Friday, 8 April 2022

New evolutionary Human State : Awareness of the Collective consciousness

The anchor of a ship is say the shackle that holds our Attention.

Till the anchor is used when they ship is at bay, it is good.

But a ship that stays for ever there will just rust, its function is to navigate.

It is exactly the same for Human Being.

Our attention is like the anchor.

It is thrown in the sea, when you want to dwell upon something for a particular purpose.

Yet, the attention has become rusted.

Because it remains fix to the body.

An individual attention stuck to the individual mind, 

has limitations.

An individual attention having risen, will have a larger view.

And can fly, sail where it is directed.

Remote viewing, telepathy and all other 'out of norm' capacities

are considered in the past either as magic or as super powers or miracles etc.

But they are only the manifestation of the qualities of the attention.

Which are AMAZING.

As a human being stuck at an individual level, 

the growth happens when it reaches the collective consciousness level.

Like the ants do.

Yet, I asked the Spirit what then differentiate the collective consciousness level of the ants 

to human being's?


Awareness of the collective consciousness.

This is what the next stage of human being evolution should be.

Yogi practisioner keep forgetting the main aim.

The one of the Spirit manifested in us.

And the Pure Awareness cannot be, unless we have outgrown the throat chakras where the collective is.

Therefore, the collective should be viewed in its real nature, ie the Spirit within manifested through creation.

Till we are separated from yogi AND non yogi.

There is no way we see the collective as One.

And no amount of rituals in the name of whatever deity, however powerful and auspicious it be, can work on an individual commitment of simply forgiving and letting go.

Finally, the Spirit Awareness of the Collective can only be realised by the Spirit.

And the Spirit. can only be awakened - as an established state, not only sprouting as vibrations - once it is manifested through 

the eyes that see with no eyes

through the ears that hear with no ears

and through the voice that speak with no sound

Later on the following post.