Tuesday 22 October 2013

True Healing


so again, it is ALL about where your attention IS.
if your attention is on such and such outer layer, you are stuck on it, and cannot heal the ROOT of it all.

but let's say, if you were to be localised within the CORE of your being,
from the SUBTLER of the SUBTLE
and THERE, from this Place of Grace, you could FEEL the VIBRATIONS of that PLACE,
wouldn't you be happy? for it means your UPPER LEVELS (individual and subsconscious ones) would be HEALED!

this is WHY our ONLY savior is our SELF, when we put our attention on the VIBES that we are feeling, these very VIBES which are the MANIFESTATION of the HOLY SPIRIT , we are healing ourselves and all outer levels FROM the CORE of our being!(and no more from a limited place, be it the invididual or the mass consciousness we belong to...)


Consciousness is layered: The outer, more superficial layer is the individual layer.  This layer contains the "individual" identity, which is constantly changing according to the beliefs and requirements of the time.  This is the layer that the ego therapists work.

In the individual layer I may not be a racist, but if you go deeper, into the collective, or archetypal layer, there you will find the preduces of your race your family, your religion.  They beliefs held collectively by your "tribe".  This is the layer where the Jungians and the hypnotherapists work.

The deepest layer, the cosmic layer, is where I work, where I am directing your attention. For the work in any one layer effects the layers above, but not below.  To work in the deepest, the cosmic layer, you can bypass the tedious work getting through the previous layers, and start to work on the very heart of the matter.  You clear the cosmic layer, and the dysfunction of the other layers dissolves as well.

Each layer contains a part of your "narrative", your ego story, your ego drama.  To focus on the roots of the whole problem, to dissolve the source of the madness, all the madness on all the layers dissolves.

Learn to watch the sensations and be free.

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