Tuesday 21 July 2015

Thank You for

thank you for the attention
thank you for the care
thank you for ever listening
thank you for Your presence

thank you for the safety
thank you for the hope
thank you for the forgiveness
thank you for erasing thoughts

thank you for a new life
thank you for new experiences
thank you for new bulk of joy
thank you for material life

thank you for the answers
thank you for the purification
thank you for Your patience
and thank you for giving me patience

thank you for explaining
thank you for securing
thank you for forgiving
thank you for helping

thank you for the humor
thank you for the kids
thank you for the birds
thank you for the trees
and thank you for the rain
they were all truly loving.

thank you for teaching me balance
thank you for teaching me to be fair
thank you for teaching me to let go
thank you for Your appreciation
thank you for Your protection

i apologise in advance
for not being as good as i aimed

but thank You again
for instilling Hope in me.


Saturday 18 July 2015

wave length and particule of light

as i was reading about the birth of jesus
and how first the shepherds and then the magi

witnessed the light that came out to them
and in it how the angels also spoke to them
word of peace

and how the magi were follwing the star
that was indicating them the birth of jesus
and likewise how they were warned by the child
in their dream how to not return to Herod
but make their way out back home

then i felt
that indeed light is a particule
and is a wave

because it takes place
as an event does
so is a particule

and it has a wave length
that takes more or less time to reach
the souls of those who are still asleep
in darkness

so when the light hit them
it has taken time as much as the very souls were far
asleep in their darkness

so if now in that present world
we realise this
then somehow i felt
that very light is still there
and still spreading
as it spread at his birth

like stars in the universe
when you see a star light in the universe
is not an event happening now
is the star's light which has travelled billion years
to reach you so that you can only now see it

so what you see now
of the universe
are images of the past
which is beautifully amazing

so that light of spirit
like a wave length is still there
is just that before you could not see it
and is ever present as a wave length
though it has happened in the past as a particule

Friday 17 July 2015

Sci fi

Weirdo and funny vision
but still very true

i saw myself being scanned
especially the brain
was like surrounded by scientists
they were only interested by scanning the brain

was very real
i freaked out a bit

the guys sitting on their computers
checking the result of the scan
were amazed
i wished i could see what they were saying

and when i looked at their screen
which was showing
the result of my brain scan
i was only seeing rays of light
coming out of it
and reflecting on their face

and it was said
that as the kundalini opens more petals
it manifests itself as light
the very petals opening
let light flows out

so that showed what was happening
in my brain

as for the weirdo scientists stuff
the subconscious uses this as symbol
to show that my own mind
is "investigating" about signs of the kundalini's work

i.e the light of the spirit..iluminating the brain..or consciousness

so the scientists present in the vision
are symbols for the experimental factors
or the examining mind, seeking proof of God.