Tuesday 29 December 2015

Being the extension of the Spirit or of the Ego of others

"The fifth ascension initiation is the first one that brings a person into the path of true Ascended Mastery. The transfiguration in one’s physical being begins here. It is most easily defined as the “activation” (NOT OPENING) of the heart chakra. This takes an initiate into Christ Consciousness. When the heart chakra activates the light becomes an  intense sensation of LOVE and true bliss which becomes permanent in one’s body. There is NO mistaking it as it feels like a little sun has lit up where the heart used to be."

this is what i have NOT experienced so far
just may be 2 or 3 times
that i can remember to have felt so

like once i remembered
i was standing in metro
and felt sudden love for all people around me

just the joy of seeing them
and feeling warm love
wherever i looked

a second time
was right after a meditation
so much that a yogi
called me after
and said he felt my heart opening
so it confirmed that was special indeed

and a third time
which lol now i remember no more

but see?
it is NOT stable
is just there to show you it exists

as i read in that article
and reformulate it in my way

when you feel God Grace
is like a spark that leaves a trace in you
then as you hang on it, to remember that sparks
that is actually "past" so
you should let go EVEN of this watermark

cause if you don't
then is you who are into it
by yourself
is no more the initial Grace
that you experienced

you are only feeding on its souvenir

next :

"Lower vibrations always find fault. Higher vibrations don’t have that experience as it all has been mastered. That is partly why those masters previously went to an ashram away from all those who are in the lower vibration. They don’t want the crap or need to learn the lessons those others have not yet understood and completed. Do you blame them?"

and this part
really made me laugh
as i remembered an experience:

"As the current ascension begins we are finding ourselves associating with others of similar vibration and on the same path, and with the same awareness as our own. We share knowledge and help each other because we each have different pieces to the puzzle. We are all both students and teachers. As we do we go through the process of increasing the light in our own field and vibrating ever higher. We find ourselves relearning or remembering many things we knew and have always known hidden deep within our soul. Being with others of the same or similar vibrations helps us to remember and to unlock those codes of understanding, bringing ourselves into ever higher awareness and states of ever expanding consciousness. We are becoming aware of All That IS (God, (“ourselves”) as we ascend out of the densities of forgetfulness and the veils are removed. That IS ascension in one description."

source : http://www.shiftfrequency.com/bill-ballard-mastering-holding-your-light-the-ascension-of-mother-earth-humanity/

so we are suppose to SHARE knowledge right ?
for we are both students and teachers
and guess what ?
one day a yogi said to me
"dear, don't be so deep when you speak
otherwise i feel you are teaching us
you should change"

so i asked her
of her ridiculous and nonsensical request,
"do you want me to be superficial and fake?!"

there are people
who are just envious
and not only they hide it not
or are not ashamed of it
but they OPENLY assert it
as if lowering others will make them superior

WHO on earth gives the advice
to be lesser than your true self?

only EGO.

never the Divine
even in the name of "collectivity"
will be trying to put other down
and make them deviate from their natural qualities see?

so the worst in the spiritual quest
is to find people who are pretending to be spiritual
and try to put you down
just to remain superior

but such people DO exist

and they are so oblivious
to their bad manners
that they glorify each other
for it
and act as thugs
by acting in group against a person they single out

this is why
they call people one by one
to teach them how to do puja
as is a group vs one new comer

never a group teaching puja to a new comer group
cause patronising and manipulation
is what count
and NOT spirituality
otherwise their "spiritual ego"
will lose its reason of existence see?

what i DISLIKE most
is traditions
and any religion or spirituality
once it starts carving you into their group image
is a SECT to me

and has at some point LOST
the real AIM

which is to find God Within
for God gives a flying no-concern attitude
about your rules and rituals that you teach to others

at best applies them to YOURSELVES
but please
don't to others

for you are just trying
to carve people
new comers
to your OWN image
and that is EGO

there is a very interesting episode in Dr Who
which of course i don't remember the number of it

in it
a woman came at the head of the cybermen group
as her mind was strong enough to control them

Dr who gave her the possibility
to leave this earth for another with them
cause he valued her spirit strength to control them
so he gave her the CHOICE to not harm other people free will
on this earth

of course
she refused
as she wanted whole control over others

and what he did?
he disconnected her from the network
she had with those robots

she thought he was going to harm her
but he harmed her not
she just harmed herself
he just removed her connection
that tied her to them

and then
her eyes opened up
to the hell she was in ...

cause she was no more in control
of the hell she had created
she was an observer in a deep shit
thus a victim

is like that it feels after death
once you die
your consciousness dies
so your connection with the WHOLE is cut

but your subconscious
is there witnessing and  being affected
by the hell you created

which you could not see before
as your consciousness
and your excess of confidence
were a veil that prevented you to see
where you are
and you are in "deep hell"

such a beautiful drama is this Dr Who

is same stuff in this life
when you are into a group
you are part of it
you swim into it
you are connected to it
and you are part of its karma

the day you get disconnected from it
you can see what you reaped

and are affected
consequently according to your deeds

same for me
as the natural distance installed itself
i saw that the only thing people where interested in
was the marketing of their sect
through the image of a muslim to aim at other muslims
large scale recruitment
of muslims lol


you don't need to recruit
when is Truthful

you just need to be GENUINE
let your light shine
and it will attract those who are of your vibrations

so if you really care for yourself
you will care to increase your vibes
to shine
and then you won't be the extension of the EGO of some other group, sect, religion

but you will REALISE (self realisation...hm?)
that you are the extension of the Spirit
you, the Soul

Monday 28 December 2015

Conscious embodying of one's soul and hearing your soul's voice

i love the fact of how
the author says
in brief

the whole point is to fill yourself UP
with light

see your body like a bottle
and fill it with light
that's the aim of meditation
of expanding your consciousness

The third Ascension mastery initiation is the conscious embodying of one’s soul. People think that they have already done this but when you realize the vastness of the soul and that it is experiencing multiple realities at the same time, and in multiple dimensions and universes, and in various physical forms far beyond just you, you realize that what is in your physical form is only a very tiny fragment of who you truly are. And even then that is only a small fragment of what you truly are on the grandest scale, which is ALL THAT IS, or God. You are that and that is you! I AM THAT I AM! Does that make sense?
Bringing more of YOU into your physical form is what you are doing as you increase your light, for THAT IS YOU! YOU ARE THAT LIGHT! This initiation is the conscious realization of embodying soul but in reality that understanding of embodying the true you – bringing heaven to earth – is ever expanding. Look at the tip of your little finger’s fingernail. That is how much soul is actually in your physical body. That should be a good representation to you. The trick is to get the whole of that which is you – your soul – into your little body.That is done by the expansion of what you think you are – by expanding your consciousness. It is an ongoing and eternal process as we ascend back to source."


"The fourth ascension initiation is allowing soul to manipulate life for its experiences. It is the Soul that is connected to source and is fed by your life experiences. You are only an incarnation of the soul in human form. People have a very difficult time when soul wants the individual to do one thing but that individual is in his/her ego and not listening and decides to do another. Conflict occurs at that point and lessons are being given to that individual that will continue until that person has recognized what initiates the conflict and surrenders to the soul. That’s a difficult thing to master, Learning to be still, quiet, and meditate is the process of learning to hear what soul is telling you."

 source : http://www.shiftfrequency.com/bill-ballard-mastering-holding-your-light-the-ascension-of-mother-earth-humanity/

thing is
with the yogi i met
they never got over the idea of
they were just stuck
on feeling them
once felt, happy go lucky
end of story.

they did it once a week
especially the most patronising guys & girls
amongst them
they had the idea
of meditating once a week

never in morning

only very few
spoke of spirit
but really NONE of soul

and how can you neglect your soul?
the very own voice of your soul?
and directly aim at spirit

soul is the very individualised part
of you
that needs its way back to spirit

and vibrations provide for that

but for the life direction
you need to listen to
the voice of your soul

i never heard
hey i heard my soul
telling me this

while i often wrote
what inner voice i heard
right after meditation

last time
my soul voice said to me :

"they inflict hurt (to others)
as they have inflicted it to their image and likeness

they must hurt themselves first
prior to you

otherwise how would they feel
your hurt"

is about life lesson
before you may do something to someone else
you are actually first doing it to/against you

why is so?
so that your soul may experience the lesson of it
and taste it first hand
otherwise there will be no first hand experience
for you to learn the lesson

cause soul speaks
or manifests its voice
to you
ONLY once you are in silence

so the yogi that i met
who are now "specialists"
of meditation
have no access to the voice of their soul?


why is so?
cause they forsake
morning meditation
which is the only one
which provides you access to
best meditation

when the most patronising of them
they only do it
when they are themselves patronised
or are patronising others

so that's it

that's the life program
i saw
is such a waste of time
to not have EVER heard your OWN soul...

let me quote this to you again

"That’s a difficult thing to master, Learning to be still, quiet, and meditate is the process of learning to hear what soul is telling you."

Sunday 27 December 2015

Lord Increase me in Knowledge

As i remember
when my quest for Truth started
in a dream
i entered a library
which now i know
represents the akashic records

i took a book
and before opening it
i said the quranic ayah

"Rabbi zidni ilma"


"O my Lord
increase me in Knowledge"

once i opened the book
i saw in the first page
the word written

Nafs is the Self

so the answer was
that the Knowledge starts
by knowing your True Self

this article is definitely one of the best
here is another extract of it :

"The first Ascended Mastery initiation is the desire to know one’s self, or find God. You choose to find your way up the mastery path when you do this. Everything soon unfolds as you make that choice. There is a probationary period by soul as you do this. That is designed to see IF you really want to complete the Earth School Experience. To understand that probationary period you must understand the descension process and how we became the individual fragments of consciousness you recognize yourself as being. Ascending is nothing more than a reversal of descending from where we came. I will not get into that subject here as I have previously written about that process."

"The second ascension initiation is passed as the probationary period has been reached and one has maintained his/her desire to ascend. This probationary time in past lives could have been a whole lifetime. Now in the End Times as we are completing this cycle known as the Piscean Age, that probationary period can possibly occur in weeks."

source : http://www.shiftfrequency.com/bill-ballard-mastering-holding-your-light-the-ascension-of-mother-earth-humanity/ 

the second paragraph
you can't know
how CLEARLY this happened in my own life
this is why i can't praise enough the writer of this article

all is very precisely stated
and is very true

for i was in this very dilemma
that was by then
the dead end in my spiritual quest
it was like i find something
or i am done

and then it awe strucked me
even if i find nothing
to see  theTruth

at least
i felt it in me
the desire is there

and that is the first
in my life
i used the word desire

cause for me the word desire
was about something not pure
something that you are dependent upon
such as a passion that enslaves you

but this time
the first time in my life
i realised how that was in me
the way i was inside feeling wired
to find Truth
was a true longing
that i called "desire"

and indeed
not only for weeks
but nearly for about 2 years
i was literally in hell

as in the extract
the writer called it

because i had to face my fears
of not finding Truth
so i was experiencing
all the fearful scenarios
of what my life would be
if i find not the Path

i think feelings, emotions
and that desire
have so many aspects

that they can't be truly treated
in one shot
but once again
that writer wrote it truthfully



they exist
look in your surrounding
when you feel exhausted by a person
each time you encounter that person

a person that will expose you in public
and shame you
so that you feel unease even fear

that person will provoke
fear in you
and that fear will please that one


this person is
and gets all of sudden
out of nowhere
over the fearful person

how it happened?


when you know that
that feeling of superiority
existed not before ?

is because that person
TOOK your OWN energy
by feeding from your fears

such people

too low to CREATE Love
with others

they are loving
but in truth
they are POOR
spiritually low level
dependent people

who lower others
to feed from their fears
to ENHANCE themselves
and their image
by threading onto others

so they STEAL your energy
and share NO Love

if they pretend contrary
you will see
that those who truly Love
don't self advertise

for these True Lovers
when you are near them
you JUST feel GOOD

Great article for Great People to read :

"In reality we are all the masters of our illusion. So the question becomes what is it you desire to create and experience? Law of attraction states what you put out to the universe will return a manifestation of the same vibration, but amplified, thereby creating your life experiences… WE all do this. So we are no victims if we have bad experiences in our life. We have created this by what we put out or by what we allow to come in to our fields and do this for our experiences. That is why one on the mastery path masters each thought, emotion and vibration that goes out. They know they must be very careful in what they think, feel, allow into their fields and what persons they may be corded by who attune to their energies. Spiritual vampires may want that energy you have or have you share in their lower vibrations. That cording for feeding off another’s life force only works in the 3rd and 4th dimensions and cannot happen in higher realms. That is why there are no negative ETs in the 5th dimension and higher. The level of ego is limited by the 4th dimension. You must be in your heart to advance from there."

source : http://www.shiftfrequency.com/bill-ballard-mastering-holding-your-light-the-ascension-of-mother-earth-humanity/

your ONLY solution
is to RAISE your vibrations
and without even YOU planning
you will be CUT from those low level people

they are NOT low level
because they are "bad"

they are low level
compared to you
as you are just more advanced

and you don't really do something for this
is just Life who testifies for you
as only Time will prove it

you already passed through these experiences
you don't need to linger
and re-live such experiences

which by the way
i confirm
are dead BORING
and suck GREAT deal

is like trying to train a dog
no sorry
even dogs get trained
but some human beings
are really NOT being able to get educated
NOT in 100 life times

but hey at some 101th time or so
know that you will be loved....


Mastering and Holding your light

if there is limit
it means something exists
and as there is limit
it means an opposition exists

hence this is why mind is limited
like when you think one thing
you -de facto- attracts its "opposite"

Great extract of a Great article :

During the Fall of Atlantis we shifted into the lower dimensions by moving from our hearts into our heads. We became beings of ego and fear in those lower dimensions. Learning to move your consciousness from your head (ego) back to your heart is one of the steps beginning your ascension process. Consciousness – which we have been taught by the 3D illusion, by our schools and training – as only residing in the brain, is not a reality. Your consciousness is the true you, that which always is, has ever been and will ever be. Consciousness is not fixed in the brain and can be moved anywhere you choose. How do you think astral projection works? Thinking it is only in the brain limits you and leaves you in a state of duality as the brain is right/left and functions in polarity. Manifestation from the brain also creates both polarities, that which you desire as well as that which you don’t.
That was the problem with the book, movie and concept known as “The Secret”. If you don’t shift from the brain sure you can create money, but you also create the opposite effect which takes your money. That happens when you create from the brain. When you create from your heart, only that intent is manifested, and done so much more as the energy field of the heart is far greater in its power that that of the brain. When you really get the art of manifestation you have no desire for the material things anyway. You find you have everything you need readily available. Earthly matters fall away as your focus becomes more vertically aligned."

source : http://www.shiftfrequency.com/bill-ballard-mastering-holding-your-light-the-ascension-of-mother-earth-humanity/

so this is why
when you start a project that you want to be successful
you will get a failure with it
at some point
because you created from the brain
which is a place of DUALITY
meaning success and failure
in this example

so is mind blowing
such a good expression indeed
once your mind blows up
and then i realise if indeed i create from the heart
i mean in TRUTH and FULLY from it

then there is NO more duality
thus NO more limits
so NO more pains
as it is JUST about BEING in the Moment of your OWN creation

that is being the Creator of Your Life
or the Master of your Light