I often used to hear that in science or in other domain, people are in the search of their Origin.
; ) i used to wonder, what's the point? for, i am here. i exist. i am in the present.
the origin is the past, what do i have to do with the past?
but now, so many years later, i have understood, when i used to say i am not only a body but also a soul,
i was partly right. for i am a soul which has been "separated"of its origin. The Spirit.The Light.
and once my soul "goes back" to its Origin, then it has liberated itself, freed itself from the shackles of slavery of this life.
though this sentence bears meaning for me, it may hardly be helpful to others.
because i will always be detailing about my own quest, in this blog. what i saw from my own eyes.
these are the moments that i have been, consciously or unconsciously, choosing to experience during my journey here.
but others may not need it, for they have certainly made other choices. but it feels good to just write it at some point. who knows? it may eventually be beneficial in some ways or others.
Yes, ; ) that is the thing, those seeking for their origin were right. and me saying what's the point of it, by then, i was right, for i knew not about the spirit.
but now, it is very important to know that one has to return to his origin, to KNOW where one comes from.
for it is that certainty of knowledge which will save us. NO ONE can nor will take care of us, or take our own individual responsibility of our soul.
Each soul is responsible of itself. But for sure, helpers and guardians come to everyone's path to help us find the way back.
that is now a certainty, we HAVE to find our Origin :
Inna lillahi wa inna elaihi rajeoun
To Allah we belong, and to Him is our Return.
returning to Him in joy because we are willingly returning to our origin
is not the same than returning to Him with a gloomy face, having been unconscious of the treasure within,
which IS indeed within, the treasure of the Spirit.
because is it not said in the holy quran,
"Come willingly or unwillingly" ?
but for both kinds of return, return is ordained.
but then, we choose the state in which we return.
with Faces lit with the light of joy of this inner discovery -- an EXPERIENCED discovery by a soul, which is then called "well-pleased returning to its Lord"
with a darkened face, a face expressing the gloom of a self-reproaching soul,which has missed its joy to know its Lord :
like the famous saying "Know yourself , and you will know your Lord".
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