Sunday, 28 March 2021

The Worth of your Attention

 The Attention

We do not know its value and hus cannot realize its power or even what we may feel as being miracles.

In a vision, i saw a deep well.

Noz if i see a well in real life; this well will be dead to me.

It is as if i would be looking at the well in apparence

but in reality i am looking at the image of the well in my mind.


This vision of the well, which was "alive".

Like it has other dimension to it, than a simple print of an image on my mind.

I could feel its depth, I could feel also awe as it was so dark and though silence could be heard 

it was "talking" and the message was (not in word) but as in telepathy or can we say the silence is not emptiness but full of vibration higher than those you can hear and call thoughts.

Silence or object have their own vibration if you are attuned to them, you are connected and communicating, receiving and sending messages.


Such was the well message, it is to keep developping deepness in myself through the meditation so the power keep arising.


In some tradition, also in Abrahm story, or Prophet Yusuf story the well is also a symbol for this power. 

But it is not the object of this post.


The point of this post is, how i remembered that even if i see object in real life, i cannot attune myself and connect myself to them, they are not "alive".

Because my attention is stuck on the past image of it in my mind or jumping to the near future step, say what i ll do next to it.

Hence present is missed, and though the universe is talking to us at all time, we are just dead to it, not attuned, not in the present, not in the same wavelength.


In a hadith qudsi it is even said that walls can hear you; and they talk to you.


Now i experienced it and i know it is true.


Before i knew it but having not experienced it myself couldn't have said that i bear witness to the truth of this statement, now i can.


Second point being; being present make your being so much bigger, as you can extend yourself and reach as far as your attention goes and can hear and talk to these seemingly inanimate object, which in truth are also made of pure energy and are alive;


Funnily; a well made of brick and mortal, stones, is more alive than me when i am not present.

And i am not present 99.99% of the time.

Wondrous world.

Sunday, 21 March 2021

Happy Shri Mataji Birthday - Adi Kundalini purifies so you realise you are the Spirit


If you exist, if you are alive, if you have the cool breeze, if you purify yourself with it, morning and evening, then you evolve.

You go through stages; you are your past; and at the same time no more, as you are the present. You cannot thus linger on a (past) self praise, nor have time for ego praise, as you keep evolving and growing thanks to the vibrations.


But beware, if you leave your practice, this is when you are like any other; in no time. A mere frozen image in time. That time even discards like dust.

If you are a sahaj yogi; then you should not recognise yourself after a year, two years. Because you have outgrown your old skin, shed it off and naturally moved on; as river flows and never stands still.


Praise be to the Adi Kundalini; the Reality, that if you recognise; is reflected in your own water and is all yours.


Then, ask for a pure heart. This is the second steps.


Then, forgive everyone because they do not know.

Then, Love them because we are all One Spirit.


 If they still don't get it and persist in wrong; because they do not know, then Higher Forces will take over.

The Virata, spin like a wheel, and throw out the dirt outside; and let you with the bliss inside.

This is how the sorting out happens.

And you arise like a Lotus from the mud.

Praise be the Highest of the High.

Peace and Bliss.


Now; in Mataji talk, early talk, she was very clear about people growth, about pure desire, pure sincerity of your own ascent.

From a yogi; you master yourself and your own reality and become a Mahayogi.

When I felt the coolbreeze the first time, i googled everywhere to see what is the next step.

What these practitioners became, what powers and amazing personalities they became. 

I found nothing. 

Except this perfect exemple of a sahaj yogi; that earnestly practised and purified himself and as shri mataji mentioned in her talks; " for now you are sitting facing me" in the future i want you to sit where i am sitting, next to me facing the world"

So for now, you take your vibration from Me, once you grow, you set yourself the exemple.

You become your own Master and start fixing the Reality where you live, no doubt.

The Only Yogi I found that matches that description is there:

Truth -
Beauty -

Nirvana Shatakam

by Shankara

English version by Ivan M. Granger

I am not mind, not intellect, not ego, not thought.
I am not the ears, the tongue, the nose or the eyes, or what they witness,
I am neither earth nor sky, not air nor light.

I am knowledge and bliss.
I am Shiva! I am Shiva!

I am not the breath of prana, nor its five currents.
I am not the seven elements, nor the five organs,
Nor am I the voice or hands or anything that acts.

I am knowledge and bliss.
I am Shiva! I am Shiva!

I have no hatred or preference, neither greed nor desire nor delusion.
Pride, conflict, jealousy -- these have no part of me.
Nothing do I own, nothing do I seek, not even liberation itself.

I am knowledge and bliss.
I am Shiva! I am Shiva!

I know neither virtue nor vice, neither pleasure nor pain.
I know no sacred chants, no holy places, no scriptures, no rituals.
I know neither the taste nor the taster.

I am knowledge and bliss.
I am Shiva! I am Shiva!

I fear not death. I doubt neither my being nor my place.
I have no father or mother; I am unborn.
I have no relatives, no friends. I have no guru and no devotees.

I am knowledge and bliss.
I am Shiva! I am Shiva!

Free from doubt, I am formless.
With knowledge, in knowledge, I am everywhere, beyond perception.
I am always the same. Not free, not trapped -- I am.

I am knowledge and bliss.
I am Shiva! I am Shiva!

Truly, I am Shiva, pure awareness.
Shivo Ham! Shivo Ham!


-- from The Longing in Between: Sacred Poetry from Around the World (A Poetry Chaikhana Anthology), Edited by Ivan M. Granger