Monday, 28 March 2016

Avatar the Movie

I just seen the movie AVATAR for the 3rd time..this time on tv..

Marvellous, Magic and so LIVELY

that is how Avatar the movie makes me feel
as any good book
a good movie
makes you feel alive, involved
as much as you would be the hero in it

jotting down what i love much

lol while writing this
the music Ave Maria has just started playing

well .. i loved the Forest MOST
just watching it
the light and COLORS
how it was shining
and responding to the human touch
a touch filled with presence of the consciousness

was sooo magical

and how they were flying in the air
on their ride?
was so magical, smooth

you could even feel
in the now
your own fear and limitation
and all of sudden
as the hero so switfly, smoothly and WHOLLY jump in emptiness
with not safety net lol ..

.. well, it makes you feel free
pushing your own limit
and wanting to do same

i think some plane jump
in parachute is on my way...

plus you can obviously guess and feel
the native people LOVE for their Forest
and it goes without saying that you guess
how Amerindians had such a deep wisdom
and how they were viewed by those they welcomed..

this part was very much heart breaking

i felt real sad to see the beautiful, pretty, all so colorful forest
under firing, ashes
and the so PRECIOUS OLD TREE falling down

but then i felt even more sad
to realise that is exactly what is happening every day
with the Amazonian Forest

and to a more refined level
how human being is so much cut from Nature
so much that in a documentary i saw how an interviewed american kid
had no clue that it was a tomatoe..

really he thought it was apple

anyway even if it sounds extrem
such cases exist
and in contrast

when i saw the movie
i felt so impatient
cause i said to myself
OBVIOUSLY there are such amazing gifts around
in nature
to be experienced

that we could develop
by communicating with nature

as only what you feed grows
if you feed conscious communication
with nature
then nature gives it back to you

you can see more beauty
more brighter colors
more health and healing

you can experience
a real new realm
in terms of way of life

is just that the industrial Epopée
has got its time of being experimented

and now
imagine how much more beautiful
it would be to be able to experiment with Nature?

the starts is always slow
as it becomes a new wave
and a part of our life as a mass
only when a certain quota of people start doing it

but still as life is short
i feel i am wasting time
instead of getting back in touch with nature

is very slow..

just i admit i am impatient
and also do not have so far any real teacher
with a real discipline through which i could say

YES ! i am going somewhere

but the part i love most
obviously was the forest

second, i loved the paradox

of the dream (the human being) meeting the reality (the avatar world)

like when the fiancé avatar enter into the cabin of the hero
isn't it paradoxical?

my mind got so upside down at this point
that i was saying
okay what is real and what is the dream?

cause the hero is the human guy
and its avatar his "dream" body

but slowly
the avatar body takes over/takes more importance
say...his consciousness got absorbed by it
and then

when the avatar fiancé enters his cabin
and meet the human being

it hit me
that it is actually Reality (Avatar) meeting the dream (Human body/realm)
liek dream and reality beautifully mind blowing paradoxical...

was just so beautiful

very often this topic is tackled in the movie

like when i saw the avatar hero jumping down from the newly mastered Great Bird
lol i call it so , cause i forgot its name lol

then when i saw that i said
is so funny
only because he mastered the unmasterable Bird

that people are in awe
while before they hated him?

so in a way
i thought
people are always so superficial?
they can hate and love the same person
in a switch of a second?

which means they love a person ONLY for his achievement/honor/status that this honor gives?

but then
it hit me
no.. not only

if we know that all of our worth is within us
cause we ARE worthy

is just that people know it not
but if YOU YOURSELF you KNOW it
KNOW that you ARE worthy

what matter ?
you won't even think people are interested or superficial, see?

and among them
those who realise their , superficiality,
then you will ALSO see them

cause they will admit it...

as his fiancé did
while going towards him said

"i see You"
"i was afraid for my people"


the lines on the spot hit me
cause they answered what i was wondering about

and the space is provided for the people
to admit their own superficiality

cause at times
we need signs to see
and the manifested , like the Sacred Bird
are just symbol for us to get reassured that this one is worthy

not that he was not before..
but only because we , ourselves, were doubtful
and we NEEDED this sign

cause we were blind ...not to see the other Spirit/Worth
as we were blinded by...fear
or jealousy like for the dude who was about to become chief of his tribe
but see? his envy subsided when he saw the Common Great Sign of the Sacred Bird
then he left go of his envy
and accepted the Obvious
and surrendered to his Glory

(again he was not surrendering to become a slave of someone else Glory...
but he surrendered to accepting that he found His Glory within ...

i think is what most people and religion
mix up
and end up "worshiping" some outside God
or some other persons Glory
instead of surrendering to the idea that the other TOO has its own Glory

cause he is the spirit as much as me within )

as she admitted it

because you can SEE the other
or in other word she could SEE him at last
ONLY because she had no more the fear
and the Bird/the sign her consciousness was acquainted with
allowed her to believe in the worth of the hero

so the manifested realm
is needed to bring OUT, make OBVIOUS
our own hidden worth

cause we ALL have this Worth within

but the manifested is NECESSARY

for people to be able to SEE

the manifested gives a SIGN/PROOF (ayah in arabic)
of the worth of the Spirit already within you obviously

and only by letting shine your worth
that you remove fear from others
so that from their blindness they comes into the sight/light

and can at last say
"i see You"

i guess is what the muslims should learn
learn to shine their own light
so that they may be removing the fear
that their name / group of consciousness is creating
as havoc into the hearts of others..

Marvellous script writer,
story line writer
and all the team of this movie production
i just hug you all..

Beautiful movie.

and my MOST  preferred scene....obviously
is when the rebirth of the hero is taking place at the end
when he lies down
and transfer body

i loved everything
the touch of the body on the grass
the living grass enwrapping his body
imagine....all of this is quite real...

why you think you can't see it?
cause grass and nature respond as quickly as you ask
like in the movie
only if you have passed time giving such respect and attention to them?

we just need to switch our attention and respect from
artificial hierarchy in office
that consume so much of our energy
to the Nature itself really

and as we managed to experiment this Fast Society
with fast food and everything  fast fast fast
i am NOT against it
cause for me it PROVES we can DO IT

now the only thing is
to switch it to the nature
the same pattern but re-directed re-wired to the nature

and you will
i am SURE
how fastly Nature will respond
cause is a living entity too..

is so beautiful
i feel so warm inside

anyway this movie
is just a master piece

and yea i loved
how the ceremony of rebirth started
you see all of them sitting on the grass
with their spine in contact with it
and their "hair" in contact and fusioning with the Mother Earth
was just a so naturally flowing movie

with so much intricate details
and such a nice touch

yes this too..striked me
the human touch
they were touching each other
all along the movie
was really warm feeling

that's a movie
that gives to the word Humanity
is True meaning...

Loved it..
and still do

as i got this message
in my tea bag today

"Life is a gift,
Experience is the beauty"

i feel is a timely message
and yet i feel so sad
cause i guess, feel it all
and agree wholly to it

but somehow..i can't even say i am on the High way to experiment Life
like in this Movie that i love so much

yet is the only movie
that i whole heartedly found that resonates with me..

while watching Avatar
instead of feeling blood running in my veins
i felt warm Love running in there

especially when it was said...
how many connection a tree had to other tree
which is superior to our own neuronal connection... i let you imagine the possibilities...

just mind blowing love i felt for this
i really wish to experience that kind of new way of living

the rest is just dead boring now.

as this quote says

"The beauty of an exponentially-multiplying set of potential realities, collapsed into a singularity by our conscious decisions."

isn't it beautiful?

yea it just remind me the movie Interstellar now...

The Monkees Lyrics

"I'm A Believer"

I thought love was only true in fairy tales
Meant for someone else but not for me.
Love was out to get me
That's the way it seemed.
Disappointment haunted all my dreams.

Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer
Not a trace of doubt in my mind.
I'm in love, I'm a believer!
I couldn't leave her if I tried.

I thought love was more or less a given thing,
Seems the more I gave the less I got.
What's the use in tryin'?
All you get is pain.
When I needed sunshine I got rain.

Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer
Not a trace of doubt in my mind.
I'm in love, I'm a believer!
I couldn't leave her if I tried.

source :

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

True Love

if i say i love you
to what i see
i am only saying it to my thoughts
so is empty

but if i first feel the object/the you
and then say
i love you
then this is true love

I love You

i don't say i love you
you, a second person/chakra,
which is existing in the field of my thought

but i say i love you
because first i felt you,

and if i can feel you
then you are in me,

when i say i love you,
i say it to myself

this is why there is no other
as there is only One
and that is Me

Beauty, make up, perfumes, luxury gifts...

Nowadays i am in LOVE with Beauty products
and am getting so many luxury gifts
and soooo girly


4 years ago
had someone told me
i would be in Love with that

i would have NEVER believed it

do you know why?

is because your energy changes

and here is how i feel

when i see the package and the color
and the promise of the product
it feels like i am taking it in within me
the scent, the color, the promises,
the freshness, the energy born within the product

is just delicious food for the inner Beauty to blossom,

before i would have classed this as being "superficial"

but when i was in uk
i was stricken by HOW attention was given
to the very moment to the very person
in front of you
when i met the sufi master

it made me curious

that i considered this life as superficial
and wanted the deepness

but he was giving the deepness to the very moment
by giving it his full attention

don't think i am overall praising and am ALL for that guy
i just take the good i see from anyone and everywhere
that is the wisdom i learned from life

and this is how you enjoy
and truly respect Life
and are deep..

cause you give your full attention,
presence and thus respect to the Present/to It

and this is how
"superficiality" and "deepness" coexist
in the Very moment

cause you give to the passing thing
that is the present
the due attention to it
and learn to love it and enjoy it
by Feeling its color, its promises on the bottles of perfume
is actually you absorbing its labelling

this is why
don't get into the trap of taking side
by saying this is superficial
and this is deep

it is neither

it is Just the Moment
it is Present for you to enjoy it
so that you are enjoying the superficial
superficial in the sense that it is passing like the wind
and by being truly present
you become more connected to it
to the feel of it and thus to the feel of the Present

and you are colored by new colors
where superficiality and deepness coexist
are not differentiated
and they are one and the same
cause you are one with them

yet is impossible mind masturbation
to make deepness and superficiality
to coexist into your mind/thought/argumentation

it is just coexisting as one
when YOU decide to be one with the feel of the moment that each of them is giving
whether the moment take the face of what you call "superficial"
or whether it take the face of what you call "deep"

so these are just forms
what matters is
are you present with the form of the present moment
or are you opposing it and thus creating separation ?

so...when i receive these gifts
is like i am receiving a surprise from Life
which is waiting besides me
to see my excitation
while i am unwrapping it

and then i get back the Love
from such "inanimate" objects


i LOVED them

by expecting them
by receiving them
by unwrapping them

so it is very much like saying
they send you back the love you send them in advance

Monday, 21 March 2016

the "You" in me and you

that is the second time it happened
but when i looked at someone
it felt like i was looking at myself

by then i could not tell why
cause obviously we don't have same face
plus not at all same gender hahaha

nor are we twins
yet i saw myself in him

now i know

this happens
when the "you" i.e. your true nature (and not your thoughts)
sees the "you" of/in the other (his true nature too)

that when you see the "you" in the other
then you see your own self!

 and that is why the true self is One

and that happens only
if you are deep and the other is deep too
or that you are deep enough on your own to see the other even if the other is NOT deep
i am in the case number 1
the numbre 2 is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay harder for me to even imagine it

cause i am still superficial to get to the number 2

i guess i need serious A... S....?
no kidding, i need serious longer meditation sessions

that's a very nice feeling
and very meaningful life moment

When you're alone and life is making you lonely
You can always go downtown
When you've got worries, all the noise and the hurry
Seems to help, I know, downtown
Just listen to the music of the traffic in the city
Linger on the sidewalk where the neon signs are pretty
How can you lose?
The lights are much brighter there
You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares
So go downtown
Things will be great when you're downtown
No finer place for sure, downtown
Everything's waiting for you
Don't hang around and let your problems surround you
There are movie shows downtown
Maybe you know some little places to go to
Where they never close downtown
Just listen to the rhythm of a gentle bossa nova
You'll be dancing with 'em too before the night is over
Happy again
The lights are much brighter there
You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares
So go downtown
Where all the lights are bright, downtown
Waiting for you tonight, downtown
You're gonna be alright now, downtown
And you may find somebody kind to help and understand you
Someone who is just like you and needs a gentle hand to
Guide them along
So maybe I'll see you there
We can forget all our troubles, forget all our cares
So go downtown
Things will be great when you're downtown
Don't wait a minute more, downtown
Everything is waiting for you, downtown
Downtown (downtown)
Downtown (downtown)
Downtown (downtown)
Downtown (downtown)

source :