Friday, 15 April 2022

Divorce? Go for it.

 For the yogi who needs to hear it.

Considering divorce? Yes, it is the right thing to do.

True religion or Dharma is within.

All the other methods are man made support for our growth.

They change according to the era we live in. 

They are no more necessary if they are harming more than helping.

Mariage was created as an institution to provide for security and a familiar place that we can trust to grow.

Centuries ago, it helped men to be taken care of, women to be secured as not allowed to work and have sustenance. But now time have changed necessity is no more the same.

In islam, it is said your faith is not complete unless you marry.

It is also said men and women are each other cloth, they complete each other.

True only if they represent each other feminine and masculine power of completion.

If man learn to become more loveable and women learn to become more self disciplined.

Man taking in more love quality and women more discipline like qualities.

But what i see so far, either women trash their husband or husbands trash obedient wives.

Again, this is a general observation, may not apply in few cases and in other cases both may be so blind as to not even see that. 

The whole point is

we are in an exceptional era where we can become a wholly integrated personality and reunite with the Source. 

Never ever this era will come back again. Never, at least on this Earth.

So better make the most of it now.

Again, mariage is to be a support for your common goal of growth if you are a yogi.

But if it becomes an impediement and sucks you in a drama and you can't grow out of this drama 

because you just can't, then the least evil is to get the divorce and in that new context find your own footing to keep growing.

Remember if your partner refuses to meditate 

then it is a calamity for both of you

because you cannot keep compensating 

unless you are extra strong.

At some point if you feel under the water and are really regressing 

then make the next best solution 

change context and hence get the divorce.

Though partners in meditation are better

but if it is clear it will not happen 

then better go for the least of evil.

Take care.