Sunday, 24 April 2022

Consulting a therapist ...?

 A good exemple to illustrate previous post.

During a discussion, I said, I do not go to restaurant to eat alone.

The newly met person replied with a smile or maybe you should go and consult a therapist.

To which I retorted you do not know how many activities I do on my own, but meal eaten alone defeat the purpose of being shared and enjoyed, the more we are; the merrier.

After effect shock for me, was how rude this person is.

Second after effect shock; maybe I should have added with a smile, maybe you should be consulting a therapist as you feel selling your own house as you feel alone into it..

Typical people, not seeing the grossness of their own problem but filtering and distorting reality through theirs. That's how you end up spoiling everything you touch.

Stepping back i could nip it in the bud these stupid comments.

That is one way of seeing it, I have the freedom to judge, especially when feeling feisty.

Likewise, from her viewpoint; she has the freedom to be rude topping the judgemental part and lack of social manners. Because unable to deal with her own pain; she has to project it onto others and try to fix her problem in this way outside of herself.

As she can't fix it inside; because it hurts to face the ego.

Hence she has to spit it outside on people, thinking they'll do her homework.

Side note, a typical well bred british won't be doing this. I guess i got too much used to good sensible british people.

Now, once the reactional part is over.

What is interesting is to know how to integrate that experience.

The last two posts are not vain wisdom, they are pointers to help to remember so that 

I can on the course recalibrate myself. The sooner the better.

Integration cannot be done mentally

but the mental remembrance serves as a guidance to remember, let's state it again.

Now having the power of purification, when that experiences arises in the consciousness next time, 

i should just say I forgive and let it go.

So that I can make space to new experiences that would be highly valuable to me, 

while not dwelling on this rare case that popped out of my subconscious, and manifested itself in the conscious life.

And that is also why one should treat the people as kids, because in terms of maturity they are kids.

But if you do not forgive, then you are a kid too. 

Makes no difference, because you'd like to keep enjoying some mud battle.

So to sum up, 

be true to yourself on spot

if you are still in reaction mode, then react

then let go, as fast as you can 

so you can create space for the new experience

which be higher in quality than such encounter.

I must say that at some point any sensible person who grows tired of childishness

would not even raise the eyebrow 

would let it go on spot, not even be bothered by it

then higher forces take over

and merely wishing for good quality people, 

would be a wish heard and fulfilled.