Tuesday, 17 February 2015

The Giver



Wonderful movie!

here for the synopsis : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Giver_%28film%29

Plot :
In the year 2048, after a war, the community has decided to get rid of different races and feelings. All the citizens have had their memories erased; except for the Receiver of Memory. Since the Receiver of Memory is the only individual in the community who has the memories from before, he must advise the Chief Elder, and the other Elders, on the decisions for the community.
Jonas is a 16 year old teenager who is anxious about the career he will be assigned (along with everyone else). He has two best friends: Asher and Fiona.
On the day of graduation, everyone is assigned a career. Jonas is briefly skipped, as he has not been assigned a career. Instead, Jonas is to become the next Receiver of Memory, and progressively receive memories from the past receiver, The Giver. Upon assuming his role as The Receiver, Jonas learns of the Giver's past and of his child, Rosemary. She preceded Jonas as Receiver of Memory, and was so distraught from the memories that she committed suicide, by what the Community calls releasing. They regard its nature as mysterious; the audience learns that it is death by lethal injection. Jonas begins to teach his findings to his friend Fiona, with whom he decides to share the idea of emotions. Fiona, who is unable to fully comprehend the idea of emotion, is unsure how she feels. Jonas then kisses Fiona, an action which is antiquated and unknown to the community, which Jonas gained through memory.
Jonas also shares his memories with the baby his father brought home to their house, Gabe, and develops a close relationship with him after discovering he shares the same mark on his wrist Jonas does, the mark of a potential Receiver of Memory. Jonas decides that everyone should have the memories of the past and eventually, the Giver and Jonas decide that the only way they can help the community is to go past the border of what they call Elsewhere, beyond the community, therefore releasing the memories back into the community. Jonas sneaks out at curfew, and decides to get Gabe at the Nurturing Center, who is to be released due to his general weakness. Asher, his other longtime friend besides Fiona, tries to stop him before he leaves the neighborhood, but Jonas quickly punches him. Asher lies on the ground, stunned, and Jonas rides his bike to the Nurturing Center. He tells Fiona his plan and wants to take her with him, but she refuses and instead helps him retrieve Gabe. Before he leaves, she kisses him and helps him escape.
Meanwhile Jonas's mother and Asher, go to the Chief Elder to tell them Jonas is missing. Guards are sent to contain Jonas, who they say has become "dangerous", but Jonas gets one of their motorcycles and drives off the cliff near the Giver's dwelling into "The Elsewhere". Asher is assigned, by the Chief Elder, to use a drone to find Jonas and "lose" him but when Asher finds Jonas stumbling through the woods, he captures him with the drone. After Jonas implores Asher to think that if he ever cared for Jonas to let him go, Asher drops him into a river, setting him free. Jonas stumbles through the land of Elsewhere, while Fiona has been condemned to be "released" for helping him. Just as she is about to be released by Jonas's father, the Giver steps in and stalls the Chief Elder with memories of his daughter, Rosemary, trying to call out the Chief Elder, in which she succeeded. Jonas's mother begins to cry starting to understand the feeling of love. Eventually, Jonas finds a sled like one he rode in a memory from the Giver and makes his way beyond the border of Elsewhere, releasing memories and color back into the community and saving Fiona because Jonas's father realizes what he was really doing. Jonas and Gabe return to the house of his memories, where people are singing Christmas carols, and his voiceover says that back in the community, he swears he hears music too, or possibly just an echo.

End of wiki quote.

i am in LOVE with maker of such movies
FIRST time in my life that i have so much wondered about the movie maker
DURING the movie

beautiful people who had this soul passion
of sharing their TRUE love for humanity
very symbolic
the guy had to reach the far off limit of "human memory"
so that the "awakening" of the humanity happens

of course is very "terrestrial" of reaching a border

but the symbolism is there!

means WHEN you as an individual CONSCIOUSNESS reaches the limit of the mass consciousness
of where you live
then automatically like the monkey group stories
everyone else get easily this awakening each according to his limits

and in the movie
the "wannabe sages" lol it reminds me some "wannabe saints"
think to know truth
but instead of like in the old times using murder and killing
now they use the word of "someone is lost"
meaning they killed someone

so manners, methods changed
but the VERY ACT of EVIL
which is to take someone's life remained

and the hero
like other people, each morning had to get his "injection"
which was to make people forget their emotions
and be only mental people

see this movie showed
that ignorant masses when they behave in an evil way
are forgiven in the hero consciousness for they are being evil (killing people) without knowing it is a killing

you know as the saying goes
God forgive them for they know not

they only know it is the "élargissemnet/widening"
you see calling a murder with another word
just to remove the negative image of the word murder
makes not a murder less evil
but the doers in the movie knew not that it is "evil"
just because they are brainwashed with this other name.

and so it is all ok in the consciousness of the doer

but the one who awakened to his past memories
of who he is
KNOWS that it is AGAINST life and thus evil.

that is TRUE caring for someone's evolution
it is not JUDGING
it is ONESELF evolving
so that one subtle level the other may evolve too

but poor people in spirituality
are like jésus said

you see the straw in the others' eye and not the pillar in yours

very true
most people knows not that when they judge another person
they are actually of no use to humanity
and this is why you see their life is just STUCK
and they turn in cycles months after months
doing the same repetitive things
and Inside having a deep sadness and thirst of a desire for something
they will NEVER get

how sad for them

but true seeker of truth
knows how to LET GO
because they are the ONES who are the evolvers
and by their own evolution
on a subtle levels they give to others
the possibility of having the same FREEDOM and SPACE to evolve TOO

here the hero Jonas
and i had tears in my eyes at the end of the movie
HOW PERSONAL experience

and the movie makers are so wonderful people
you can make such a movie
only if you have something to pour into it as a message!

nowadays people
do stuff

but once is over
what is the gain?
SAME cycle over and over again

because they have NO personal heartFELT message to pour in

they have LOST their OWN identity
while running after the self made illusion.

in this movie
the teacher of jonas
teaches him
such as colors, music, touching, smell and all

teaches him what strength is?
no theory
hand in mud, it was illustrated by some sky diving
or a guy standing in front of a char

there is this feeling of TRUE LIVED life
is ALL IN ALL in YOUR OWN experience

and whatever people say
for they are BOUND to be narrow minded
except very few
you are in truth
if you are REAL

ENJOYING your life
and having fun

this is HOW humanity is selected by God
it is by the choices people do for themselves
when they EXPERIENCE life FOR itself
then they FEEL ALIVE

but when they do what they are conditioned to do
they just have sour face lol

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