Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Buddha Light

hm two days ago
as i was going to sleep
in vision
i saw balls of light
swirling upwards

of course as usual
i did not realise it was a vision
as i was in it
only when it ended i remembered
was different

so i was that ball of light
and i was following its movements upwards

then when it ended

i saw a black/tanned man
sitting in meditation style...

...it was buddha actually

amazing vision

Monday, 22 February 2016


i wonder what beautiful new challenge
i can pick up?
something new of course
a new exciting project

i learned lately
how much i can affect positively
some people's life

that's powerful

same time now i want something new
hm yes something i can be proud of
cause it brought some beauty and easiness
and has ability to spread
cause it is fed by good attention

oh by the way
i was sitting
and a kid came near me
he sat next to me

he looked at me continuously
so i just smiled to him
and all of sudden
he spoke to me and said

and he was waiting i reply to his call
i was just dumbfounded
trying to recover mentally
i said nothing

i felt he saw me
actually i felt afraid was new
plus he said it loud
and people were wondering why he called me so

i swear it hit me deep
cause he was speaking to me
i swear he was calling me

he was seeing his mom in me
the word "mother" all of sudden
felt so universal to me..when he called me so

 (you see is what is pure attention about
is to put your attention ONLY and WHOLLY on what you are saying
then you feel the universal power of it
but when you say something and yet part of your mind is wandering
on something else, what power you think it has?...think hard.)

so that boy has all of his mind there
when he said maman
and not to some human, not to some image,
not to my body,
but to "what is here"

you know
like when you become amnesic
and someone comes to you
and call you
by your name?

it hits you
because you recognise your name
you knew it
but somehow you were trying hard to forget
while pretending to recover memory
yet still praying deeply to go on playing hide and seek?

yet you are trying hard to
remember your name?

i felt like that
and i felt caught

the word maman
spontaneously came out of his lips
liek when i spontaneously happen to speak in urdu with some guy who doesn't even speak it!!!
because of the feeling of nearness ...see?

so now it feels like
the inside mother of the boy was looking at the inside mother of me
and calling herself cause she had found herself in the other
as in a mirror


am on a roll to write blogs tonight

is it possible
that one be so wrapped up in an energy
that we are clothed by it?

i got special make up
and i looked at my friend
she looked like a japanese to me
all pink in a kimono

and then another friend looked at me
and said i look like japanese too

and precisely
it happens now that i am to go to japan!!!

how is it possible?
that we get wrapped up by the soft energy
of the place we are to go?

is it because this place soft energy
has reached you so much
and enwrapped you
that you look like you already belong to it?

i am cooooooooooooooooooooming mwa:x