Friday, 27 December 2013

I am ONE and many

in the metro,
as i got asleep,
i saw

that at the beginning (lol it sounds like bible now) i was One
One light

and it was a fast, subtle and extremely graceful and yet swiftly moving light

then, the light had to get down in density
like rain
first the water is accumulated in a cloud
and then, the water falls down
it is rain
it is individual droplets and one can NOW see them
for the water is under its gross form

this is HOW GROSS helps to individualise that which was ONE
and AS it is SLOWER there, we can see it
HENCE the individuality

opens itself in multiple rays of light
to be able to use that GROSS form
to have TIME to see itself in variety.

therefore Light KNOWS itself through that experience.

but AFTER the experience
one should REMEMBER that it was ONLY for the SAKE of the experience
for the LIGHT was always THERE and IS always there
EVEN during the gross visualisation
it is just the BENEATH
the form
which was shown to have TIME to discover oneself,
and admire.

actually it is just the consciousness which took the leap to witness itself "downwards"
but in the process FORGOT and got stuck believing that it is what it sees of itself
in the scene where it stuck its attention or gaze upon.

at the same time, other consciousness may have a greater ability to stuck itself
not on only one "experience"it gazed at,
but on many others.

but that is STILL a process
just the variety is richer

what lacks still

hey, there!
when i used to hear ITS SOURCE
i thought it was separate and it has a GOD as THE SOURCE
but no,
ITS SOURCE means like the Beginning of the Spring/the Rain
the Start and Arrival of a trip
the starting point AND the Holder of the skies (below) of experience AND the destination.

Because what is a cloud? it is an accumulation of droplets
a cloud exist not by itself
it exists because it is a gathering of its nature (water)

so the droplets too,
are not existing by themselves
they die by themselves
they exist intrinsically
be it under the gathering form (of a cloud) or of an indivual droplets
but they always remain in the process of Life.
so they NEVER die.

so, if the play keeps going on
(the one of switching experiences)
that one completes not the journey
that it IS the ONE.

then it is too late,
to return to the state contained in the remembrance
that is the intrinsinc Essence.

yet, if you remember,
then, thereafter,
you may use all your leisure time
to switch consciousnesses.

ok not to violent wise girls
because some stuck up consciousness is unable to experience the sharing of wisdom
on let's say religious matters,

but use some graceful consciousness to attune itself
to meet the Desire of the moment, like the TRUE KNOWLEDGE.


Dream High - Love High

lyrics :

hariyana kariah answered 3 years ago
i dream high,i have are dream when its gets hard i close my eyes and while replaying the moments my dream come true,I get up and keep on going i shake in the face of fear today as well like a young bird who's afraid to fly in fear of falling down i keep on asking whether i can do this ,whether my dream can come true whatever i make a step,step by step,the fear comes back i dream high,i have a dream when it gets hard i close my eyes. and while replaying the moment my dreams come true ,i get up and keep on going. .i can fly high,i believe that one day that i will spread my wings and fly up into that sky higher than anyone before i need courage to help me get up .The courage which would make me jump up again,after brushing the dust off .... .believing in myself and in my destiny once again...Risking everything i will jump over the wall higher than my self ...Dream high ,a chance to fly high ,from now to all the pain bye bye.. .Try and fly as high as those stars in the your dreams unfold,, ,time for u to shine it's the start,gotta make em'mine.don't be afraid of building your own future ....walk on confidently with all your might .destiny is your fate. .unstoppable destiny is now spreading in fronts of us .......... This is a whole new fantasy for u,so just take my hand......our goal now is the same.Don't give up on your dream and future ...everyone here with youthful passion ....DREAM HIGH.... 

(Dream High)
I dream high 난 꿈을 꾸죠 힘들 때면 난 눈을 감고
I Dream High, i dream, when its hard i close my eyes
꿈이 이뤄지는 그 순간을 계속 떠올리며 일어나죠
While i imagine that moment i get up

두려움의 끝에서 난 오늘도 흔들리죠
I shake at the end of fear
떨어질까 봐 날아오르지 못하는 어린 새처럼
Afraid of falling like a baby bird who cant fly up
자꾸 내가 할 수 있나 내 꿈이 이뤄질까
Can I do it, will my dream come true
내딛는 걸음 한 걸음 걸음이 다시 두려워질 때마다
one by one my walking goes when i get afraid
I Dream High 난 꿈을 꾸죠 힘들 때면 난 눈을감고
I Dream High, I dream, when im tired i close my eyes
꿈이 이뤄지는 그 순간을 계속 떠올리먀 일어나죠
I keep imagining that dream while i get up
I can fly high 나는 믿어요 언젠간 난 저 하늘 위로
I can fly high, i belive that i can go up in that sky
날개를 펴고 누구보다도 자유롭개 높이 날아오를 거예요
Open my wings, fly freely up more then anyone

넘어진 날 일으겨 줄 용기가 필요하죠
I need courage that will stand the fallen me
먼지를 털고 다시 일어나 또 한 번 뛰어갈 용기가
I dust the dust, Courage that will stand me and jump once a again
다시 한 번 나를 믿고 나의 운명을 믿고
Belive in myself once more, Belive in my faith
모든 걸 걸고 내 키보다 높은 벽을 뛰어넘을 거예요
Bet everything, and im going to jump a wall taller then me

I dream high 난 꿈을 꾸죠 힘들 때면 난 눈을 감고
I dream high, i dream, when im tired i close my eyes
꿈이 이뤄지는 그 순간을 계속 떠올리며 (다시) 일어나죠
Imagning that my dream will come true while i (again) get up
I can fly high 나는 믿어요 언졘건 넌 저 하늘 위로
I can fly high i belive in that i will go up in that sky
날개를 펴고 누구보다도 자유롭게 높이 (난) 날아오를 거예요
Open my wings and (i'm) going to fly more freely than anyone has

Dream high a chance to fly high
Dream high a chance to fly high
아픔들은 이젠 모두다 bye bye
Bye bye to the hurts
하늘에 있는 저 별들처럼 높이 날아봐
Fly high like the stars in the sky
네 꿈들을 펼쳐 보는 거야 time for you to shine
Open your dreams, time for you to shine
이제부터 시작이야 gotta make em mine
Starting Now, gotta make em mine
네 손으로 이뤄가 미랠 두려워하지 마 인젠 힘껏 자신 있게 걸어가
Dont be afraid of the future in you hands, walk in confidance now
Destiny 숙명이지 멈출 수 없는 운명이 지금
You can't stop destiney now
우리 눈앞에 펼쳐지지 이건 너를 위한 whole new fantasy
Whole new fantasy is open in front of your eyes
그러니 이제부터 여기 내 손을 잡아
So hold my hand now
우리의 목표는 지금부퍼 하나 꿈과 미래 포기하지 않아
Our stop is the same now, dont give up on your dreams
젊음 열정 여기 모두다 Dream High
When your young dream high everyone

I dream high 난 꿈을 꾸죠 힘들 때면 난 눈을 감고
I dream high, I dream, when im tired i close my eyes
꿈이 이뤄지는 그 순갈을 계속 떠올리며 일어나죠
Imagine the dream coming true while getting up
I can fly high 나는 믿어요 언젠간 난 저 하늘 위로
I can fly high, i belive that i can go up that sky
날개를 펴고 누구보다도 자유룹게 높이 날아오를 게예요
Open my wings and fly high freely then anyone else

Monday, 23 December 2013


Chaque âme,

Chaque âme est un jardin intime,

où il plaît à la vie de royalement habiter,
elle y cultive ses fleurs et parfums de félicité

A l'image de l'Amour,
chaque âme jardin est façonné.

L'amour y a mis le suc de sa substance,
dans l'espérance de l'y voir agir et fructifier.

Notre âme est un palais,
édifié avec minutie et bienveillance.

Quel plaisir quand il y reflète la sérénité, la clarté.
Quelle gersure, quand, par nos mains, sa beauté est ravagée.

Chaque âme est une fenêtre ouverte
sur l'infini et l'immédiat de notre réalité.

Elle nous émerveille, nous charme
fabrique notre imaginaire et intériorité.
elle sculpte notre pensée et le profil de notre personalité.

Ton âme est un mirroir fragile,
ton specimen, ta vitrine

Ne laisse personne briser,
ce qui y resplendit et te donne ton éclat unique.

A toi de l'embellier, à toi de l'enrichir
à toi d'en faire le nid douillet
qui va y accueillir une autre âme amie.
A deux, la vie a encore plus de prix.

Âmes de tous les horizons
ressemblants davantage à l'Amour
qui coule, roule, roucoule
dans nos sèves depuis notre premier jour,

devenons un parterre de lys, de fruits, de jonquilles
irradions l'Amour
irradions Toujours.

In English :

Each soul,

Each soul is a secret garden,

where Life desires to blossom royally,
therein She cultivates Her flowers and scent of happiness.

True to the Face of Love,
each soul/garden is shaped according to it.

Love has poured therein the core of its Essence,
in the hope of seeing it buzzing into action and then giving fruits.

Our Soul is a Palace,
built minutely and with sheer benevolence.

What a joy when serenity and clarity are seen reflected in it,
What a hurt when by our own hands, its beauty is destroyed.

Each soul is an open window
on infinity and immediate Reality.

She amazes us, and enamours us,
builds our imagination and inner world,
She chisels our thoughts and draw our personality.

Your soul is a fragile mirror,
Your specimen, your showcase.

Let NO ONE break it,
what shines in you and gives you your unique radiance

Up to You to beautify it, to enrich it
Up to you to make it a cocoon, soft and comfortable,
which will be ready to welcome another friendly soul,
Being two, makes Life more worthwhile to be lived.

O Souls of all horizons !
looking like more to Love 
Flowing, rolling, and bubbling
in our sap since Day one of our Creation

Let us become a field of lilies, fruits and daffodils 
radiating ...
Let us irradiate Love 
Let us irradiate Forever.

-translated by Petals
for You ;)

Now that i see the Light, the Life

See my eyes are watching
Hear my heartbeat is pounding
Whatever I do wherever I go It's for you

See my days without you
I feel no shame in crying
Whatever it takes you know that
I'll be with you

Now that I see the light
Now that I touch my light
Now that I realize all I ever wanted is only you

Now that I see the light (and life)
Now that I touch my light (and life)
Now that I realize all I ever wanted is only you

See my eyes are watching
Hear my heartbeat is pounding
Whatever I do wherever I go It's for you

See my days without you
I feel no shame in crying
Whatever it takes you know that
I'll be with you

Now that I see the light
Now that I touch my light
Now that I realize all I ever wanted is only you

Now that I see the light (and life)
Now that I touch my light (and life)
Now that I realize all I ever wanted is only you

Now that I realize

source :

Monday, 9 December 2013

Vibrant white light

i saw an example of my friend and i, how light was white around us, you know like for a candle light, it is white all around in that shape, 
so it was shown how light is lit and then that very lighttransformed itself in an example of white petals that open up
and thus i realised that people are petals of a BIG/HUGE flower

and as the center of the flower is the sahasrara , heart, spirit, 
it is how they are all one in spirit
and have their individuality as petals
and are thus here to open up, manifest it, and then are gone

while there are others petals who fall too , but in darkness, because their were not lit in "white"

ah that was a soft, vibrant white light:) !


Sunday, 8 December 2013

Power or Attention?

what is more important?
power or attention?

if you had only one to choose?

Attention of course!

demons have been "created"
because they had initially power
but they happen to forget about the Source
The Spirit

so the power remained in darkness (of its own Origin)!
of its OWN beauty!

see i resent people who do not complete their sentences,
due to this laziness, billions of people, like me, never understood

WHY if God is ALL POWERFUL, then EVIL exists!

had great masters have added that RED PART:

so the power remained in darkness of its OWN PRISTINE DE-LIGHTFUL (lol!)Origin!

may be then, Humanity would have been saved since LONG?


but no! they forgot the red part, 
just to add a few billions of years to the cliff hanger...

ah! i am in love with this explanation
all makes sense!

once ki channels are purified
by shakti
it increases your mind power
so you develop new powers

it suffices you stop REMEMBERING
your Origin, your Source, The Spirit

that your consciousness/citta WHICH SHAPES YOUR CURRENT REALITY
will be stuck where your attention will be stuck

so if you stuck your attention on thoughts,
my boy, you are lost:)!

even though you have powers!

so powers are NOT a sign of Truth,
only if you KNOW your Origin and invites others to cultivate it!

so, you don't want to have power and forget about your origin, do you?
why want to risk to stay evil, when you can be the spirit within?

this is why demons are in "darkness",
for they are CUT from their Origin, the Spirit ! The Light !

it is when they "believe their own lie" i.e. that they are independent,
or self sufficient (due to powers).

but there is NO Power EXCEPT by The Spirit/by Allah

that is the subtlety
Powers + Origin = Truth, Light
Powers - Origin = Lies (as believing in self existence), Darknesses using powers to act Yet forgetting about the Source
(hence erring in the desert for 40 years :) or a life time or life times )

Hence it is ALWAYS important to REMEMBER GOD ALMIGHTY
not mental remembering
but the TRUE remembering happens ONLY once connected
what do you want to remember if NOT connected to the Source?

your ass may be?


we had such a great meditation
it was like we were sitting under a shower!

so great!

ah, yeah, there were also very pretty visions,
at the beginning of meditation,
i saw shri mataji smiling
during it, saw the earth from outer space,
and above it, white empty benches towering above it
spiralling above,
i kept seeking for someone, but no one was to be seen,
and suddenly i saw shri mataji sitting there
and smiling at me

at the end, of meditation,
i saw a sharp ray of light going out of shri mataji feet

next day,
great meditation, of the same kind,
it was slower to get to that showering level,
for i guess the collective people attention was slower to reach the meditative state,

at the end of it,
i saw shri mataji's hands preparing amrut in a golden bowl

and at the end, i saw her (feet) running very quickly
towards me
and a big hug!

that was such a nice ending to the meditation!

and afterwards, i was invited to meditate in her salon,
when i entered there,
suddenly, thoughtless awareness
like if your radio was stuck on a no noise station!

sooooo cool, so peaceful
ah! i could have stayed at least an hour,
but we had to go quick.

inshaa Allah
soon to happen again ! :)

ps : showering happen, as a sign of more petals opening.
hmm, see water falling from petals heavily loaded with it!:)
that's it!
this is why intensity in meditation is needed,

only water stored on petals
make them lean
and water to fall

but if you wait too much
and meditate 10mins per day every 3 days,
your flower has time to dry out!
let alone droplets being stored on the petals...:))

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Kaaba - We the Women

During my meditation,
i saw the double doors of Holy Kaaba opening
and LOTS of light was coming out of it.

self advice :

again... is your inner drive to get more bliss which counts... and that IS always individual.. try to establish the pristine joy in the morning meditation

I love this son, so much rich in its resonance,
that is inner joy of soul for sure!

"We the Women"

very powerful;)


i love the picture too!


Kuulin äänen

Kuulin äänen, kuulin, kuulin äänen kullaltani
Heläyksen, helä-heläyksen hertaltani
Luulin luona, luulin, luulin luona olleheni
Läsnä lämmitelle, läsnä lämmitelleheni
En mie luona, en mie, en mie luona ollutkaan
En mie läsnä, en mie, en mie läsnä lämmiteltkään
Olin viien, olin, olin viien viikon päässä
Kuuen kuukauen, kuuen kuukauen nenässä
Tuuli tuli, tuuli tuli, tuli mielellinen
Ahavainen, aha-ahavainen kielellinen
Sanan toisi, sanan, sanan toisi, toisen veisi
Omalleni, oma-omalleni kullalleni
Kullan lintu, kullan, kullan lintuselleheni
Tuota toivoin mie poloonen
Tuota toivoin mie poloonen
Kun mie saisin minkä soisin
Kun mie saisin minkä soisin
Saisin miehen mielellisen
Saisin miehen mielellisen
Toveritsan toimellisen
Toveritsan toimellisen
Sylissäni syöttelisin
Sylissäni syöttelisin
Käsissäni käyttelisin
Käsissäni käyttelisin
Jo sain mitä halajin
Sain mie miehen mielellisen
Omaksens on ottanunna
Kullaksensa kutsununna
Kaunoksensa katsonunna
Valkiaksensa valinnu
Niin minä hänessä riipun
Sekä riipun jotta kiikun
Niinkun lintu lehtipuussa
Kuusen oksalla orava
Niinkun lintu lehtipuussa
Kuusen oksalla orava
Submitter's comment:
J'aimerais beaucoup trouver les paroles et la traduction de cette magnifique chanson.
La langue n'est pas vraiment du finnois, mais de l'ingrian(qui est un dialecte, mais assez proche je crois?)
Merci beaucoup d'avance à celui ou celle qui pourra m'aider!
Try to align

I heard a voice

I heard a voice, I heard, I heard a voice of my darling
A jingle, jing-jingle from my love
I thought by, I thought, I thought by him I was
Beside him warming, beside him warming myself
I wasn't by, I wasn't, I wasn't by him after all
I wasn't beside, I wasn't, I wasn't beside him warming myself after all
I was five, I was, I was five weeks away
Six months, at the reach of six months
Wind came, wind came, came favorited
Cold wind, col-cold wind speaking
Would bring a word, a word, would bring a word, another would carry
To my own, to my-my own darling
Golden bird, golden, to golden bird of mine
That I did hope poor me
That I did hope poor me
If I got what I wanted
If I got what I wanted
I would get the man I favor
I would get the man I favor
A companion vigorous
A companion vigorous
In my lap I would feed him
In my lap I would feed him
With my hands caress him
With my hands caress him
Now I got what I yearned for, I got the man I favor
(He) has taken me for his own
Called me his darling
Seen me as his beauty
Chosen as his light
So I cling on him
Both cling and swing
Like a bird in a leaf tree
Like a squirrel on a fir branch
Like a bird in a leaf tree
Like a squirrel on a fir branch
Author's comment:
The original Finnish lyrics contains some archaic words, idioms and grammatical constructs. And the translitteration is by ear to boot. Thus the exact meaning of some of the lines are not totally clear to me.
For these (and other) reasons I totally lack the talent needed for translating this in it's full poetic power. Instead this is an attempt at a mixed (messed?) translation, where I have tried to retain as much of the Finnish grammatical constructs (impossible task) and idioms as possible - sometimes intentionally[*] breaking the rules of English language on the run. I hope it will be able to convey some of the message through - though.
[*] And manyy times unintentionally I'm sure.
An additional note. This translation is based on my own translitteration by ear which differs in few places from the one provided here. However the differencs are not very big or too important.
Last edited by Eneri Giilaan on Sun, 08/09/2013 - 16:44

source :;postID=4427000497856287280

Vision of Light

In the middle of night,
i got up because in vision
i saw a very intense light

and on the spot, i said to myself it is me

and i got up.

the voice said
if on the very moment i KNOW that it is me,
then it is THAT.

may be if i had KNOWN it a bit longer,
it would have worked,
and may be this time it was just furtive intuitive knowing.

salam :)

Tuesday, 3 December 2013


During meditation i was seeing birds flying above my head
later on, i saw a peacock opening his feathers

oh yeah, and i saw a sort of light emitted by a golden star,
and in it, it was written Eternity,
then i was holding a bow, and the arrow hit this word,

and finally, i saw the the face of jesus.

i was believing it was from my mind,
but i was told the peacock is the animal of krishna, 
and yes, krishna, states for christ.

so as it makes sense,
and all is linked
and i could have not know this,
i know it is true :)

that was a real good meditation, one could breathe real slowly and deeply.

ps : WOW!

here is what i just read :

Peacock Symbolism

The peacock is a symbol of immortality because the ancients believed that the peacock had flesh that did not decay after death. As such, early Christian paintings and mosaics use peacock imagery, and peacock feathers can be used during the Easter season as church decorations. This symbol of immortality is also directly linked to Christ.

source :

hey, that was true then!
for there is NO way, i could have known that peacock is the symbolism for Immortality/Eternity
so cooool!
that is pleasant!