Friday 13 June 2014

One thought and One emotion at a time

I found a thing

it is said that we can use our power best
if we use ONE thought and One Emotion
at a time

so there was an insect flying in the room
so i raised energy
and put my attention on it only
so it makes one thought

and one emotion
so i felt joy for that very attention of mine (who was the insect)
if the insect would remain stuck up there and move no more

it hit me,
the attention is not ON the insect outward
the attention IS FEELING inside
how joyous i would feel FEELING the insect stuck up there

so it is as if the attention was the insect !

therefore i understand
this is why the awareness is ALL that around
for the awareness is aware/witness of EACH SINGLE THOUGHT


therefore ONE thought
and ONE feeling OF it

equals you are it inside
and can have power on your "self"

this is WHY there are this picture
about the awakening with multiple eyes

for it means
ALL the thoughts that one is AWARE of,
is the COMPLETE awareness