Monday, 16 November 2015

Divine Humanity

A reader mailed me
about my post about the Archangel Gabriel
and told me
he felt goosebumps when reading it

as i wrote a few weeks ago
i had seen in my dream
the Archangel Gabriel

i saw his face and his whole body
from head to toe
he was very stern
as to what feeling was emanating out of him
it was like a stern statue

and all of sudden
i saw his body being cut
in half..

this hit me hard
to see him so ..
such an unknown shock to me
liek the end of something
and something new totally UNKNOWN
which never happened before..

as i felt bewildered
the spirit said
"not to worry
for he will try to avoid
that Great Split/war"

so that's it.
The Great splitting happened
that attack has been an act of war
of terrorists vs humanity

this is not islam vs christianity
but terrorists vs humanity

of course fear and hatred
may turn it sour
and make it a religious war
of islam vs christianity

because Angel Gabriel
is the Archangel who bears the Word of God
the same who is mentioned in judeo-christian and muslim scriptures
he is the Messenger of Unity
and if both religions fail him/his message of Unity/of humanity
i wish to say of DIVINE HUMANITY
then he splits..

how could God can make war to Himself?
How can unity take side?

the only trap is duality
that of taking side
of one against the other

if at this critical time
you follow that which resonates within you
of your OWN true self,
of your mere feeling of Divine Humanity..

then you are on the Right Side
where there is no side
but only Unity
and Peace.

May God be with you all.

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