Thursday, 19 May 2016

Take Responsibility

i have a friend
she is real positive about life

it is how i call
being in CHARGE

taking responsibility and not pity yourself

she used to get fired by all her bosses
instead look at the brightness of her mind

she said, "I fired my boss"

THAT i call it LIFE

cause she did not get STUCK in what "other are doing to her"
instead this denotes

that she LOOKED at the situation
SAW what she likes not
and ADMIT IT to herself

and then in a split of a second
decided in her self

"hey if that boss is so unethical
then, why would i feel to be victim of his firing?

it is ME who out of WILL fire him from my life"


cause we CHOOSE on which value we live our life

now... if she was confused in her mind
knowing that he is unethical and yet feeling low for being fired

that confusion
would have shown her lack of maturity
in recognising with clarity of what is GOOD and BAD according to her standard


so first be CLEAR about your standards
and then FIRE people out of your life
when you see they are crossing bounds of decency

this is how you do your share
second, wish the best for them
i always wish for them to "get it"
but i can't change people

yet..i wish for them what i wish for myself
and that is THE BEST EVOLUTION possible

may you become your TRUE SELF
Honest and Sincere
and may you meditate in morning

cause mind is limited
but the desire is not
the more you have the pure desire to wish for something BETTER for yourself

the more ... God provides for you

is like me
i went blindly in life
refusing all kinds of "material" opportunity
be it job in best companies or even proposals from millionaire guys

cause these "events/scenario of future life" had no LIGHT in them
when i considered them
i could not SEE myself SHINING in such situation

yet...considering the UNKNOWN

...and that is a GREAT excitement to discover/live Life

and now, when i dwell on this
i feel very much appreciative of what is happening to me

though at times is stressful
cause there is a mismatch between this world and spiritual standards

but at least
i know i have the chance to explore the infinite

is like something i feel in myself
i can touch it
but am still, for now, not able to see it
but it feels great
like the excitement you may have when you near it

it feels like a golden ball of light
inside of me

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