Wednesday 3 September 2014


I need to gather myself to write down all of my impressions
since my two month trip away from Paris
dedicated to meditation and some fun.

much is to say :

about the quality of meditation i had
the nature (hills, sun and forest) itself
the pictures i took - i need definitely to post them
so many beautiful pictures, i never had taken so much "miraculously beautiful pictures" all in a row!

about the rare sanity and kindness i encountered by "yogis"

and the huge amount of INSANITY i experienced with them
first hand experience is the best thing ever!

i have been told
Shri Mataji said
among all yogi gathered 50 out of 100 should not be there
25 out of 50 does not know why they are there
and the rest is real seeker of truth

something along those lines

so, i also realised
that it is impossible for most of them
to love others
for themselves they do not love their spirit
only their ego

so they don't know what is love
they only know about infatuation
thinking it is love.

and if someone loves them
they believe they are being -like them- infatuated!

lol should i list all types of insanity i experienced
done that way would be real fun to recall it

for at times i real wished to cry
given the heavy heart i had
as if i was discovering human being for the first time
true, it felt like i came out of a cave
to study what a human being nature is.

PS :
this is ego insanity i talked of,
of course i am not going to love that lol

but i do love them
for their spirit inside.

For if i criticise
it is natural, i am a human being
and in my world, there are things that fits not

i will observe and write down what i like not
as AIM is to TRANSFORM what i like NOT
i will then FORGIVE
for the mistake is NOT to criticise
but to LINGER and get STUCK in criticism.

hence :

both must be there..seeing ,, (the defect)
and then,
,,acceptance,,..and ,,forgiveness,,.,,and love.

which makes us
after having recognised
what the issue is.

key is not to linger
observe what we like not
accept it - ok it is the ego
and let it go, by entrusting it to the Energy of Love
so that She transforms it

and we go back,
more integrated in the spirit.


Thursday 31 July 2014

some good realisation during my journey

here are some realisations i got

of course they are alive and bear meaning to me
for i realised them on the spot
so might not for you, the reader

yet i write them for my own sake
to remember :

when you are your own guru
or can use power (more consciously)
means not that you are god
but it means you realise that God is within you.

lol i write that
for my friends made this kind of reflection to me
do you think you are God?

so no
i am not God
but God is within me

i took part in the Art Academy
and learned the couple created the TEV theatre plateforme
which somehow led to this academy

within 10 days i learned to dance and sing
and could take part in a professional production
that my group and i were proud of

therefore i thanked the lady for having set up this art academy
and also
above all it is because she had a dream
and she lived it
and by doing so

she allowed us
to take part in her dream

it is like when you do what you like
you realise your dream
and as an automatic immediate effect
this allows others to have a share in your dream
in your joy

therefore you do no effort to share joy
but only by being yourself
by living out your dream
you allow others to share in your joy
without effort

so be yourself!

so again TEV
thank you
for by living your dream
you automatically shared joy with us
and that is real sharing

living your dream
means sharing automatically
that is how in one moment
there is oneness
though many people.
so goal is to see it
to see this oneness

and it is all the more easier
when you gain heights
like from an airplane you can see whole city at once
but in train you won t have same vision at once
only a limited one
for your vision would be linear

so you should grow enough
to be able to see it
to englobe it from above
thus to see all from that plane
one city
at once
we are one

it is indeed all about growth
for the same stuff that use to upset us when a child
don t do anymore once we are grown up


if you don't have it in the heart
you can't make it happen outside.

deepness of attention combined with heights of spirituality

this is one sentence said as an introduction
to the musical recital

i think i was half sleeping
when i realised it
so much that i could literally feel it being true

actually i saw an Alif
it is the arabic letter which is like this

so i realised the deepness of attention was as far as one could go to the bottom
and heights of spirituality as far as one could go above
both at the same time aligned gave me his Alif
which actually represents oneness
which is itself a dot which has been elongated.


all the tests you got
is to let you know you are the pure beauty of awareness inside
you are the source of creation
so INTEND and create
everyone creates
it is just that creating in all consciousness
bears more joy
as you know you are your own master
and not dependent upon circumstances

when it happens you know it is the Universe
that allowed it
and you thank it

for thanking it
means you appreciated
means you recognised
your own desire
taking place outside.

so be grateful to yourself
and God will be grateful to you.

this is why unless you have this appreciation
for yourself
inside you already
you can't see it happening outside of you.

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Meditation Journey

i got lots of nice experiences 
since i started my trip out of paris 
first we went to central france 
la chaise dieu is the name of the place

then i arrived to cabella in Italy.

if i don t look at my notes
and just rely on my memory for the intense moments

i would say that i learned that experiences 
help us to build our souls
so without experiences we have not lived life

my friends in this regards is an amazing soul builder
even though she knows not english or italian 
she gets each time what she has set herself as a goal 
she amazes me in this regard.

her strong qualities that i loved :

she knows what she wants in the moment
she does it
clearly remembering her goal 
not forgetting it or diluting it or losing it for someone else s desire, or lack of help
amazing girl she is 

in this regards she is a great soul builder

the limit of it 
is when you built your kingdom
you forget to remember your source

in this regards 
i have a great inner helper 
who tells me when i forget my ultimate aim 
which is to KNOW that i am the BEAUTY inside 
i.e. the pure awareness within
the realisation that i am the source of the creation all around me

this is the goal towards which i should aim

for i met yogis that by rank/social ties are considered highly realised to the masses let s say
and i learned they are not even realised in truth
shocking !

because they do not cultivate
and true when i looked at their face 
they appeared dead to me 
i was shocked 

how come within two years they lost so much of their light
i can t believe it

others i learned their shield is so widespread that 
one can call them as highly realised people

but even a highly realised person can become lost 
this too is shocking to me

why ?
because each time we think we arrived
that's it i got it!
as my friends would say 
'i got God by its balls' lol

this is when you would start your loss
loss of what ?
of knowing you are the source of the creation around you
that you are this pure awareness
though highly realised this lady's progress towards this goal is impaired
for she thinks that she arrived to bliss
while in heaven there are many other levels of bliss
and one can never be stable in bliss either we progress till we know it is truth
or we regress

even if we are highly realised 
for only decision in the present counts and determine our sailing

therefore i learned 
that to protect such people who lost their aim 
by getting deluded to their arrival
they experience trauma in life 
like by the loss of what is dear to them

for this loss 
make them suffer
and until there is not suffering 
one does not realise that there are higher level of bliss

so if there is suffering 
then we have not yet arrived
to the pure bliss within.

therefore suffering is the indication
that one has not yet arrived to the pure bliss of the self inside
the pure bliss within of the awareness that we are the creators.

arrived to her true self 
which is pure bliss inside

well i write this 
as my inner learning taught it to me
but i have not yet arrived 

i can only progress if i do 
each morning my two hours of walking meditation 
which helps to open more petals

so why in cabella i feel so good?
it is associating a place to God that to think it is due to the place

the mecanism is so
the place is blessed because of is highly advanced yogi
who as a collective help me to get purified 

but they are not the source
the source is within me

and unless and until i find it 
i only sail to some levels of bliss 
that s all

but main point is not to mix up Source with the collectivity
the latter is a support to realise, self realise, innerly realise the former.

i experienced of course miracles during my stay 
for i wished for them
hence the importance of being our own master
what does it mean?

it means to use our strong pure intent 
once we intent it 
the power within us make it happens according to the right timing of God

by memory
one of my intent was to find something valuable
and the next day when i was not feeling well
i found a metal pendent with shri mataji face

very symbolic
that is valuable finding of my life indeed
that that which of the Divine Mother Within awakened :)

another day i was going for dinner
and on my way i clearly knew what i wished 
and that is to have a nice comfy place to stay 
for i had enough of camping and tent and so on

and right two minutes later 
a nice lady offered me to stay in her house for a week 
for she will go to her city 
hmm later i learned she did it on purpose for me to stay in her place 
so kind of her
i love her for her genuine empathy 
and also precise intuition

i learned that a camping oven would be a best gift to give her
but in this village not sure to find one
second choice is a rose plant
this i will offer her

what else 
how could i forget 
the miracle of the miracle 

my pic!

my friends and i were arguing on my changed ways 
for she found me too much speedy among other things

i told her it is normal
it is the place which purifies us from our imbalances
it is like a lake where you throw a stone 
and the muds come up
so you need to let it go
not to oppose it nor to soften it
just to let it appear on the surface and let it go 
like for meditation

lol her attention span is so short 
that she did not get it i am sure

anyway later on 
on the feel 
i asked her to take a pic of me 
so that i send it to my annoying fiance 
who is getting so much erratic in his organisation
that i wish to punch him in the face at times;)

and what happen is 
that on the pic 
we saw light coming out of my belly 
like a sun rays coming out of the nabhi
which is the center of self mastery

so the pic was so well timed
it showed us that i was using my guru principle 

i got congrats for having become a guru lol
official diploma in hands

now how i use it

this is my new challenge

let s see


i wish for red flowers
a purple sari 
with gold embroidery
for a nice true meeting with a few new friends 
who be sincere in their meditation
i wish we may meditate together every morning earnestly

i wish for getting rich and buy this new house  to my parents 
they will realise that i could do it
so far they think i can only fit in their conditioned programming 
of housechores and limited life of a woman as they had been taught by their culture and society around them

let s see how i shatter their world 
for the best!

i wish to do celtic dance

so annoying! many times they did it !
during the festival of the spirit here in cabella
but gosh i missed it each time!

oh yes i want to do stick dance too!

i took part in the Art Academy
i did indian fusion dance - contemporary dance it is
wow i loved it 
people thought i used to do dance
but it was my first time
hmm apparently i m gifted at learning things first hand

oh yeah my teacher said i was gracious 
you will see the music is just beautiful 

ah jesus 
one thing i won t regret from all my trips 
it is BEES!

they keep doing even now 
des raides aerien on my face!
how you say it in english 
please use google translator lol

i did also sufi qawali
to be honest i was expecting more
and i guess i am very much passionate
for all of this sufficed me not

i need a new teacher once i come back in paris 
that is my desire

hmm sitar is so beautiful
but i must admit
it makes me sleep in its start

for i learned it is an instrument which brings you in meditation
you should have seen me
half sleeping half in meditation

jesus so much torturing!
except for the end when its rhythm goes up with tabla
i just loved it!

i guess i love dynamic and passionate music

finally i did aikido
the teacher is just amazing
i need to do a whole post about his teaching.

good news i lost weight
when i expected it not
i ate too much pasta, pizza and ice cream
till overdose
but lost weight
because i did this dance
and i loved it

so for sure unless you do what you love
you can t expect blessed results in your life

love bears unexpected fruits 
and unexpected things are the best
for they come as a miracle into your life.

ah kiss:x