"While writing the score for The Last Samurai, Zimmer felt that his knowledge of Japanese music was extremely limited. He began doing extensive research, but the more he studied, the less he felt he knew. Finally, Zimmer took what he had written to Japan for feedback and was shocked when he was asked how he knew so much about Japanese music." - (http://ew.com/gallery/hans-zimmer-reflects-15-his-memorable-film-scores/)
Saturday, 20 May 2017
Witnessing of the witness - part 2
is when you are a mark
somewhere in this world
a landmark
you happen to witness
someone's pain
so you want to help it
witnessing what is witnessed
that is the first ray
so when you need help
to empower your witnessing
by concretising your help
you turn above
hoping that a Higher Witness
is Witnessing what you are witnessing
that is the second ray
IF the Witness your witnessing
then that is a pillar of light
that goes from UP to Down
then that is a Reality
cause that which is witnessed
if the Higher Witness witnesses
what you are witnessing
than for once
the first and second rays blend
and that is your pillar of light
somehow as a landmark
you can focalise higher rays
and distribute them on earth
is like a diamonds or prism
if you see rays refraction
once they go through a prism
when the blending happen
rays 1 + rays 2
1 pillar of light appears
is how it felt
then i saw a few rays piercing clouds
at first i thought it was sunrays
but it was not the sun
later i looked again
and rays were vertically falling from skies
and a 3rd time
then i was sure was not sunrays
things exist
only if they are witnessed
at rays 1 things exist
is ephemer
but these forms
can be saved as pattern
and not perish
or not at once
if it is witnessed by ray 2
is like the pattern is brought
or ascended above
to exist
and is no more
a perishable form
left there
how is it brought above?
by the Vision
Only because Eyes saw you
you existed
the witnessing of the witness
somehow reminds me of
or also the saying
what is above is beyond
is the same logic
Wednesday, 17 May 2017
The Witnessing of the witness
when the Witnessing
of the witness
then the witness's
reason to witness
and is how
the Earth becomes
a God Forsaken place
as there is no more witness
to be Witnessed
Friday, 12 May 2017
Heaven & Earth are recycled
Just had a vision
I saw that men on earth were
recycled and became heaven/
or went to heaven
and people of heaven
incarnated down on earth
it was like a cycle
Monday, 8 May 2017
Send Love Everyday
while writing the latter article
i felt a great inner self-nourishment
i felt fulfilled and satisfied
like once i have a good meal
and feel replenished and satiated
yes satiatied
is the right word
is like the soul
stop being at unrest
and now the heart
is feeling melting down
is how i realise it was hard
as now i feel it getting soft
like a weight has been lifted from it
and then
i felt taking my time
and just keep living
as you know
the way we breathe
shows our state , inner state
now i have a breathing that i can enjoy
because is like much useless worries
which were initially just meant to be temporary
became habits and then routine
and thus i forgot the single thing
i had to enjoy
was just
and send what i have been feeling grateful for
everyday to its Source
and i had even tears rolling down
my cheeks
because i just realised
was easy
i JUST have to go on sending love
that way
that's all
i found my purpose!
lol i felt so much purposeless
since i didn't take religion as the Truth
but could not find a ground to stay on
now is found
is just to aim for infinite Love
Infinity is an aim
which can't be limiting me
while it gives rest to the heart
and remove it from halting its breathing
as i had been waiting
for something
but knew not what
was actually on ME!
once you keep sending love
you somehow reach a threshold
where you can experience a new kind of expanded consciousness
and it gives you a restful and satiated feel
while you enjoy slowly your time
How does Being under God protection works and how does "curse" also happen
That was always mysterious to me
like if God is all good, all loving
then how come curse exists
as everything is attributed in fine to God
Is because of Absolute
God is Absolute
is not good nor bad
as is ONE
is not Dual
like in maths
in Absolute the digit is |3|
has a value 3
but in relative terms
let's say in manifested world
it can have -3 or +3
the choice is ours
which one we pick up
let's call it a Reward
or Boomrang effect
what we love, loves us back
or as said in Quran
God asking
"Who wants to Lend me His Good deeds?"
i used to find that very cute
as God asking
always wondering
why would God who needs nothing
like a child asking who wants to do me a Handsome Lending ?
and I will return it manifold
or like in hadith
Do 1 good deed, God returns it back 10 times more
or lend to Muhammad (pbuh)
for as HE strives in God way
then what you lend
got you more reward
like your rewards are multiplied
so all of these sayins are linked
is all about Blessings
yet no one knows
who is Blessed
that's the trick
when prophets were there
you knew you give and are blessed in return
cause and consequences were obvious
and now no more
as we live in a time of confusion
besides we don't know why we would even trust someone
as now there are no more prophets
....but what you don't know
is that EVEN in QUran and Hadith is said
that people would come whose light would be even shinier than of prophets
and the prophet would ask who these people are
and it would be told
these are those brought the "brought near ones/brought near the Face of God"
they are neither from Right nor Left Hand
is because a prophet came with a MEssage
Last Prophet means as Last MEssage
knowing as of now
get your breakthrough
nothing more to theoretically learn
but use the help of those Who Knows
as said in Quran
But who KNOWS
that's the REAL stuff
people will take it as
mental knowing
while the True KNowing
is the Divine Knowledge
Grace from God
so all is about finding
the target of your blessing
so back to my second point
now when a friend called me
all of sudden i felt her heart really hurting
so that mine was hurting seriously too
what happened is
as I am Protected
let's call it a shield
it has a Mirror effect
in Absolute terms
as the person who has her OWN imbalances
call it sins (in today's terminology)
thought of me strongly
her energy of imbalance
hit my shield
by the way
a sin is not something you did bad
is something that hit you and left you feeling bad
so that something hits you
means it entered your attention
therefore if you let it enter and affect you
is just because your guard was done
not because you are inherently bad
as your true nature is divine
as a baby
he won't ever feel bad
trust me
even after throwing up on your shoes
after he will smile at you
no guilt
and even if i get all messed up
i will kiss the baby later
because there is no self guilt that has destroyed its light which is always shining
is because his attention
is still not stuck in his being of being alive
ie self consciousness
he is still in his absolute nature
od divine self
jusr knows it not
just enjoying it
as long as it lasts
is later that its surrounding
corrupts its nature / "religion"
(hadith by the way!
back to the shield
and as it hit it
the feedback as to -3 or +3
depended on her attention
did she had good or bad feeling towards me
the good and love she had
got her the boomrang effect
her love for me
hit her back 10 times more
and thus she smelt sweet perfume
another girl had a bad intent
some prying about me
and that hit her back
and she had quite a frightening nightmare
in both cases
i did nothing
nor i knew it
is only later
i understood
but is how
God Power works
what you love
it loves you back
what you hate
hates you back
and God rewards is ILLIMITED
so is all about HOW FAR YOU CAN LOVE
and this is how too..
polyteism was created
or worship of man or JEsus as God
cause the Divine Blessed Men
had God's Protection / Shield
so if you Love them
you were loved by God Power/shield
and that led people
to WORSHIP men
thinking ok my devotion
is equal to worship
not at all
the shield is an AYAH
a SIGN for you to see
Love and you are LOVE BACK
and that PERSON
is JUST the Target/Support
for you to send your Love towards
if you want it back MANIFOLDS
but the ORIGIN
is GOD
that's what God Blessings are about
is not about worship
is about Love
Love the person
teaches you how to love
and once you learn to love
then you are Free to Enjoy Back your true Divine Nature
as you remember
as when you were baby
just that this time
you do it KNOWINGLY
(while the baby doesn't know but only enjoy)
so at no point
a baby worship God
lol you saw a baby bowing to GOD
and beg God for his Mercy?
the worship of the baby
is him being basked into God's Light
and him enjoying it
even worship is slavery
but True Love is Freedom
reminds me of Imam Ali (as) saying
Imam Ali [as] said:
Verily, some people worshipped Allah being desirous (Of His reward) –
so this is the worship of traders; and some people worshipped Allah
fearing (His punishment) – so it is the worship of slaves, and a group worshipped Allah in gratitude (to Him) so this is the worship of the free. (Nahju ‘I-balaghah)
& that poem from Rabia Basri :
I have two ways of loving You
I have two ways of loving You:
A selfish one
And another way that is worthy of You.
A selfish one
And another way that is worthy of You.
In my selfish love, I remember You and You alone.
In that other love, You lift the veil
And let me feast my eyes on Your Living Face.
In that other love, You lift the veil
And let me feast my eyes on Your Living Face.
- Rabia Basri translated by Charles Upton
If you Truly Find Love
you do not Worship God
but you Enjoy His Face
Those are the Brought Near Ones
Those to Whom God has given His Face
Worship no more, but Love and thus Enjoy God Face
See the worship or the selfish Love
is done to remember the God Alone
once you REMEMBER
you come out of your mental state
is why is called self-ish
cause is still the play of the self
once you use religion
ANY religion
to reach the Source of Oneness
then your mind comes back to IT
and you just do like the baby plus sth more : the Enjoyment
in ALL consciousness
which is main difference from a baby
and that is BLISS
so Bliss is above Love which is above worship
worship being just a mental method to help you to
remember while leading you on some path to Love
which will lead you to remember The Bliss
that is the Fall from Heaven
and the Rising back to It
i.e. Ascenscion
as path to God are many
religion matter not
what matters though
is where you end up
Thursday, 4 May 2017
Last Samourai
Marvelous Soundtrack - Hans Zimmer The Last Samourai
I remembered to have discovered and watched the first samourai in 2009 i think
when i came back from uk to france during my break time
I totally felt mesmerized by the music
it touches really the soul
actually it feels like it expresses the longing of the soul
yes i think if a soundtrack had to personalise the unheard voice of the soul
it would be this one
Here some comments i read :
J Roig10 months ago (edited)

The more you learn the less you find to know. I feel this way with music, and art.
Why the more we learn
the less we feel we know?
I remember at School
the more i did in depth research
the less i thought i had gained real knowledge of the stuff
yet once the work
was handed over and graded
it was always the best
I was even told to sold it
to the companies concerned
so professionally interesting it was
and i found out why we have
this kind of opposite feeling
when we work so much
and try with passion to find
stuff to nourish the soul desire to learn more
is because
when the soul
as a drop falls into the sea
then it feels it knows nothing
yet it has managed to target
and fall into the sea
while other remained on the shore
and never jumped into it
so the more you enter
the ocean of knowledge
as is obviously not in your drop like power to encompass
and thus to control and deform it to your liking
to make it follow the path of a tiny river
you are overpowered by its existence
and you think you know nothing
while in truth you targeted the bull's eye
so is not about grabing knowledge by its ball
as mccoffee would say
but is about KNOWING that you are already there
so to BE
is vaster than to KNOW
thus you think you know nothing.
is true, you don't,
because you ARE that knowledge in Essence
PS : for the Americans :
This movie is seriously cool .... But why American always said they are the hero of all adventure ? The real " Last Samurai " Was french .... it was a French general ( im not sure he was general ) . it was during the the revolt of Satsuma he's name was Jules Brunet. Watch in an history book :D He was comming for help the japanese emperor but he decided to walk with the samourai.
LOL hahaha
cracked me up
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