following the preceding post.
this is WHY the people of old
used to give their own daughters to marriage to their enemy
initially i mean,
two enemies countries would give their very own daughter to marry to their
most disliked partner
well, initially,
it is always pure, it is always later that rules are used for selfish purpose
and corrupted.
For when you feed your ego
it grows
and your ego likes not the other
and his rules
but to integrate him in you
you have to give
Gifts are made to "increase love" between two parties
the love spoken of, is of course the one on the energetic level
when we give to someone something we cherish most
because it is so close to us, that the giving of it, provoke a feeling of lack
then it is the best test
to show you that you have had assimilated this object in you
so much that you are identifying yourself with it.
Giving it to another,
even more your children in wedlock,
is such a generous donation of yourself
for in a way you make grow something,
all this while
and when it blossoms
you give it...
it seems unfair,
like the flower it took them so long to open and bloom
and finally they lose their petals within two days...
i guess that it is just what one calls as a cycle.
part of the ever-renewing cycle.
well, initially the worth of giving was this i feel,
later, we are not giving,
most of people, especially in asian countries,
are, even if they are good will, trading their sons and daughters
in marriages
for they are always competing and considering "what can i gain"
both parties do so.
more or less admitted
but in truth it is so.
a philosopher had said,
if i love someone, do i love her because i loved her or her qualities?
by then, i wondered but what is more to someone that his qualities?
for we do see qualities in people and then we like them or not.
but there is more to qualities,
there is that which is the Source of those qualities
but most people, seek to reap qualities of others
and use them as trophies, but not to see something Higher in the other.
if we are all vessels of The One, should we not,
at some point, got ignited in us,this sense of True Love?