sure tv and stuff, arguments and anger are put into it
with great dedication everyday
this is what they produce : the life we are living in the very moment

if you want to see your life changed
change the stuff you put in it
and it shall resonate in a new light.

: )

Aum Bhur Bhuva Svah
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi
Dhiyo Yo Naha Prachodayat
On the absolute reality and its planes,
On that finest spiritual light,
We meditate, as remover of obstacles
That it may inspire and enlighten us.

Om tat savitur varenyam : I see « Om » that (tat) light (savitur) which is bright (varensyam) 

Bargo                                   : destroy our impurities and purify us (bhargo)

Devasya dhimahi               : and give us enlightened (devaya) intelligence (dhimahi)

Dhiyo yo nah                     : let good thoughts (dhiyo) from you (yo) enter us all (nah)

Prachodayat                      : and guide us in the right direction (prachodayat)

from :