He gives me direction
I desire
She creates
a Means created
an Energy of Creation
The One
Created itself as an Experience
which is me, us all as born
being limited
we desire to outstretch our limits
and Energy serves us
Is why the right hand is not right per say
vs left hand
RIght hand is right
as it is rightly enacting the desire inside
Energy enters from the left hand
goes to the trunk of the body
and comes out from the right hand
and with the right hand you create
you are yourself the center of universe
And I was seeing it in the Universe :
There is No doubt
The twelve Hours/Stars
placed in circle in the Universe
they rotate as in sky
in their circle they form
the center receives all of their energies
and from there you are born
so you are loved, protected
you have all of these energies of creation
which created you
like lasers rays coming from all of the 12
in the center
you are the focal point of creation
you are created
and you are loved
you are protected
and all the energies of creation
which you are made of
are subservient to you
and you too in turn can create
So I waved hand
and the screen was set in front of me
and i projected the family member of mine
on the screen
saw their issue
bend them to my will of seeing these solved
and them healed and happy
rised their shakti energy
and they became light
and put them into a bubble of light
and let the bubble of light arise and fly over
that s the let go
and was told
but it is so far you can do
as it is your universe
and you create it with these bubbles
which will anyway will burst out
once time is over
unless i re-energised
cause they are also themselves creators
you know
and it is up to them to assume their own power of creation
as we are all created equal with spirit in
with power of creation in
this is how they can be under my will in my universe
but they are their own master in their own
this is how the will of mine start and end
and how theirs start and end
is so much you can help, heal and let go.
So you are the center of the universe
you are one
A good 15 years ago
I was looking at the clock
and the clock arms keep ticking
ticking ticking ticking ticking
and i wondered they tick towards what
they tick
they show time is passing
they alert that time is limited
there is a sense of emergency
but I don t know why
or what
the 12 hours
are the 12 Stars
under which you have been created
As Above so Below
Clock arms keep moving below
so above
and at each time
these stars are giving me their powers
powers of creation
if you look into zodical signs
you ll see why certain time are more proned
to bear certain results
is all about the rays mix emitted by stars
stars emits vibrations
that you as center of the circle you are born, loved and protected unto
are having these at your disposal to use
These are powers
so was i explained, told shown
and so was i led to use them as tools of creation
call it magic
as is out of your ordinary routine
but in fact
even the flower you see is magic
how out of nowhere
just by gathering a certain amount of water and minerals
a seed can give out colorful flowers?
Is just that the seed has no obsctacle
it receives energy of creation
and seeds germinate and shows already what it has in
for God to see what Beauty He is
I am a secret
and want to be known
you have it all inside
the seed
the rays shower everyday upon you
but unlike the flower
you don t know how to receive
as your mind create obstacles to receive
So the seed doesn t germinate
nor do you see your own garden flourishing and blooming
you see no miracle no magic
you only are bound to your mind-full of routine
The day you are SURE
you are within the circle of the 12
you are created and love and protected
your essence is from spirit
that s why these rays of creation
are subdued to you
you are made from them
you can order them
by the order from the spirit in you
then you can use these powers
as in quran, it starts chapter one by :
There is no DOUBT
You don t even know what doubt it is talking about
it is to see it all clear
no second third fourth etc thoughts layered one above the other
one thought one direction
energy of creation entering in your left hand
passing by your trunk
and leaving the right hand
which enact
You are the Spirit within
You are the God within
in the second vision
the Spirit passed by this rotating circle of 12 Stars
which is like a gate
and this gate of time
keeps clicking
because is so much you have to remember that You are from you
and to Him you return
Ina lilllahi wa ina elaihi rajeoun
read the muslims when someone die
from God to God he returns
in Essence
But if he doesn t know it
while dying
then he can t return
as the time pass
the gate rotate
while rotating
the spirit shoot itself in each one of us while being born
through this gate
so He can experiement himself
a Treasure to be discovered
but then is so much
after if you don t remember you came from this light
you can t return
as the gate rotating
keeps shriking also
the clock arms point at that emergency
shrinking so much
that on Day of Jugement
is like for a camel to pass though the hole of a needle
am sure this hadith is known
but it is what it mean literally
gate will be so reduced
you won t be able to join the light
Gate will be closed
and your spirit woud be Cut from its Light
Left Behind
is what is meant in Quran
Those left behind
and I saw the Earth being drilled from up to down
in its center
and the gate closed
in the dark you remained
countless of them remained
and no one remembered they remained
as the Spirit / God Essence
moved through the Gate
the Day of Judgement happened
Essence shifted from one world to the other
like the Infinity Symbol :
the center of it
is the Gate closed
and Left behind
the Ultimate CUT
From the Light Source :
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