Thursday, 28 February 2013

The Whole world behind your smile

Smile and Make this World a Beautiful Place

that is the message of today i received.
by reading it i saw lots of rain of light being showered
on the place where we smile.
and i wondered where this light may come from
it looks it rains from the outside
though the step taken for that smile was from the Inside.

as it is said,
both are true
what comes from the OUTSIDE

of what you had set yourself to look for INSIDE.

the outside brings you the experience,
the confirmation of your Inside yearning/heart desire of the moment.
so you are there to verify it.

on another note,
when we are born,
we choose a certain time and place,
yes the time frame of our birth is frozen,
time is defined by the position of the planets when your birth was taking place,
this is all of your energetic provisions that you came along with
it feels like so

for the outside
we can envision such massive spheres
rotating in that very strange type of sounding silence in the space
and all those waves of energy backing your every actions
and which flow then to the material spheres
and the more they flow the more they become materialised.

behind your smile
is such a massive power of your planets
serving you
to make this smile shine on the scale that
you choose to direct the showering of the rain of your desire.

The Reason Why You Can be Happier

The reason why a man does not live happily is not because that state is non-existent. Also, it is not because happiness is unattainable.
Furthermore, it is not because someone or something stands in his way.
The reason why a man fails to attain his rightful contentment is for a reason he rarely suspects.
I would like you to read the next few paragraphs with special care. If you will grasp them, even just a bit, you will make more progress in seconds than perhaps you have made in years.
A man fails to attain personal liberation because he is unaware that such a state actually exists.
A man never goes after something unless he at least suspects that it is real, that it is there. He must therefore become consciously aware - even if dimly at first - that AN ENTIRELY NEW WORLD EXISTS FOR HIM.
This new world has been proclaimed throughout the ages to unthinking mankind.
It appears when a man or woman becomes receptive to esoteric knowledge, secret knowledge.
It is secret only because millions of unhappy people will not receive and do not understand it. But YOU,
can DARE

Then, you WILL be different from the millions of unhappy people. You will know the truth that sets you free.
You may be sure that we are not talking about anything remote or impractical. We are looking into a far Superior way of life that you can find and enjoy today.
Man's most tormenting and most carefully concealed fear is that there is no alternative road to the one which he now painfully endures. There is an alternative - and an utterly peaceful one-but he must express a rebellious sort of courage in order to find it. [i would say that rebellious sort of courage that you feel it in your gut-literally speaking, and you will FEEL it mounting in you-petals note]
He must deliberately abandon his so-called securities and start down a new road, as unfamiliar as it may be. By using the Four Golden Keys (provided later), he finally finds what he seeks.
A new life of abundant cheer us found in one way, and one way only. All others lead to endless anxiety.
It is found through an awareness of its existence.
This is the entire secret. We must catch a glimpse of this fresh life for ourselves.We can start by remembering that it exists within, not without.
We already possess this higher state. But we must become aware of our rich possession.
This awareness will break through, with increasing force, as we DARE to SEEK it BEYOND our PRESENT MENTAL ATTITUDES.
What prevents us from being aware?
Our own resistances.We are afraid that if we let go of our present beliefs-as useless as they are-that the unknown might be even worse [!-so true.petals note]
BUT WE MUST DARE. And we find that the very thing we feared was our very liberty!
Suppose you tell a man that just over the hill there is a grand castle, ready for his occupancy. He will want to believe you, but will be unable to do so. He has been fooled too many times by too many people. All his previous journeys have led to disappointment. He is not going to risk getting hurt again. So you really can't blame him for balking.
Nevertheless, the castle actually exists, whether he ventures toward it or not. Claimed or not, it is always there, ready for him.
Here we seem to have a major problem.The man will not walk toward the castle until he sees it. Yet, he cannot see it until he walks toward it.
No problem, there is a way out, and any man can take it."

extract : pages [20-22] from the book Psycho-pictography, by Vernon Howard.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Be and not become

Truth is NOT an attitude
but it is the effect that is seen on you.

hence the idioms to "embody truth"

however good your intentions to be nice and all goodness
at some point it won't work anymore
when it reaches its limit

for Truth is Giver and not in need of your "efforts" to mimick it
or to attract some attention of it on you.

it is already there
it is just you who is not attuned to it
once attuned
then like for a radio station
its effect of grace, nicety and goodness are seen on you.

hence it is not you who is good, but God.

Extension of thoughts

Thoughts are to be tried
in other words,
family, money, fame, and our very own identity has to be tried
tried, meaning undergo that trial
for they are all the manifestation/the outer extension of our inner thoughts/guess-works
about who and what we think we are

is it not said,

Say, "If mankind and the jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants."
[Quran, 17:88]

we can NEVER produce
into our search of truth
anything which equals Truth

for we are giving our life
and literally sacrificing each of our breathe
without questioning to whom they ultimately go

breathe, is basically vibrations, energy
and where does this energy goes ultimately?
to which authority?
go back to the thread of authority,
rewind it,
and you will find behind each name (family, money, fame, i...)
the authority was only the mind
the producer of it.
so the energy within us,
is only feeding thoughts and concepts
which are being fortified by each waves being showered upon it by the divine energy

I am as my servants think of Me

and we use the Power of God
to build our own jail
and fortify it everyday

instead of , FOR ONCE,
to this energy
so that she may by its purity of power of love
clean this mind
so that it be rejuvenated, re-created, updated to to the Present Moment.

what would it be like
to see with entirely NEW eyes
what we used to see through the veils (of the mind) ?

may be we simply are afraid to see the Beauty with naked eyes?
because we are afraid to thread another Way
the one so different from heaviness, and difficulty
because we are so used to clinging to our thoughts/family/friends/self-values and self-images
that we disbelieve that we could ALSO be helped by a more Powerful and Direct Energy

that IT sets us free
and it is its only role
and it has no other demand

but we are so used to difficulty
so used to clinging to others' authority
that we end up believing our livelihood depends on them.

Believing that after the destructions of all beloved concepts,
only the Face of God remains,
is the ONLY Truth that is worth
the witnessing of all that perish under our eyes.

world and worlds

Density of thoughts

thoughts goes from the lighter to the denser
in terms of manifestations
lighter is as a mere idea in the head
denser is the concretisation of that idea under a form such of a building

when we attached ourselves to a thought
it means to attached ourselves to everything going from an idea to its outer manifestation
and where these thoughts go (i.e. to destruction)
it is where one goes if one is attached to them.

living in a 3D world
means we are attached to that world
to the man-made world
the world which is only an inner reflection/concretisation/manifestation
of our inner born thoughts.

yet energy leaves its trail behind
and goes on ascending into higher realms/dimensions
which are superior to the 3D one

two people can live apparently in the same world
and yet their own consciousness be as far as heaven and earth
for all dépends where their consciousness is attached to.

existent tie between rivals?

it is when the "bad one" who is so used to revenge, hate and anger
see for the first time no ties of enmity between two opposing parties
that he is forced to wonder at that scene:  "what other tie may possibly exist between these rival parties, if not the one of revenge and delight in revenge?"

for it is so uncommon that rival parties may have a tie other than a negative one joining them.

so he wonder at the name given at that odd link.

it is like he can see something that he does not know the name of
and he is shared between the feeling of curiosity, wonder and a bit of awe.
he is at least intrigued at best mesmerised by it.
but above all he realises that he knows this NOT.
for he had never ever experienced this link before.

though the name of this link be known to him and existant into his vocabulary (as a concept)
it is inexistant in this very present moment to him
for he cannot recall, nor name it;
indeed, the proof is that in the present moment he sees but knows it not, for he is unable to name it.

yes the Present, The Ever-Present One
is the Giver of lesson
He teaches us what we know not
and we know not UNLESS we realise it within.

for to know the name but not the associated image
or to see the image but not know the associated name
is not to realise the Truth.

Truth is realised within
only when the seeing provides you with the verification of your inner knowledge (name).

Be clear with your goal in yourself

Be CLEAR with your goals
especially the short-term ones,
for they are those which you PICK up to test them for yourself.
to make them go through the test
and see if they pass the fire.

in both case it is a blessing,
if they perish
you get rid of falsehood
and they disappear from obstructing your vision.

yet if they pass
then you chose a successful mount
and made it yours
by cementing yourself with it through the fire.

so always be clear with your goal,
with what you expect
nothing is wrong
wrong is only to be unclear (and deaf, dumb and blind) to yourself
communicate first with yourself
what is your own goal
make it yours
by feeling whether you can appropriate it innerly
once done
there is nothing more to it
except to voice it when the time come
and see where it leads you to.

but you NEED to keep the same point of view
till its success or failure
and not swerve
for you have to test it
to see if you can mount it or not.

only so, can you, and this LITERALLY speaking,

True state

The yearning, the pain, the relief
cannot be a lie
they are the proof of our true belonging,
the belonging to the state of balance
which is our true state
and that we have forgotten.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Universal Love 2

This is why i will always forgive you
for there is nothing to forgive
you are free from blame
for sure


indeed, love cannot  labelled as good or evil
it is by itself whole and complete
it has brought itself to perfection

and now you can breathe.
because all is in my hand
and i choose to forgive and love.

Universal Love

The energy within is the same outside
it is the same in the others
this is why in essence they are me
and i am them , in essence

and it is not the other that we love
it is not the manifestation
for the wholesome and complete love belongs only to the Divine Love
that very Power of Love

yet when we meet all kinds of people
from the sweetest to the most bitter ones
it is neither the former nor the later that we love
in the first case there will always be some feeling of fear of loss associated to it
and in the later one that would be complete insanity : )) that to love evil ways!

no that which happens is all about the Inside
it is when the  wave of energy is being stirred Inside of us
that we Watch it
and when it becomes a tempest,
when it reacts to the proximity of a weird character,
actually it is in a way signalling the presence of an insanity that we should let go
and to let go
we should only say to our inner wave of energy
that indeed
it is ok, i love you
for it is not the wave Inside that is evil
the poor one is only signalling the presence of what is to be left, to let go

so we acknowledge, watch the wave
for it has its right to be and signal the heights of the evil to be purified from
and then we say to it
that we love it
for we do not mistake it with anything evil

for there is no evil
nor anything good
no duality

except the remembrance of The One
and thus the cleaning take place

la ilaha illa Allah.

As this extract illustrates the phenomenon well :

"Nous sommes des poussières d'étoiles"
-Hubert Reeves

« C’est mon histoire qui est racontée : ce sont les mêmes forces qui organisent l’infiniment grand et l’infiniment petit, les cellules de mon corps comme les gigantesques amas de galaxies. Je fais partie d’un tout, je suis…. POUSSIERES D’ETOILES» Hubert Reeves

Imaginez que nous sommes des étoiles qui vagabondent dans le très large univers…  Des fois, nous passons au loin de galaxies, fonçons à travers des nébuleuses, nous écrasons sur une Lune (avec des séquelles éventuelles)…
Nous pouvons entrer dans le champs gravitationnel de planètes ou d’étoiles plus grosses que nous : nous sommes alors accélérés ou freinés, et quand le phénomène est particulièrement agréable, nous pouvons nous mettre en orbite autour de ces corps célestes pour un certain temps.
On a tous traversé les turbulences d’un champ d’astéroïdes, ou fréquenté un trou noir dont il a été difficile de se dépêtrer…
Notre vie n’est qu’une succession d’illustrations de la théorie des chocs avec la réalité, des lois gravitationnelles autour de personnes rencontrées, de la relativité absolue (encore un oxymore !) et parfois, de la loi du chaos. Le reste du temps, on navigue comme on peut, avec notre boussole, qui pointe vers le nord de notre vocation ou de nos aspirations.

source :
Please use Google traductor for translating that article in English.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Love unites us

We belong to the group that we love

the Stream of love we send forth
makes us meet our mirrored love

at the end of the Stream of Love
we meet the Love we sent forth
in the form of the people we meet

Stream of Love, or Rope of Love
has two endings
the first shoot is the one that stems from our heart
and its quality dépends on our generosity of (giving) Love out

unknown is the course and destination of it
but as the spirit is One
and every thing has been created in pair
as there is ALWAYS a solution in the spirit
the other end of the Rope shall connect itself with its soulmate
its counterpart

the time elapsed between the sending out of your Love
and the appearance of its mirrored face into your live
is what is called the excitement.

thus the greatest loss is the one of never giving
for if you give not
send not out your Rope into your sea
as the fisherman does
you can never find Love on the other ends.

thus give all of your self
all of your heart, mind, soul and strength,
as never anyone has ever given in the story of mankind
so that one day you may see your mirrored face
the one you have sent out
and could not have seen
except by giving it in advance
because you cannot see yourself
except through a Mirror.

Be witness that i have sent IT.

The uncovered treasure

About what is the core of God's Love

It has been said that
if God's Love lied in following His orders
then Angels would have been sufficient for Him
as His creation;
for they are so obedient
that they never fail in fulfilling His issued orders.

But the Human being has the capacity
to align himself with God's Love
to reach the Heart of God's Love
without orders being issued
that is the highest capacity of Love

By doing so, the Human being raises in status above the angels
when he knows what to do and do it without being told or ordered to.

i feel that it is because God wants the human being to be
where up to now
no other creation has reached
and the door of it
is called the highest of manners

when you do something out of sheer love and generosity
without being told or ordered to do it
this is a very refined and respectful manner,
when you do it for God
anticipating His Joy
without Him lowering Himself to ask of you anything.

 And indeed, you are of a great moral character.
[Al Qalam-68:4]

actually, it is YOU who cared to care for Him
while in general it is always Him who cares for you.

It is not that God is in need of anything
but He gives you the opportunity never given to any other creation so far,
the one of addressing yourself to Him
without any intermediary.

French and English version :


Vous vous demandez peut-être pourquoi nous crions lorsque nous sommes fâché?
Voici une réponse inspirée d'un sage hindou.

Un sage hindou qui était en visite au Gange pour prendre un bain remarqua un groupe de personnes criant de colère les uns après les autres. 
Il se tourna vers ses disciples, sourit et demanda: « Savez-vous pourquoi les gens crient les uns sur les autres lorsqu'ils sont en colère? »

Les disciples y pensèrent pendant un moment et l'un d'eux dit : « C'est parce que nous perdons notre calme que nous crions. »

« Mais pourquoi criez vous quand l'autre personne est juste à côté de vous?», demanda le guide.

« Pourriez-vous tout aussi bien lui dire ce que vous avez à dire d'une manière plus douce? »

Après qu'aucune des réponses des disciples ne fut suffisamment satisfaisante pour le sage, il expliqua 

« Quand deux personnes sont en colère l'une contre l'autre, leurs coeurs sont séparés par une grande distance. Pour couvrir cette distance, ils doivent crier, car sinon ils sont incapables de s'entendre l'un et l'autre. Plus ils sont en colère et plus ils auront besoin de crier fort pour s'entendre l'un et l'autre pour arriver à couvrir cette grande distance.»

« Qu'est-ce qui se passe lorsque deux personnes tombent en amour? Ils ne crient pas à l'autre, mais ils se parlent doucement parce que leurs coeurs sont très proches. La distance entre eux est soit inexistante, soit très faible.»

Le sage continua...

« Quand ils s'aiment encore plus, que se produit-il ? Ils ne se parlent pas, ils chuchotent et obtiennent encore plus de proximité et plus d'amour. Enfin vient un moment où ils n'ont même plus besoin de chuchoter, ils se regardent seulement l'un et l'autre et se comprennent. »

Puis il regarda ses disciples et leur dit :

« Ainsi quand vous discutez les uns avec les autres ne laissez pas vos coeurs s'éloigner. Ne dites pas les mots qui vous éloignent davantage, ou bien viendra un jour où la distance sera si grande que vous ne trouverez pas le chemin du retour.»

English Version

"Why do people shout at one another when they are angry?"
We said, "They shout because they are angry and they want to express their anger," and Baba responded, "Yes, they can express their anger that way, but even if someone is seated at their side they will shout at that person. Could they not speak softly?" We volunteered different explanations, saying different things which came to mind at the time, but our answers did not satisfy Baba. So He gave us the answer. "When a person is angry with another person," He said, "that person is far removed from his heart and distance is created between them. That's why the physical reaction is to shout, and the greater the distance, the greater is the shouting. Love disappears and one goes on shouting at the other who in turn barks back at him. Then he barks and so it goes on and on." But Baba did not stop there as He doubtlessly wanted us to see the same thing from a different angle. So He continued, "Now take the other case of two people in love. When two individuals are in love with each other, how do they speak?" "They speak softly," we answered. "Yes," Baba agreed, "they do speak softly and the greater the love between them, the softer is their tone of speech. And when they are still further in love, no words are needed and they just look at each other, and eventually there is not even the need to look — no need at all." Well, that is the reason why Meher Baba observed silence. There was no need for an exchange of words. It was very good to hear that, to be reminded that He was so very close to us; as He has said, "I am closer to you than your very breath."

source :

Have you read this colored extract?
This is what Life teaches us.
with the passing of Time
it seems
everything starts failing
you seem to live in an ailing society
part of an ailing religion, organisation, or values
and even yourself you are little by little becoming an ailing person
and your physical abilities are failing you.

Yet the energy that makes you fail, can make you win.

"the greater the love between them, the softer is their tone of speech. And when they are still further in love, no words are needed and they just look at each other, and eventually there is not even the need to look — no need at all."

Divine Energy merely follows its course
as rivers do

it is only that we happen to be on a Her track
that we can witness Her movements from within
and we happen also to be very loving people
deeply loving ones

but the thing is
that we have misplaced the love
we put it and attached it on to things which are to perish
instead of the Ever-Present One.

the ailing or seemingly failing abilities of ours
are nothing more of a loss or gain
than are the passing of days and nights
they just have to roll on
and recycle themselves
to a new creation

for everything has to perish
except the Face of God

and He shines everyday into a new light.

"the greater the love between them, the softer is their tone of speech.
this is why with the passing of time
it feels like the true messages of the messengers
is now only a whisper

but it is only an interpretation of what is in your heart.
for a dis-eased heart, it is called stories of old.
hence the loss of the Real Message.

for truly loving hearts
it only means that they have to recognise the same True Eternal God
shining into His New Light

indeed as with the passing of Time
only His Love increases
thus only those who are willing to let go of the noise of the speach
and then of the sight
let go of any intercession
and are in DIRECT touch with the Power within :

Tell them that I am nearer to them
than their own jugular vein
Tell them that I am nearer to them
than their own breath

the apparent failure
is only called so
because old ways are failing
if you remain attached to them to look for God
yes you will fail, get drown with them.

if you let them go
you nearer your self to God
in a way
never ever achieved by other people of the past.

for God shines into a new creation every day
stake are highers
ie risk is higher to lose the way seeing everything failing around you
but if you pass through this illusion of failure
the reward is higher than ever,

and of course
His light can only be more beautiful
with the passing of days and nights


And when they are still further in love, no words are needed and they just look at each other,
and eventually there is not even the need to look — no need at all."

eventually there is not even the need to look — no need at all."

This is why Time has existed
for us to see it going
and seeing that love is not measurable by it
for if it were
love intensity would not have lied into the deep silence
which testimony is everyday experienced by lovers of all realms
though they may be unconscious of it.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Opinions and Mastery

It is true
You have not sent me there
to listen to others' opinion
and make their opinion my ultimate truth...

For there is no truth to seek out of myself
even less an opinion or someone else to take as a model.
for ALL in all is in the Pure Spirit within.
and till i KNOW it,
i should avoid that the veil get thicker  
by using ways' of ignorants.

It is the way of ignorants
to let others play the strings of my instrument
while only the very owner can be the only Master of it
instead of lending my ear here and there
i should just let go of what comes to me.

For in truth, 
unless one has seen the Spirit first,
one cannot see "evil" in others
which are only our own projections...

only when one has seen the Standard (of Truth)
that one can measure people against It.

one may sometimes
more or less 
guess right about someone's issue.

Yet, this is not the point.
Point is "To love thy neighbor as thy self"
and not "To look at him, pinpoint his fault, and call him so and so,
(imbalanced, possessed and what nots)

because if it has been the way
then i would have never been saved
for i was worthy of being judged
and worthy of being forgotten
and labelled to a group of disgraced ones.

it is only and purely through Your Grace
that Love touched my heart on Its way
while Your Judgment could have brought me to ashes

but luckily,
it is You who bestow Grace
and not our hands.

so again,
it is true,

they and i
are the pure spirit within
by raising the energy of people outside
makes you feel love inside of yourself

and when you feel love
then you have no time to judge
nor dislike
nor find fault in others.

one has just to be patient
to make such moments of love
more lasting than those of judgement
which have become our mechanical way of being.

and now i know,
we are to each others
either instruments of Grace or Judgement.

Though Judgment and Grace
both exist on the very moment
i prefer Your Grace
which is more vast for me
the world is then like expanding
when one bestow it on others.

But when we judge people
not only we jail them through our judgment
but we also order our world to shrink even more.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Shining forth

Pure Power of Divine Love
I am neither the past
nor the future
but the pure blissful awareness
of the Present

this is defining our True identity

and if this affirmation has been absorbed

it would mean that during the day
EACH moment is lived fully
because neither our attention is stuck in some
past experience standards (of worries etc.)
which makes us HOLD ourselves to shine forth

and second, nor it is stuck in the "apprehension" of the future
so that one says "ok i am planning to save my resources (such as our
qualities, money, or words) for that "perfect future" moment,

on the SPOT IF one has the FULL pure desire to be our TRUE self
then SURELY and TOTALLY one will wish to shine wholly
with all of our ressources,

and EACH moment will be a PERFECTED
and PERFECT moment for each single actions of ours
neither too much
nor too less
but it IS just the RIGHT measure
without holding back
without regret

and thus just we bring ourselves in a settled peace within.

is it not said :

Love God,
with ALL of your Heart, Mind, Soul and strength?

each second, where one shines to our fullest potential,
are accumulated
and not wasted

and for this to happen
our FULL attention should be present
our FULL desire should be there
so that our light may be FREE to shine forth for ourselves and the others

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.

source :

Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

-Marianne Williamson

Dear God ,
May my gifts
begin to blossom
in a way that serves Your plan.

Dear God,
May every aspect of my being
be converted to Truth.
May every cell fall into place
and serve a higher plan.
I no longer wish to be
who I was.

I wish for more.


From Marianne Williamson's Illuminated Prayers, pgs. 63 & 77.

The Quiet Beauty

The cold dark cellar
is the prison that we create ourselves
and think to be safe in it
we take refuge
refusing in reality to face our own limitation
to become our pure desire
to embody it

we think that a prison is safer than what is out there
out there is only danger
while our own limitation
however tights and burdensome
are still ok to be cooped with
as long as they are our own
we have "a hand" (of no power in reality) over it,
while the change may snatch away from us
the little that we already possess

because we do not believe in the flow of Life
we do not believe that Life is also for us
and that we are part of it
as much as it is part of us
till physical death comes
and we regret of not having lived,
and be-lieved.

Fear is the biggest of our enemy
it is the enemy of Life
Fear only feels its existence
when it exists
so we breed fear
and we think that we can at least survive
and not lose this little of property that remains

because how the unknown be kindness to us
when the known is already so burdensome?

because we do all that we can
to make ugly that which is beautiful in us

but this we can never accomplish.
we can never make ugly the Face of God within us
His Light
His Shine
this very inner beauty, shining star that we have all heard of.

because of this inimaginable gift
because of this priceless gift
we do not believe to be its depository.

how could we have such a generous gift
of a priceless treasure within,
when ourselves we are so stingy?

how could it exist within,
when we do not see it being manifested?

because we forgot,
that the deal was that we are to recognise it,
for we are its bearer.

and above all,
in reality,
we are afraid of its power
to accomplish everything we can wish for
we are afraid to face the unknown
for this power of Love is all the opposite of us.

For it is Love
and i am Fear

it is Light
and i am in darkness upon darkness

it is open
and i am closed...

some would say,
the Perfect match!

like the day is to the night
or the male to the female
so is the Hope to the Fear

it is He, whose presence fills the cup of the thirsty
that brings to completion and perfection
the lowest of the low
to the highest of the heights

and i realised
the forsaken one and the blessed
were both the same
while the witness raised upon the couch
the couch,
that was there for me to sit upon
so that both faces of the same coin
the whole picture
the turning of seasons
could be observed

raising from the actor
to the viewer
and the whole world view changed.

also in our naïvety, or call it forgetfullness
in our refusal to Self Trust
in our stubborness
we go to the extent of destroying ourselves
to prove to the world
that we are right,
we are just miserable and without support/resources.
only we feign this, in order not to go out of our ways to realise our dreams,
not to live our heart desires.
because we are coward
we do not want to shed off our limitations
we do not want to go out of the cocoon
even if it has become a prison for the butterfly
but we prefer to nip it in the bud
and let ourselves choke.
because we fear
we fear to face our real fears

for it means to let them go
it means to face them
and use the power within to move forward
and become what we already are
the beauty within

we all have our own shine
when we face our fears
they dissolve
and we receive in its stead
The Face of God
The Beauty within embodied
the one which has been recognised
and allowed to blossom

the japanese have a word for this :

Some might be familiar with "wabisabi," a term that refers to
the appreciation of beauty that resides within things that
slowly alter their appearance with time. The term has come to
represent a quintessentially
Japanese sense of aesthetics and culture.

source :

 The more you use them, the more they increase in beauty.

source :

"Wabi-sabi is the most conspicuous and characteristic feature of traditional Japanese beauty and it occupies roughly the same position in the Japanese pantheon of aesthetic values as do the Greek ideals of beauty and perfection in the West."[1] "if an object or expression can bring about, within us, a sense of serene melancholy and a spiritual longing, then that object could be said to be wabi-sabi."[2] "[Wabi-sabi] nurtures all that is authentic by acknowledging three simple realities: nothing lasts, nothing is finished, and nothing is perfect."[3]
The words wabi and sabi do not translate easily. Wabi originally referred to the loneliness of living in nature, remote from society; sabi meant "chill", "lean" or "withered". Around the 14th century these meanings began to change, taking on more positive connotations.[1] Wabi now connotes rustic simplicity, freshness or quietness, and can be applied to both natural and human-made objects, or understated elegance. It can also refer to quirks and anomalies arising from the process of construction, which add uniqueness and elegance to the object. Sabi is beauty or serenity that comes with age, when the life of the object and its impermanence are evidenced in its patina and wear, or in any visible repairs.
After centuries of incorporating artistic and Buddhist influences from China, wabi sabi eventually evolved into a distinctly Japanese ideal. Over time, the meanings of wabi and sabi shifted to become more lighthearted and hopeful. Around 700 years ago, particularly among the Japanese nobility, understanding emptiness and imperfection was honored as tantamount to the first step to satori, or enlightenment. In today's Japan, the meaning of wabi sabi is often condensed to ″wisdom in natural simplicity.″ In art books, it is typically defined as ″flawed beauty.″

source :

and in truth
it is no mere words
all, absolutely ALL
even the most imbalanced people
have within this beautiful shining light

but you do not see theirs
because you do not see yours to start with
and as light is ONE
yours is veiled to you
so is theirs to you

and they do not see it
because they are OBLIVIOUS to their own beauty
they end up to dis-believe in their own beauty
after having feign that it existed not within
by dis-associating themselves from their Trust
they forgot who they are.

and now,
like shades.
though light is one step away

but for them
it is like a whole light year away from them
so far has their forgetfulness dis-associated them
from their inner nature.

this very beauty is found
when you choose to see it
the mere wish to see it
leads you to FIRST confront your fear
the lie that you created to justify your poor condition
this very lie that is covering it
the light itself is not in prison
for it is light

but YOU are in prison
because you are its bearer
and instead of experiencing it
and letting it BE
and expand
and grow

you prefer to call yourself a prisoner
instead of a trustee of the Light
because thereby you can keep the little you think you have
instead of risking it to receive more
but the fear is your own disbelief in your capacity
to use your power within
to accomplish your pure desire

this movie is great to see, 
here is an eye-opening commentary on it.

Are you ready to live a fairytale? The Lifetime Original Movie “Lying to Be Perfect,” starring Poppy Montgomery and airing January 30 at 9 pm et/pt, will inspire you to begin living your happy ending. After watching this enjoyable modern day take on the Cinderella story I felt pardoned and empowered. Let’s face it, we all have told a tinsy lie about ourselves. Am I the only one who has “accidentally” entered the wrong weight on the treadmill? Ok my bad. But lies do more damage to us than we sometimes realize. Stopping us from getting to our full potential. Trying to be the perfect size and shape in a media crazed world filled with princess images can be tough.
In the film, Nola Devlin (Poppy Montgomery) is an unassuming, frumpy magazine editor who is overlooked and teased by her coworkers. When the sun sets, though, and she is behind the glow and anonymity of her computer screen, she becomes the famous and “reclusive” advice columnist Belinda Apple. Belinda becomes for the women in the film what we all sometimes need. A “fairy godmother”, encouraging us to recognize the undiscovered beauty within and prompting us to achieve our goals. Nola’s friends tired of being overworked and overweight, band together to create the “Cinderella Pact,” vowing to lose pounds by following the advice of their “fairy godmother”.
As I watched a scene from the film, I recalled a conversation I had with my niece Shelby a few weeks earlier. I overheard her singing “I don’t want to be your Cinderella sitting in a cold dark cellar.” I nearly dropped my plate when I heard this. I was so taken by these words. Early on in the movie, Nola’s character says that sometimes it’s easier for Cinderella to hide out versus go out and find real happiness. When I asked my niece what the words of the song meant, she said you’re not supposed to hide away from the world because you’re afraid you have to go out and live your dreams. With 7 in 10 girls feeling that they don’t measure up in some way this is a message that we need to get across and the film does that. Nola learns this life lesson although the journey for her isn’t always easy.
Early on, binging on sweets was a way that Nola comforted herself when things went wrong. Her overeating was a symptom of a chronic problem experienced by so many of us. Fear. Fear of failure, fear of love, fear to speak up for yourself. Nola is forced to take her own alter ego’s advice and confront her fears when her secret identity is threatened. Through the process she learns that she is stronger than she thought she was and she had the power within all along to live her dreams.
Belief in yourself is the first step to getting fit and healthy. Nola’s friends, her step sisters of sorts initially think their fairy godmother helped to give them the confidence to go out and lose the weight. As the friends drops dress sizes, their real issues are exposed, and better-than-expected life changes begin to blossom. Including love for Nola with a real prince charming played by Adam Kaufman. Nola’s love interest is attracted to her even before she begins to shed the pounds. He sees the beauty in her before she does.
Nola works for a wicked boss at a magazine called Shine. Through self discovery Nola learns that she has her own shine. A star quality that was always there but needed to blossom.
After watching the film, I felt pardoned from those times where I felt bad about myself and empowered to continue creating my own happy endings. If you want to live the fairytale, watch “Lying to Be Perfect”. It is the perfect feel good movie and that’s no lie.

source :

Saturday, 9 February 2013


when i am with You
i like who i am
i am free
and nothing bother me
all is a discovery

it is said that you are Great
Higher than thoughts and false sense of identity
higher than our own misinterpreted experiences
whose consequences are that we are afraid of their life
of Life itself when it re-present itself in front of us

if you are that Higher
then where are you
when i forget you?

aren't you suppose to absorb the barriers
those that i raise between the me and the You

if the i is the only barrier between me and you
then if the removal is only in my surrendering
then what for all of this conditioning?

that very conditioning
is the one which makes me doubt You
because i learned that it was from You.

but now i have to learn to unlearn
that you were not in religions
which are only remnants of past Glory of Yours
when You used to be remembered in hearts still alive

dead hearts are just hanging on glories of past
while you are in the Present
Man has never imagined that you could have been so close
and so different, so aloof from man-made conceptions of Your Message.

Your only message has been that You are One and Only and these are your messengers
but this single Message, has always been forgotten

At times i wonder
if we are unable to remember this single Message
let alone to commune-icate with You.

unable to even open eyes
let alone to observe the horizon

so that rare are those who have even started to explore your Kingdom.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Master of Love

The Master of Love
is the ever-present and yet forgotten shield
inside every person

He is the shield that spare you from trouble
and the sword that cut very strange attemps at you

even if faces of people take religious or friendly colors
Master of Love's discernment is even sharper
so that It let no doubts enter into you

what is more complete than Love?
nothing could over-power Love except Love itself
so that through life
you can only increase in Love/Light

Light upon light

it is simple shield
most powerful
yet oh-so-easily forgotten

because we mistake our self with thoughts or emotions
while they are only passing clouds

while the Master of Love is Ever-Present.

so Master of Love
so far i have taken no step
but when i do, it will only be with You
even if it is only a few steps
for even in only one step the Whole of You would be there.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Finding It and staying there

This is a very beautiful music in the background
feels like a soul piercing and rising

the song also equally beautiful

It is sad, when one does discover his heart desire
and choose to forget it.

why do you think,
the meeting happened in the Mosque at the end?
It is The House of God
if you desert it, after you found within/in it
your heart desire
then you leave it in ruin.


do pal ruka khwaabo.n ka kaaravaa.n The caravan of dreams stopped for a few moments,
aur phir chal diye tum kahaa.n ham kahaa.n and then where did you walk off, and where did I?
do pal kii thii yeh dilo.n kii daastaan This story of hearts lasted only a few moments,
aur phir chal diye tum kahaa.n ham kahaa.n... and then where did you go, and where did I?
tum the ki thii koii ujalii kiraN Was that actually you, or was it a ray of light?
tum the ya koii kalii muskaa'ii thii Was that actually you, or was it a smiling flowerbud?
tum the ya sapno.n ka tha saawan Was that you, or was it the rain of dreams?
tum the ya khushiyo.n kii ghaTaa chhaa'ii thii Was that you, or did a cloud of joy pass overhead?
tum the ki thaa koii phuul khila Was that you, or did a flower bloom?
tum the ya mila tha mujhe naya jahaa.n Was that you, or did I find a whole new world?
do pal ruka khwaabo.n ka kaaravaa.n The caravan stopped for a few moments,
aur phir chal diye tum kahaa.n ham kahaa.n and then where did you walk off, and where did I?
do pal kii thii yeh dilo.n kii daastaan This story of hearts lasted only a few moments,
aur phir chal diye tum kahaa.n ham kahaa.n... and then where did you go, and where did I?
tum the ya khushbuu hawaa'o.n me.n thii Was that you, or was it a scent on the breeze?
tum the ya saarii dishaa'o.n me.n the Was that you, or was there color bursting in all four directions?
tum the ya roshnii raaho.n me.n thii Was that you, or was it some light on the road?
tum the ya giit guu.nje fizaa'o.n me.n the Was that you, or was it a song echoing in the atmosphere?
tum the mile ya milii thii ma.nzile.n Did I find you, or did I find my destination?
tum the ki tha jaaduu bharaa koii samaa.n Was that you, or was it simply a moment touched by magic?
do pal ruka khwaabo.n ka kaaravaa.n The caravan of dreams stopped for a few moments,
aur phir chal diye tum kahaa.n ham kahaa.n and then where did you walk off, and where did I?
do pal kii thii yeh dilo.n kii daastaan This story of hearts lasted only a few moments,
aur phir chal diye tum kahaa.n ham kahaa.n... and then where did you go, and where did I?



The pure untainted One 
is in the space between two thoughts-

and there you may dwell
away from any kind of judgements

and enjoy yourself 

Sunday, 3 February 2013

The Heart Desire

If this something does not wish to cross with you the four seasons
nor the alternation of day and night
nor life and death

then this something is only acquitting its role of the projection of your heart desire
which is to help you see the face of your true desire

this is the gift behind the letting go

and when all projections are gone
and waves have died
and the ocean has calmed

you see your own pure desire
which you have reared in your heart

and THIS is no more a projection

but it just IS what you had forgotten of WHAT you ARE.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Gaze at your Self

What is out there, is a mirror of what is in ‘here’ [within].

so LOOK around, what do you see?
it is what is IN YOU of your beliefs:

hence the diversity
hence the darknesses, shades
hence ALSO beauty here and there.

it means you are NOT yet FULLY purified.




the outside exist 
as a mirror
for you to gaze at yourself!
to know yourself 

for without mirror
you would have NEVER known 
who you ARE.

only now
you need to polish 
your mirror
to see your BEAUTY, ONE.

and for this 
to ONE point ON ENERGY within       

so that the energy may POLISH the mirror

and then, you will see your BEAUTY everywhere to be discovered/experienced through the variety at hand.