Envy is different from jealousy
is to see someone's quality
gift, talent
and wish they be taken
away from him
or be spoilt
so is to wish bad for the others
while one can't get these qualities
wishing these got removed
from the other
might lead
to the wish of
making effort
to develop such qualities
for ourselves
while still resenting
the other having them ...
as i happen
to feel the envy of some
particular people
i could see the face of
all of sudden
i saw
i saw a rope knot
all grey
like when you use a microscope
it could show you
the details of it
so i could see
it was all grey
and emitting infinite small
particles outwards
and how bad energy was coming out of it
the person being envied
the "power" of envy
was so bad
in extrem cases
that it could act
as black magic does
for is just a bad wish
that someone wishes for you
and thus what is sent your way
is not love
but the wish that you lose it
but in truth
and from intuition
unless one stops loving
the qualities cannot depart
simply because of someone's envy
yes it could at some point
affects you
but again once you KNOW it
you can take the right steps
to cut such ropes
and the negativity
can't affect you anymore
point is not to feed the person
who is unable to send you love
but rather forgive and love the spirit of god within that person
for love is one
god is love
and is also your true essence
the rest are just separations of this amazing source
who is both inside and outside us
so let's find it in ourselves first
let's meditate