Friday, 15 April 2022

Witnessing the Collective Consciousness

 Expansion of the consciousness

Each time I feel bored because I feel I am not progressing

then I do not remember how to get started.

So now that I am aware of the solution 

I better write it for time of need 

by then remembrance benefit.

Starting point

is the FEELING.


1. Hear the silence

2. Feel your current question - ie with all emotions related to it

3. you will just have to wait to see or feel the answer 

In my current case, question was about how to go out of the selfishness as an individual 

to go into the collective consciousness.

Since couple of days, this is how it went:

First throughout the day, I had a feel that I do not feel myself

meaning that a feeling of expansion

the static image of the self

the one we behold into our mind or see in the mirror was like beign erased.

Like design on sand erased by waves of ocean

again that is only a temporary experience

it does not mean if i were to be challenged to my core 

the ego would not retaliate

it is just for the sake of experimenting or getting acquainted or getting insight into that state.

Also true growth is when you outgrow your current state and there is no going back

you cannot brign a fruit back to its blossoming flower state.

the next step, was throughout the day I could see people acting like bees

so working more or less knowingly for a bigger common goal.

That part i could witness it so

because I had made up my intention to forgive, let go of the people whom i hate 

specifically people who do horrendous dead and distrub peace of others.

Even that is not helpful to hate such people, as it let us stuck in the problem and we are unable to fly above it. And if we can't then high forces can't protect us from them.

And the deal for high forces to give you their powers and protection is for you to be humble

not humble as people call it now. Humble by accepting there is only One Spirit, even in the people who deny it and commit hateful deeds.

If they deny spirit and you also deny spirit by hating them, then how are you better than them?

When Christ says to give the other. cheek, which now i understand

it means if you got slapped, then go till the end of the game by turning the other one too.

meaning that you need to have to let go of that battle ground. It is not the correct one. Nor it has to be your battle ground, the one of the forms.

So when you let go, you arise to the formless, where the spirit is; and then the higher forces take over and can protect you.

If you take the battle of forms into your hands; then you can more or less going for an exhausting and time consuming battle. 

So waking up from the dream is more powerful solution. 

4. the letting go principle as explained above; so I just say, I let them to their Script, and I forgive for they do not know (they are the spirit within); I even went to the extend of saying I love them in Spirit.

As you make a powerful intent and act on it from within, you get your state shifted and of course you shall experience a new reality and get insight only because you are at that level to be trusted with it.

Imagine you get insider information and end up harming the other? It won't do. 

For there is no such things in Kingdom of God; and if your intention darkens then for sure you go down.

This is how you get kicked out of it.

So lately, the very people i forgave i could see them in dream and hear that thoughts and their current state of mind and needs. 

I also happen to see people of my neighborhood, and what they were doing.

Spirit said that I was tapping into these people consciousness.

From my perspective, I do not see the point of knowing what the neighbors are doing.

Nor I am interested in knowing what the people I used to hate are thinking.

And today, I could see in dream also the life of a yogi and see his marrital issues and how there was disappointment as the partner was not really at all into meditation so that was causing him pain.

All in all, such insight in the consciousness of others teach me, that it is a trust. 

Information is there from the perspective of the Spirit to Witness for me also as part of the witness to witness.

When you know what the current state of people is, you know they are all in a scripted drama of their own and surely the individual me too. 

But seeing it from above, helps you to reapportion your deeds and thoughts.

The less you "mind" the quicker you can more onto higher grounds as long as you have the firm attention of your goal ahead of you. And in the process you can enjoy to take easier and sunnier path which are more flowery and you can play in the gardens while moving ahead.

Why choose pain, when you can choose joy on the journey?

All I have to remember is not to mind, to let go, as everything that bothers me is in a script.

And I do not have to take part into that script, I just have to let it go and remember they are all the spirit within. And then you can test yourself:

Try saying I love you, to the Spirit within the people you scorn..

I did it and now i laugh at it when i remember it was hard to do it

tight lips trying to say it as if they were gonna feel pain to say these words

this is also a good proof of how i was believing more in their script than in the simple truth of the God within which is One.