Sunday, 8 May 2016

Buddah India and DNA

i had visions just in the first minutes when i started meditation this morning

in the beginning, i saw a Budda sitting over branch of a tree under the night sky and behind him i saw a silver moon, very huge
the silver moon was really beautiful

and then i got another vision
so real
i saw as if i was in India and was visiting some poor quarters or so
and people there
though they were utterly poor
they were so generous cause they built a HUGE cup for me
a sort of vessel that can carry water
was hand made , like they had melted the metal to create it
and i could see thick nails planted in sort of metal ribbons decorating the huge vessel
actually it was so huge it could fill up the square or a market place

and i was surprised they made me that gift for me
while they were poor and had nothing for themselves
was really truly generous behavior 

and in the third vision i saw the color blue and orange from DNA
then i saw these blue and orange bits of DNA exploding

and then i saw the energy going out of the body
and it is how it started to affect life around
i wondered if  dna orange and blue color?
actuallty my surprise it is ..

cause DNA is based on 4 proteins chains 2 are orange..2 blue
the re-arrangement of them as adbc..creates the life dna..etc
in billion combinations

anyway..there are only 4 proteins in the dna
which are creating life
in different combinations..etc
of them 2 are blue..2 are orange like in my vision and when they exploded energies went out of it like light  and it affected the atmospher around

the whole vision liberated a good feel...

had to blog it

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