Friday, 24 October 2014

Dance practice!

we have been preparing an indian dance
for about 3 weeks?

it is the 4th time in my life
i am learning a dance show

so i tell you
i am BAD lol

my coordination sucks
and body attitude
and all that goes with it
like the right timing to direct eyes

i enjoy the dance

of course
i was very happy from
our teachers
yes i call them so
for they taught us

i saw the difference
from day 1 and this last day

night and day!

also it is so incredible
so many points

in a brainstorm
i would say

teachers help us to see ourselves
same in dance
same in any thing else in life BY extension

people act like a mirror

of course
i saw them preventing themselves to laugh
at times
to all of us when we pass under x-rays for checking our steps lol

but that was all fun!
if i had made a movie of myself
when i was training
even now i can't stop laughing

so yes,
first BIG thanks to the teachers!
and of course to the group
because it is what it makes the atmosphere of joy

1-yes the mirror
i was talking of
it is like you can be TOLD actually what you are doing WRONG

and of course like in life
if you are willing to listen
then you can CORRECT yourself

 2-the body language
of course this thing is known to most of us
especially we are taught all of this at school
but in dance
it is even more FINER
for you have a SPEED
an accumulation
NOT at your rhythm but at OTHERS rhythm!

that is what makes you learn more
HOW to adapt to your environment

like, for instance
what made me each time pouf with laughter
at myself
was my TOTAL lack of coordination

like someone rightly told me
my mind KNOWS the move
but my body follows not !

it is because as in italy a teacher told me
i think in martial arts
"you think that your body is following you
but it is not,
it is still in the same place"

true, why?
because of the HABIT
the body habit is in the beginning (when you try to change it)
for it has acquired in its memory a way of acting
so in mind you are thinking you are doing this
but in truth
it is ONLY in your mind
your body is NOT following!


this is HOW we MISS experience of life too
so much we live in mind

dancing balance me more
for i am naturally a mental person
and the body coordination i shockingly felt
i LOST it

for i well remember
how i used to be free doing these SIMPLE moves
when i was a child

and NOW
i NEED to learn HOW to be natural in body gesture!

i insist INCREDIBLE!

3- the "irreverence of the child"

i love that word
it hit me
when one of our teacher said it

she said
when you dance
one see that you are in your mind
so learn to have this irreverence while moving
as children do :

they JUST do it
without caring for the before and after part
or if it is well, or in the right order

this reminded me
how also
once we grow spiritually
there is no more boundaries
of good and bad

of course one day you will act with this irreverence
and of course people in society
or even those who call themselves yogi
will find you rude
but who cares

it is about you enjoying with the joy of a child
and it is between you and the universe
as long as you are grateful to It
all is ok.

gives power

even more true in dance
sometime we have had to have PRECISE move or patterns with hands
and what made mine approximate

i say

and then when i put attention till the fingertips
or use the right timing with eye contact

first the teachers themselves could feel
the difference in IMPACT on the audience 
second, ME TOO
i could feel in myself more opening, and joy

change in body gesture leads to change in our attitude in life
for it works on your personality
and even chakras

like i had the tendency
to always have a hunchback lol
i exaggerate
but i need to

because if i open up myself
i felt it was too much
like unconsciously now
but it refers to my childhood
when i started to grow
i wished to remain unnoticed
unlike to others girls i found were too noisy and look-at-me attitude
so as opposition to them
i acted so

but what was consciously done by then
became unconscious over time
and impeded me

for the way we hold ourselves
influence our readiness to respond to life on the spot
for the way you hold your back will make you more or less prone to act on the spot
and even EXPRESS your joy

lol have you ever seen someone with a hunchback
expressing his joy lol

so this opening up
leads us to more light and light giving

when i hold my shoulders back
and stay straight
i literally feel face lit up
and yes naturally i will smile more
for i am FACING people

and when you FACE people
you unconsciously allow them to speak to you

if you cover yourself up
you will create a barrier for them
and you won't send the message to Life
"here my arms are open to you, come " lol

but that too refers back to my past
when i used to see such noisy girls lol
i had no arms open attitude to them
i preferred to go unnoticed
 so that that "kind of life" gets not on my face lol

but still,
this is very much fruitful to have artistic practise
because it reveals stuff on your personality
you can change on the spot
as you have to re-learn it

and also,
of course
it just gives you joy to be in a joyful atmosphere
with human contacts

6- teachers
we are ALL teachers to each others in real life
if JUST we all had this attitude to learn from others
to see them as our mirrors
we would evolve more rapidly

but what happens is that in real life
teachers are also students
and sometimes brat students lol

so other students naturally won't see them as teachers
even less as mirror to them.

but in truth,
we are ALL mirror to each others.

if you see a defect in someone
and can't let it go,
meaning you are still thinking, talking and even deciding according to it
be it consciously or in a more or less hidden way
then, it means it is no more the other who is a trouble or at fault
but yourself who need to change and correct what needs to be corrected.

this is why i have always loved people who told me
how they saw their mistake and how they changed
because this means they have introspective qualities

of course,
we can from time to time
blame others lol
we are human, it is a process
but KEY is NOT to linger
and know that we have at some point to let go

the let go is NOT to stop talking of it
this stop talking should be a RESULT
NOT a decision

and the result is THERE
only if we ON THE SPOT
raised our energy and put it on energy SUFFICIENTLY long enough
to get our thought silenced
and thus to get us imbibed by the vibrations
who will transform them into something more beneficial to us

this is the letting go.

may God help me to apply this more systematically!:)


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