Wednesday, 21 November 2012

River flows in you

: )

The first time i named what i felt being a river,
was when i was reading the story of Mary Magdalene, disciple of Jesus (peace be upon them)

but what i felt by then, when i read the story
was that true believers were bold without making the effort to be so
for in the latter case, it would be acting and why act (however SINCERELY), when you can be it?
that is the difference between a life led by ego (however sincere its claim be) and a life supported by divine presence;
between claim and truth, between struggle/fight to possess and Kingdomship
between slavery and Freedom

these inner states are then reflected outside in our relationship and so in the world.

these believers' life was different though
they were free without ANY planning of their own
they were doing what they felt they had to do
by just going with the inner flow of guidance.

That is how it felt.

they were going through life, exploring it, like a river creating its bed in a foreign dry soil
and while passing by, their grace is spread all over,
like the dust left by shooting stars behind them
or like the sprouting flowers when soil is watered

and yet, they never planned such miracles, with their mind
no pre-planning
they just, it seems, followed their own inner call,
a river flowing in their own self
unseen to others
yet existing
themselves, they were mere followers of their own river
just trusting it
taking turn when it took turns
though it may seem inappropriate behavior to lower minds

it seems they were in love with an unseen power and following it
like trains of clouds harnessed to some chariots of wind
a power which was nearer to themselves more they could be near to their own self
and that same power was the most further away from outside eyes
because those eyes had not uncovered it into their own self
while trying to make the true believers deviate from it.

because they could not believe that freedom from suffering exist
they could not stand seeing example of "embodied freedom"
while themselves they had lived so far a life of struggle
"what? has then all my life been hard for nothing?"
"were all of our forefathers wrong?" did they wonder
instead of taking the passing Grace and enter into the Kingdom of God
too. simply.
they made their livelihood to prove that only suffering exist as a way of life
to give a meaning to their past life. to the past life of their forefathers, which they had inherited.whose customs they have inherited.

instead of inheriting from the prophets : )
and thus inheriting the Kingdom of God, this very vicegerency spoken of in the holy scriptures.
the freedom of being their own master.

is it not said, only the meek will inherit the earth?

yes, it is very hard to admit that we have lived so many years in hardship,
while easiness has always existed as an alternate way of life
but we had never seen it. we kept missing it.
it demands humbleness to surrender and implicitely it means to acknolwedge
that yes we were wrong, the lifestyle was devoid of grace.

How could it be otherwise ?
does Grace presence manifest suffering in our life
or does it make us gleam with ease, peace and joy ?
as flowers do, as nature does? as any new born does ?

it is just hard to accept to change
because it is dead hard to let go of so many years, even of centuries 
for everything lose its meaning
and we are left with nothing

except Grace

and yet as Grace is a total new territory to be discovered
that the mind knows it not
we are afraid of it
and thus very few are those who accept to trust IT.

So, was i baffled when i read the story of Hajar (peace be upon her)

Ibrahim woke up one day and asked Hajar to prepare herself and the new born Ismail for a long travel. 
Ibrahim and Hajar kept walking, crossed a fertile land followed by barren mountains till they arrived at the Arabian desert. Ibrahim brought Hajar to a high hill called al-Marwa, made her and her son sit under a tree, placed a bag of dates and some water near her, and set out homeward. 

Hajar ran after him and said: "Are you going to leave us in this desert where there is no one to keep us company?" 
She repeated this many times but he would not look back at her. 
She asked: "Has Allah ordered you to do so?" 
He said yes. 
"Then He will not neglect us." She said. 

Ibrahim walked away until he got out of their sight, he raised his hands and prayed Allah: "O our Lord! I have made some of my offspring dwell in a valley with no cultivation, by Your Sacred House, in order that they may offer prayers. So fill some hearts among men with love towards them, and provide them with fruits, so that they may give thanks."

I was struck. SO BEAUTIFUL.
people do not understand. these are not stories of the past. closed and not to be dwelled upon.
these are total real, to be repeated over and over. but into our own life.

i said to myself when i read it the first time,
there was no blaming from hajar, nothing at all, no accusation, no ill-thinking
while women are so bent on doing so, no backbiting, no criticising of circumstances
while so much could have been said.
not forgetting that Abraham first wife was sarah (peace be upon them all)
and it was hard on her to see hajar and her son, while she had none ...

YET, the only reference and the only concern was "is it from Allah?"
i love that.
and same, Abraham answer was only on that which was true and not on side questions/issues.
for they would be taken care of by Allah,once they have taken the first step to believe it would be so.

and that very desertic place has become a place of pilgrimmage and so on.

But the symbolism, in even the name Hajar and the event that followed the departure of the Prophet
is even deeper but it would take another log entry to speak of it.

Just the purity of thoughts, and a ready mind to adjust to new circumstances
and the readiness of both, of Abraham and Hajar, of just following God's guidance
made them enter into new stages in life, which effects are seen even centuries after.

Deeds supported with Grace keep growing even after people are gone.

and so believers faithfully followed their inner river
themselves they became, they embodied this river
and their likeness in the earth
was that of a river watering desert lands
parched lands, needing so much this very water of Life.

Hence, when Abraham left Hajar and Ismael,
the water started to flow ...

Hajar went on nursing Ismail and drinking from the water until it was all used up. She became very thirsty and the child was crying. She left him on the al-Marwa hill and hurried to the nearest hill, as-Safa. She stood there and started looking at the valley keenly so that she might see somebody, but she could not see anybody. She descended from as-Safa, crossed the valley running and reached al-Marwa hill. She stood and started looking but could see nobody. She kept running between as-Safa and al-Marwa seven times. When she reached al-Marwa for the last time, she was exhausted, she sat next to the baby. Then she heard a voice. She stood up and said: "O whoever you might be! Have you got something to help me?' She saw an angel, Angel Jibreel, digging the earth until water flowed ! She built a little basin around it. She scooped water with her hands, drank, filled her water-skin, and nursed her baby. The place from which water flowed was Zamzam. 

Muslims till this day drink from the holy water of Zamzam, and during Hajj they walk between as-Safa and al-Marwa seven times to commemorate this event.

Some Arabs traveling through Makkah saw birds flying around alMarwa. "They must be flying around water." They said. When they arrived at the water, they found Hajar and asked her: "Would you allow us to stay with you, and use the water from your well?" She agreed and was pleased by their company. The people sent for their families, settled there and became permanent residents. 

 source :

What happened "outside" with this flow of water, is a testimony/metaphor/sign (=ayah)/evidence
pointing at what happened "inside" of hajar and her son. At the reward earned, at the transformation they underwent by following inner guidance and receiving the water of life INSIDE.
The outside is JUST a sign for others, who came seeing the sign of the presence of water/sign of Grace outside, to come near it. yes to near themselves and humble themselves, ask for permission to receive that Grace. Grace cannot be given from one person to another, but the beginning of Grace is that the path/conditions are made easy for them to turn inwards so that they too learn to overcome their OWN inner obstacles and then enjoy that River of Life that shall sprout in themselves too.

Our Lord! and raise up in them a Messenger from among them who shall recite to them Thy communications and teach them the Book and the wisdom, and purify them; surely Thou art the Mighty, the Wise.

And who forsakes the religion of Ibrahim but he who makes himself a fool, and most certainly We chose him in this world, and in the hereafter he is most surely among the righteous.

When his Lord said unto him: Surrender! he said: I have surrendered to the Lord of the Worlds.

The same did Abraham enjoin upon his sons, and also Jacob, (saying): O my sons! Lo! Allah hath chosen for you the (true) religion; therefore die not save as men who have surrendered (unto Him). 

Or were ye present when death came to Jacob, when he said unto his sons: What will ye worship after me? They said: We shall worship thy god, the god of thy fathers, Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac, One Allah, and unto Him we have surrendered.

This is a people that have passed away; they shall have what they earned and you shall have what you earn, and you shall not be called upon to answer for what they did.  

And they say: Be Jews or Christians, then ye will be rightly guided. Say : Nay, but (we follow) the religion of Abraham, the upright, and he was not of the idolaters.

(holy quran 2:129- 135)
source :

See? NO ONE can earn Grace for you. You have to get it for your own salvation.yourself for your self.
why is it so? because you have to SURRENDER, to that Grace, which signs is that it PURIFIES you, and makes you UPRIGHT.
this Grace is the Gift that Purifies you, and is the True Upright religion, if religion should be called.

what purifies/cleanes dirt? Water.
what is upright? Inner Guidance - Straight Path

That Inner Water of Life
Follow an Upright  Path (not crooked - literally speaking STRAIGHT)
Purifying you from man-made customs accepted as true by your mind which have brought you down to a life of suffering/slavery to them

so that mind too becomes filled with Light- Enlightened.

Smile, be happy, there is too much to be alive for to be drenched in depression
Listen to the beauty of the winds, the intensity of the warm sun, the hearkening beating heart
As golden eyelashes bat away the rays of the bright clarity of the inferno above, 

we beam ourselves

The deep and dark pupils of eyes, understanding and knowledgeable, take in this luminous light
We raise our arms to the white, glacier like formations overhead, taking in its chill within ourselves
Become one harmony, love

River of spiritual life force energy and Conscious Intelligence.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

God's Ways

I always wondered why God does not walk down the hall making sound,
"Here am I coming, so all of you watch my doing : I am going to make this flower grow,
I am going to make this child grow, I am going to give life to so and so.

Or I am going to make these petals of the very flower you are watching open little by little."

Because He is well entitled to that! Hey it is God.

It is never like that. It just happen.
In silence, with delicacy and with the right proportion of water, sunlight, minerals the flower opened, not more nor less. Too much of any elements and the seed rotten, too less and it goes dust, and yet it works!

And same for the baby, he grew up magically in the womb of his mother without her caring an inch for it to take its form!

Yet I never saw Him claiming attention to that coming miracles.

Even for the first time, when i read a comment about religion, it was said
"Look at this flower, it is from God's work, it is His sign."
and i was, sincerely wondering, hoping to get the sincerity of that writer pointing at the sign of God, for i knew not why he was talking of a sign of God, that is SO CASUAL to see a flower.

Where is God work in that?

Yes, i can admit this and say it, out of blind belief, because i do, mentally, believe it.
But HONESTLY where on earth it is written it is God's work? Or were there a trumpet which had been blown to tell me this is from His Hands?
I heard no one saying so, nor saw any preparations prior to this work, which would have caught my attention. Why could i not know, i am well worthy to know, for i am worthy enough to wonder about God's Presence, no?

Yet, i could NOT explain where this discrepancy was coming from.

While, yes, a human being, will do ALL the noise it is possible to do to catch attention,
like taking a stick and hitting a frying pan to call everyone to witness his great work.

Yet, it is not so with God, why?

It just happen, independently of anyone paying attention or not.
But it happens.

Because it is honestly a generous Love.
As this extract refers to it :

When the question comes, 'How much do you love me, and how much do I love you?' it has come to be a trading in love. 'I love you, but you do not love me' is as much as to say, 'I have bid so much, and I expect a return of love'. This is trading in love, and trade cannot lead anywhere, because it makes one think of the self, and love is beyond that. 

To love is to give; it is not to take at all. The true lover never speaks of what he has done for his beloved, for he loves for love's sake, not for the sake of a return.

source :
Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan

This is why it is so SILENT !

It is like an invisible servant which comes and set the setting of your dream, with everything perfect, when you will enter that dream world. But you are not seeing the Settler of the affairs.

 If you wish to learn true love, then for sure, Only God has it.

So instead of looking for the Settler of the dream, we get lost in the dream itself! : )))

 The nature of life on earth is illusory and in the Sanskrit tongue it is called Maya or illusion, and every soul having the spark of the divine love, forgets the use and the purpose of that spark and begins to love itself most.

By a keen study of human life, man will find that as a rule, when he claims that he loves, in reality he loves himself, he loves his own benefit in life, he loves another for the help that other gives, for his goodness, for his kindness, for his service, but in all this he surely loves himself, and it is for himself all the while he thinks he loves another.

It is a very high stage in the path of love when man really learns to love another with a love that asks no return, when he does not seek love for the sake of love in return, then love becomes pure, the lover gives, and gives and gives, but even that is not the purpose of life, it is still greater. 

The Perfect One who is the source and origin of the whole creation, is the Perfection of Beauty. All beauty on earth or in heaven belongs to Him, and the purpose of the creation of every soul is to progress in the path of love until the soul arrives at a stage where it may find the Perfection of Beauty.source:
Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan

 But how can one get it? Especially when we have always lived, whatever denial we may put here and swear that we love our family, it is NOT true love, unless we have learned the way of God, the one sanctioned by His Grace.

And its effect are then upon us :

To what does the love of God lead? It leads to that peace and stillness which can be seen in the life of the tree, which bears fruits and flowers for others and expects no returns, not even thanks in return. It serves, and cares for nothing else, not even for appreciation. That is the attribute of the godly.

source :

Stillness and Peace. That is such an honorable presence. And when it emanates from a human being, it is as if this person has no features of its own. No trait of character that you could ----pinpoint.
It is most probably like trying to pinpoint which drop of water that i poured into the sea is mine.

The Merging in the Divine and be colored into His color, has certainly brought with it a new form of creation:

“Were We then wearied out with the first creation? (No) Yet they are still in doubt about a new creation”
(holy quran, surah Qaf, verse 15)

What is this new creation spoken of? This transformation that we undergo when His Grace showers Itself upon us?
What is This Grace? A Power? An Energy?
How to receive it?
How to be SURE it is a trustworthy power?

Seeking Freedom

Replica of the Face of the Statue of Liberty
"as if Lady Liberty is lying down, sinking into the grass."

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing,
there is a field.  I’ll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.

Ideas, language, even the phrase "each other"
doesn’t make any sense.
From Essential Rumi by Coleman Barks

Freedom is found in that field, where knowledge of right and wrong ends.

In the miraj of the Prophet muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) he came to the Lote Tree, 
where knowledge ended :

It comes from the Qur'an chapter 53, An-Najm (The Star), verses 10-18 and alludes to Muhammad's night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and then through Heaven.

"The Lote Tree of the farthest boundary," as it is called, is believed to be the farthest anyone can travel in Heaven in their approach to Allah; beyond this none can pass. The following are the Quranic verses from which this term is derived (Quran 53:10–18):
10 So did Allah convey the inspiration to His Servant what He (meant) to convey.
11 The heart in no way falsified that which he saw.
12 Will ye then dispute with him concerning what he saw?
13 For indeed he saw him at a second descent,
14 Near the Lote-tree beyond which none may pass:
15 Near it is the Garden of Abode.
16 Behold, the Lote-tree was shrouded (in mystery unspeakable!)
17 (His) sight never swerved, nor did it go wrong!
18 For truly did he see, of the Signs of his Lord, the Greatest!

source :

It would never occur to us that there is something more fulfilling than words. 
This is why we are always thinking, planning and rejoicing to convey meaning through words. 
Playing with thoughts.

But Beyond Words/Thoughts/Actions what is there? 

For an idea repeated becomes a thought which itself becomes an action which ends up in the form of a shape in this world (it is how skyscrapers are built, the idea is born in the head of a designer and lo! a year later you see a building on the exact spot where there was nothing. Magic, isn't it?!).

It is exactly same thing with our thoughts, they exist. 
And our mind, yes, is full of them. 

Beyond thoughts, of what is right and wrong, 
once we have abandoned, them...

...but Impossible!

and what about my conditioning, my truth, my religion i was born into, I KNOW it is TRUE
will the mind say, no rather scream back. It will continue, i have to gauge, to measure, to JUDGE what is right and wrong!
For my safety... and then allow this, whatever it is, to enter.  

Yeah, safety of ego. Safety of a world, into which you wish me to be my own prisoner. 
and when the moment of death will come, you will exclaim like Pharaoh did :

[...]and when the drowning overtook the Pharaoh, he exclaimed: "I have come to believe that there is no deity save Him in whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am of the Muslims (those who have submitted themselves wholly to Him). "  

Now? – (You surrender now) when before this you always rebelled and were of those engaged in causing disorder and corruption?

(holy quran, 10:90-91)

Until and unless, we have NOT surrendered to the Spirit WITHIN,
we are NOT safe.

As for conceptualisation/self-labelisation of surrendering to The Truth has it ever helped you?

La ilaha illa Allah - There is no god but Allah

No. Because it is meant to be LIVED, and not lived according to worldly standards of our mind!
but according to the standard of the Spirit of God...

For it is NOT a concept, why are you trying to conceptualise it? over and over again?
Unity is NOT a concept

It is to be LIVED, to be PROVEN.

Allahu Al Hayy - Allah The Living

While lower feelings such as superiority or envy are meant to separate - there is the other, and there is i, ok and it is dead OBVIOUS i am better than him, no kidding,  I AM BETTER than him, i SEE it.  And here the mind chatter goes on with all its proof based on my own standards. But never on the standard of the spirit, the standard of Truth, against which my deeds will be measured...
why wait when it is too late, when deeds will be measured against the standard of truth?
why not making headway, by making Truth our standard of action now?

But this is not meant to be done by our actual servile mind. it is dust to do that. It is to be done BY the Grace of God... where to find it? ; ) that is the next and right question...

Till then, in response to our lower attitude to divide, it is sure that,

Kindness and Love are meant to Unite.
and that is the only Truth for us to embody...
where  the phrase "other" makes no more sense,
for from the state of separateness, we enter the one of unity,
where there is only The One.

and it is not rosy words. 
One can only Love, True love, because one knows that we are all One. 
Remember ? we are all from the same spirit of God breathed into us, there are no TWO different spirits but ONE. 

Like a cell has all of the DNA in it, 
so MY spirit like yours has the same material, praises of God within.
It is JUST that our soul, which is a part of that spirit sent on "lower realms" has forgotten that its origin is that very spirit, Glory of God. is veiled from this Glory of God, this very Glory which solve all of our problems, this very Glory to which every elements bents, to which sea split out of Love when it sees It, to which winds take a new turn in their affairs, or to which mountains split asunder, because they ALL saw a Face of Glory that YOU as soul saw not because you are in darkness (yes that very darkness spoken of by all religions) are veiled from your OWN Glory within that you are bearing while being UNAWARE of that treasure within.

When Moses (peace be upon him) split the sea, he had faith, he knew it, and was unveiled from the Existence of the Glory of God within. He had faith.

While mountains and trees and seas split, bend and crumble out of Love while seeing that very Shining Power of That Presence (Ash Shahid), of that Love( Al Wadud)

you are the guy who is unaware of it,
this is why you see in people's eyes dullness and such transfixed eyes as if they just go deeper in their loss of light.

and till we do not REMEMBER that who we are, whom we belong to - not with a false mind, 
but with the true Mind - then, only then, the soul KNOWS it is the spirit and it gains this Peace, 
yes this very abode of Peace, As Salam (The Peace).
and the traits of your face soften, and your eyes regain their joy and your face illuminates.

Hence the words of Peace given to those who will enter the Heaven :

Peace! - a word (of salutation) from a Lord Most Merciful
(holy quran 36:38)


So, unless one turns towards meditation in the search of the stillness, emptiness inside.
As any Master did-yes as the prophet did, prior to his the cave of Hira -
we will always be the slave of our mind. And the soul will never know its origin, being veiled to the Glory Within, it will never know Peace nor Joy, it yearns for.

Once the soul is aligned with the Light of the Spirit, The Rope of Allah - The Grace of Allah,
and keep ascending till it may rest in that Garden of Peace
then, there it is said the word is too full to be spoken of.

As the poet, uncovered it, that emptiness is full,
so full, a new kind of fullness, that words fall short.For it is no more their kingdom nor abode.

Indeed, in a world of concepts, words are kings.
When, we are in another world, then who is the King of kings?
This other world, HAS TO BE BEYOND the one we know, live in, build in these very buildings,
it HAS to be a world BEYOND the world of the mind,

it is the world of the Spirit.

It exists, doors are still open for us to enter,
it is the Kingdom of God

where the soul used to be,
where the Lord asks all of us : Am I not Your Lord? and we all answered "Yes, you are!".

It was in that world, that we have to return to

Willingly or unwillingly.
Face brightened in joy, or face covered by gloom.

The first one is the mark of God on people face, the soul having known who it really is, who we really are,
It is the Victory spoken of in the Chapter of "Victory" (Holy Quran - Surah Fatah).

The second group of people are those who will realise that they lost the light inside, given to them in Trust,
the Amanat (The Trust).

Do your soul, right now, is not feeling a sense , an acute sense of emergency?

The Feel of Lying on the grass ... Lying in the Grace?

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Ascending in Love Ascending in Love or falling in love?

What did the moon say to the night?
what did the night whisper to the moon?

these are all imaginary dialogue
secret dialogue
into which it seems no one can pry into it

but who made those dialogues ?
the heart of those observers or lovers
who longed to hear for the echo of the love they are feeling within, in the first place.

but once the echo is heard
all sanity is gone
they think it is the echo which was their initial object of love

while it has only been an awaited answer
when they were diving within.

Never an element has ever been alive
no more alive than a statue molded by the hand of a man.

Yet, as much as it would be idolatry to give life to a statue
this very statue is so much alive
when it is not a statue.

-Do not try to bend the spoon.
It is impossible
Instead realise the Truth."
-What Truth?
-There is no spoon."

And the spoon bent.

(Movie Matrix)

Because the statue or the spoon ; ) have never existed of their own accord, in the first place,
as an independent entity from Our Real Self Within.

they are the call of the heart echoed
and never love has been parted in the first place
to be found;

but it has for ever existed within
and just yearning of it to be revealed, brought Itself to be expressed.

For if there had been no one inquiring,
how would It have revealed Itself?
It would have just remained in silence within Itself
may be waiting for someone to ask,
to answer.

A silent call to draw nearer to It, to the Source and not to remain stuck in the manifestation of It.
That call that no one answers, because one keeps getting amnesic, once one has asked for Love,
and keep falling in love for the signs pointing at the Source.

Yes, a call in front of a full audience
who hears not.
because it has fallen in love with the echo answering their question,
but having forgotten The One behind it.

As soon as the echo has expressed itself, people forget that they are the ones
whose very heart has given birth to that expression.

Question and answer
Longing and melting in
are both face of the same coin - Love.

If there were no question, to melt into love
there would be no answer/way to reveal its depth.

By prying, looking into the matter,
we chisel with our own sight, the marble till it shows a face.

but we do not worship images, that we carved
we do not fall in love with the piece of art

the master,
like Pygmalion who fell in love with the statue of Venus
or, Narcissus with his own reflected image in the lake in the Metamorphoses of Ovid

are those who have given birth to their longing
in the form of a piece of art,

and have in the process forgotten,
that all of this has just been an answer to their inner inquiry
into themselves
into the one and unique beauty within
the Spirit

taking thus their own revealed beauty into the world of creation and manifestation
for the Source of Love
forgetting, it was only the birth of an answer to their desire to know themselves,
to witness an inner aspect of ours according to our level of understanding, inquiry

but never to be mistaken as the source of Love.

an answer created From (The Source of) Love, For Love (to witness it), In Love, With Love
and Returning back to Love too.

Clinging to it, is falling in love with the manifestation/illusion,
because it will go away
and one will die of sorrow like narcissus did.

Things are bound to One Master Only, and that is The Source of

Al Wadud.

Like Clouds slaves to their Creator

it is never the creator who is slave to them,
the creator never runs after them
the creator out of His Love, creates them,
they bearing witness to Him/The Source.

Allah is
The most beautiful Creator of creators (holy quran, 21.17)

Tabaraka allahu ahsanul-Khaliqeen

For Grace, Freedom lies in this creation of His, hence the


while other creators are slaves of their own creation.
clinging to them out of forgetfulness, wishing to possess them, bind them, enslave them,
thereby enslaving themselves to illusions.

Have you ever associated feelings of oppression to nature,
while being there?
no, its creation is made with such Ahsan, Beauty/Gracefulness

Generously giving which makes anyone, ANYONE feel soothened by


or feel happy in the presence of a new born baby,
whatever your religion be.

For, when born, we are born on our true nature/religion
only parents corrupt it
(saying of the prophet muhammad - peace be upon him)

Had one not inquired into this Beauty out of Love,
the answer would have not swept onto the shore like waves do.

Bringing with them the answer from the depth of the Ocean.

Is  the shore not often refered to "consciousness"
by the psychologues?
or by the dream interpretors?

it is because from the depth of Seas, of the unconscious part of ourselves
comes the answer on the shores of our consciousness.

Besides, is it not said,

Say: "If the ocean were ink (wherewith to write out) the words  
of my Lord, sooner would the ocean be exhausted than would the  
words of my Lord, even if we added another ocean like it, for its aid."
(holy quran, 18.109)

What is the difference between the Ocean and the waves, when the waves are from It?

They have just been called out of the Ocean to let 
the answer express itself according to the questioner's level of inquiry;
drawn like a magnet out of the sea, out of Love to answer the 
call of the questioner or the lover.

The night merges in the day
and the day merges into the night

they take turns into each other
as if to know each other better from within

though it be still the same sky
yet, it has been centuries that each of them are merging into the others
as if time was not enough to know the other side

often, it is said when two people marry,
the woman become like the husband, she takes in, his color
in behavior or manner
and the husband takes in the color of his counterpart

so better choose your partner to elevate you
and not draw you downwards.

but night or day sky
they are always in ascension
the whole universe is,

and for mankind?

Does mankind not wish to go beyond shores of his consciousness
or depth of his own seas,
yes go beyond?

as it is said,
to take the color of Allah?

Allah says :

صِبْغَØ©َ اللَّÙ‡ِ ۖ ÙˆَÙ…َÙ†ْ Ø£َØ­ْسَÙ†ُ Ù…ِÙ†َ اللَّÙ‡ِ صِبْغَØ©ً ۖ ÙˆَÙ†َØ­ْÙ†ُ Ù„َÙ‡ُ عَابِدُونَ

The “sibghah” of Allah, and who can be better than Allah in “sibghah”? And we are His worshippers 
(holy quran 2:138 )

Sibgha means to color or to dye.

Kun faya Kun
(Be and it is)

Ya Nizamuddin Auliya,
Ya Nimzamuddin sal ka

Qadam badha le,
Hadon ko mita le,
Aaja khaalipan mein, Pi ka ghar tera.
Tere bin khaali aaja khaalipan mein.

Rangreza Rangreza
Rangreza Rangreza

Kun! fa ya Kun!, Kun! fa ya Kun!
Kun! fa ya Kun!, Kun! fa ya Kun!
Kun! fa ya Kun!, Kun! fa ya Kun!
Kun! fa ya Kun!, Kun! fa ya Kun!

Jab kahin pe kuch nahi bhi nahi tha
Woi tha - Wohi tha - Wohi tha.

Woh jo mujh me samaya,
woh jo tujh me samaya
Maula wahi wahi Maaya.

Kun! fa ya Kun, Kun fa ya Kun!

Sadaq Allahul Aliyyul Azim

Rangreza rang mera tann mera mann,
Le le rangai chaahe tann chaahe mann.

Sajra savera mere tann barse
Kajra andhera teri jaan ki lau...
Qatra mila jo tere darbar se
O Maulaa... Maulaa...

Kun fa ya Kun, Kun fa ya Kun!
Jab kahin pe kuch nahi bhi nahi tha
Wohi tha - Wohi tha - Wohi tha.
Kun fa ya Kun, Kun fa ya Kun!

Sadaq Allahu al Aliyyul Azim
Sadaqa Rasool ul Nabi ul Karim
Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam

Ho mujh pe karam Sarkar tera,
Araz tujhe kar de mujhe mujhse hi riha,
Ab mujhko bhi ho deedar mera,
Kar de mujhe mujh se hi riha,
mujh se hi riha

Mann ke mere yeh bharam,
Kacche mere yeh karam,
Leke chele hain karhaan
Main to jaanu hi na.

Tu hai mujh mein samaaya
Kahaan leke mujhe aaya.

Main hoon tujh mein samaaya
Tere peeche chala aaya,
Tere hi main ik saaya.

Tune Mujhko banaya
Main to jag ko na bhaya,
Tune gale se lagaya,
Haq tu Hi Tai Khudaya
Sach tu hai hai Khudaya

Kun Fa Ya Kun...!
Kun Fa Ya Kun...!

Jab kahin pe kuch nahi bhi nahi tha
Woi tha - Wohi tha - Wohi tha.

Jab kahin pe kuch nahi bhi nahi tha
Woi tha - Wohi tha - Wohi tha.

Kun Fa Ya Kun....!
Kun fa ya Kun, Kun fa ya Kun!

Sadaq Allahul Aliyyul Azim
Sadaqa Rasool ul Nabi ul Karim
Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam
Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam
O God's friend, Nizamuddin!
O Nizamuddin, the friend of poor.

Advance your blessed feet. Appear!
Making the boundaries disappear,
may you fill this void, the abode of your Beloved.
Its empty without you, come fill this void.

O Dyer, O Dyer!
We dye in Your color.

Be, and it is! Be, and it is!
Be, and it is! And It is!
Be, and it is! And It is!
Be, and it is! And It is!

When there was nothing nowhere,
He was the One, only One.

He is the one Who is in my soul,
He is the one in your soul,
Dear Lord is the one that is the Mystery (all around).

Be, and it is! Be, and it is!

Allah the Sublime, the Magnificent says the truth.

Color my heart and my mind with Your color, the Color Divine!
In exchange, take all that is mine.

Morning showers its blessings (when) I adore You,
and it purifies dark night soul of mine.
My spirit's nourishment comes from Your sanctuary,
O Master, O Beloved...

Be, and it is! Be, and it is!
When there was nothing nowhere,
He was the One, only One.
Kun fa ya Kun, Kun fa ya Kun!

Allah the Sublime, the Magnificent says the truth
His Messenger, the Generous Prophet says the truth
The blessings and peace of Allah upon him.

It would be your generosity upon me, my Master,
I pray to you, please free me from the bonds of the self,
Grant me visitation to my True Face -
Free me from the bonds of the self,
freedom from the self.

With vanities of my mind,
burdens of my misdeeds,
Carrying, where I am going?
I have no idea!

You live within me, and now,
where have You brought me?

I live in You,
I have only followed You,
I am but Your shadow.

You created me,
I did not fit within the world,
But You embraced me,
Only You are the Truth.
Only You are the Real.

(You Command) Be, and it is! Be, and it is!
Be, and it is! Be, and it is!

When there was nothing nowhere,
He was the One, only One.

When there was nothing nowhere,
He was the One, only One.

Verily, when You will anything
Your Command only is, "Be," and it is!
(Please intend noble aspirations and direction for me).

Allah the Sublime, the Magnificent says the truth
His Messenger, the Generous Prophet says the truth
The blessings and peace of Allah upon him.
Benediction of grace and peace upon him.

Full lyrics of the song and its approximate English translation, "Kun Faaya Kun", sound track of the Hindi film Rockstar (India, 2011). Lyrics: Irshad Kamil, Music: A. R. Rahman, Vocals: A. R. Rahman, Mohit Chauhan, Javel Ali

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