It is God Law, you cannot change it.
How do you know this?
It is as ancient as Time Itself,
and I was there, when the Law was made.
This is the very first time He recognised that His Knowledge was supreme.
He may not know that it comes from deep within Himself
from a reservoir that has been born within Him,
but He knew that He was right."
Yeshua replying to rabbis who were in discussion about whether or not to abrogate a law.
extract : The Children of Light - Father Abraham on the Fulfilment of a Prophecy, Compiled by David Davidson, p.140
ps : isn't yeshua beautiful ? : ) what a word of clarity standing among the confusion of a group of "teachers of religion/rabbis"
and he has answered so, while he was a child; lol
this is where you understand what Life teaches,
knowledge is not to be found in aging and wrinkles or beard or titles lol
but it is to be found WITHIN
and a younger one is a contrasting example to shock your ego
so that you WANT TO KNOW MORE
but usually, people what do they do?
they cover, they create more issues
why? only to deny to curiosity its right to follow their initial shock
instead of digging
and saying, hey, how come, where does it come from? and be THUS hopeful,
they end up envying...
while they could be what they envy.
it is just that they have chosen envy over Love
separation/division over Love/unity
and had they chosen Love for themselves, they would have done to themselves such a great favor,
but Love is patient
and they are impatient, unkind to themselves, not believing that it was meant to be their lot too,
just they had to be patient at the hurt suffered by their ego,
so that afterwards they may be set in motion and follow their initial tug and curiosity which was excited, by such an encounter.
as it is said, a sign is enough for the Wise.
they were Wise ignorants,
Wise to see the sign,
and ignorant to think that envy could solve their issue instead of grabbing Love.
Covering (meaning of the word Kafir) has never been a favor that one has done to one's soul,
but always a loss.
In the beginning was the Word
and so, shall it be again,
and the Word is the law,
and the Law is Love.
Issa alaihi salam is called in islam, Kalimat ullah = The Word of God.
It is like we know the words
but are ignorant of their reality
what on earth : ) means the Word of God?
Reflect : )
that is this I AM presence within
when we are in silence
who speak and say the Eternal Truth ?
Hence christians are right to point at the divinity within,
but wrong into worshipping a human being, yeshua is NOT GOD.
but we have a soul, a Higher Self, and that Higher Self is this Light of God
breathed into us as a Light from the Light of God.
and this Light is ONE
in all of us.
Hence Jesus said in holy bible,
call me not good, only God is good.
and muslims are right to say do not elevate Jesus as a Partner to God, as his , literally speaking, son of God,
but are ignorant of the INNER TRUE SELF
which made them disconnected from their within.
for it is the message of yeshua... who is the Word of God.
BALANCE is what is needed :
to know that we are a human being
with a soul
that soul connecting itself to the spirit, true self,
makes us connect to a "reservoir of knowledge"
Connais toi-toi même et tu connaîtra Dieu
Know yourself, and your will know God
Hence, Al Hallaj the muslim was martyred for having said "annal Haqq"
"I AM the TRUTH"
it is not the ego there who was saying it,
the one who has a far reaching awareness
beyond time and place.
and the True Self Within
has to AWAKEN
this is why in quran
it is made reference of ghafil = the unconscious ones, more exactly unaware, absent-minded; meaning they are ignorant of the Reality, asleep to it, like a veil is drawn between them and Reality.
all prophets got to meditate
what for is meditation
to silence what
for the profit of what?
to silence our thoughts, noise of the head, our ego
for the profit of the One Who was, is and will be always There : HU.
say (to them, to those who ask about Me, about WHO i am) : Hu (He is the Presence) WHO is ONE
how could HE BE
and we feel He is not (near us?)
How could HE BE
and we feel there is lack?
it can ONLY BE
because we KNOW NOT TRUTH
and one canNOT know truth by assertion of mind
for it is PRECISELY this mind/noise/ego/falsity
which is standing between us and unity with GOD.
to know you have to get your mind transformed
so that you may get connected to the THE TRUE SELF.
and transformation can ONLY occur through the Grace of God/Power of God
which is only once Kundalini is awakened in MEDITATION and SUSTAINED.
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