Friday, 22 May 2015

The One

There is a must read book
ok once i finished it
i will recommand it to you
with all the due diligence it requires
so great it is

in the meanwhile
a neighboring acquaintance
self invited herself "again"

i wonder
is it me or people have no manners?

she self invited herself
and with her own mouth
told me
am i not the most sincere ?

lol what a timing!
yesterday i was thinking about sincere friends
and here one who popped up
out of nowhere
and self inthronised herself as sincere

to start with
in "sincere friend"
there are two words

one is friend
a friend is someone you meet and
naturally it clicks
so nature makes you see
that this is a friend

which means
the common interest
is sustained from both parties

if you want to know who is a real friend
you should be able to pinpoint
your interest at the deepest core
of yourself

as long as this interest is shared
then friendship is shared

after there are different levels of friendship
which is as much temporary as your interests and needs

but when i use the word "friend"
for me is very sacred
because my inner core is sacred
and i base friendship
on the common and conscious sharing
of spirit

and this is a 24h round the clock

the other day
i was looking around in my house
and every single thing
i could relate it, to a choice i made
for the pleasure of the spirit within

this is how you know what you core interest is
you look around wherever you live
and check every single stuff

for who you did it?
for what?
what was the obvious, apparent reason for doing it
and what was the hidden one?

for me there was no hidden one
all the stuff related to my most inner self

so the higher is your goal
the more time to find the matching friendship

in the uk
and in the context of my search of truth 
people had light on their face
but very few knew about the Holy Spirit within
this is why there was a lack of respect towards women
not a conscient lack of respect
but the whole atmospher was imbalanced
so i knew something clicked not

here in france
there is a bud of knowledge
about Holy Spirit
yet it grows not as a  tree
so that it would open up enough
like a light full of glory on people face

there is always something missing
in either group

shining face
full of glory

with an upright character
of someone who knows what it wants
and do what it says
fully in the open

perfection is not to be reached there
perfection lies in being totally responsible of
who we are
and when we do so
then we let ourselves shine

that is my ideal of friendship
and of course
once you find such a friendship
you don't let it  go

because it is you
outside of yourself
so how can you hurt the other?
would be as if you are hurting yourself

and then sincerity
is again that atmospher
that emanates from the person
you just feel at ease and are yourself in the present

you don't have hidden interests
which will pop out once time has elapsed

you will always be your genuine self

so imagine
when i wrote the post yesterday
i was so full of subtility in my mind
and today
that gross person pop out
saying "am i not a sincere friend"?

i wondered if i should have condemned her
on the spot and told her
are you kidding me?
for she is the last person in the world i would trust

start laughing
because of the gross manners of hers?
giving herself titles by her own lips?

and popping up like popcorn
when you asked for nothing?

it is then i realised
like in the book i am reading
that such people play on information
they use information
as information is power
like in trading
the first who get it
will make "apparently" well informed decision

so her only interest was
to withdrew information
use speed of information
make informed choices prior to others
to gain a visibility
and be worshipped as such

so it denotes a lack of self love
which means never she will be able
to give sincere love

as we can't give, what we don't have

in itself is ok
if one has the same interest is
perfectly ok to associate with such a person
we need of everything to make a world

and this variety makes the world beautiful.

but if one's consciousness is not developed
to KNOW that it is HOW it works
then one ends up projecting our OWN
values onto the others
and think they are wired as we are
ie BY the SAME core interest/values

and that is when
the best friendship become
the worst enemity

which is sad
because it is the VERY moment
when the mind fall into the trap
of becoming what one dislikes

so one lose the path
"path" is to be genuine to our OWN
value and accept it fully

for rejecting what we like not
is never
and will never be
an atonment or replacement
for what we are wired to love
in ourselves

so is of the utmost importance
to know what we like not
and not associate with it
and YET give it space GRACIOUSLY to LET it develop on its own

to KNOW what we love
and work for it
so that it grows in best condition

for we are our own master
and this is the rule of the universe

if you don't love yourself
no one else will
for you

not because of bad intention
and so on
but because this is the rule you agreed upon
to exist as a divine spirit in an individual body
in charge of your own self

and the only exception to this rule
is when the other is fully aware of being the spirit
that he will be able to love you as his own self

as spirit is One

and this friend will be
The One :)

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