Sunday, 27 March 2022

The End of Time and Time Travel

 In dream I was showed the constellation of the Hunter a second time

but this time I could grab the knowledge.

A word about this knowledge grabbing.

It is easy  and natural because it is there.

And when it is not, it is because I am not easy and natural, so the I is in the way.

Very cliché to say it, but the cliché should not be dwelled upon

what should be felt instead by contrast to it

is the softness and easiness of the access. 

Unless felt, we do not get into this vortex, and I learned today 

that we are thrown out of it, even if we try "hard".

The vortex is like a cyclone

the one who are pure; i.e. who are in the centre

access the silence of its own centre

the void

where everything is.

and that is easy, no effort to be done from your side.

Just ask question, feel the depth of its sincere needs within 

and you are answered de facto

because where there is a need, there is a sustenance

where is is a question, there is an answer.

For now, it is easily done when I go to sleep.

As the mind is not in the way.

If that state is consolidated for the day

would be perfect.

This being said, 

the Orion or The Hunter is made of two upside down triangles.

This is at least how I saw it; 

either it is in the past or in the future. 

The constellation is in movement over time and not static.

The upper triangle with base facing upwards and summit downwards is the energy that reincarnate from Orion to Earth - it is sifting through the centre.

I believe it is where from we are propulsed into the Earth Womb.

Then, once we leave our body, well it was said; very few make it back there.

The lower triangle represents those who come back from Earth, represented by the base of the triangle

numbers of those who are suppose to come back are many.

But very few make it to the summit of the lower triangle.

Those who do, I believe reach the meeting point of the summit of the both triangles.

I do not know about there.

What I saw though was when at the time of my death 

I could see myself from outside of my being, not only of body but of the energetic body.

My perspective was the one of pure energy.

Which was plain light filling up one third of the triangle.

When I woke up for the 3am meditation, 

I still had the feeling of being that energy 

and had no perspective of my individuality as I know myself by the current name of mine.

It was also difficult for me to make a sentence or more exactly to grab the grammatical pattern.

Because grammar or thought construct is not a wave that is embedded into the pure energy.

So it is not recognised by it, as it cannot be constricted by such pattern. 

The Energy just is.

Also, what makes us access the grammar and all the language tools,

it is the gravity of the waves, 

that are waves which are being embedded in us, like a footprint.

The metaphor given was the one of a pottery of clay.

the potter can make a design onto its soft clay by making it turn.

This wake of the design has created a path, where the energy takes form and is being defined by it.

What become our current personality as a human being with language and other tools to manifest and interact.

So the best construct for me

is the one of desiring first, get the question, feel it.

Then dwell in the silence

To receive the answer. 

This is where the void is, and from there the key to the answer is the question.

And the void is the centre of this cyclone where most of people get caught at some point in its outskirt

but if you stay there; you will be ejected. This is where the pain will be felt and confusion, complicated construct.

But if you let it go, you will make it to the centre

it is where Peace is. 

Both centeredness and expulsion are experienced 

the key is to be back into the centre as soon as possible. 

and the feel is the key. 

If you feel the control of your being 

not of the controlling of the outside; 

but the inner solidity, in that case you are good to ask the question, to attract the answer.

Also I believe these two triangles are representing the Hourglass.

And I believe once the upper energy has passed through the Earth and the lower triangle remains empty;,

as not one comes back anymore.

Then, it is the end of the realm of creation; or the End of Time Itself.

The red sundisk shown to me in the Egyptian architecture 

represents the energy harvested on top of our head for our journey back to the Orion which is a portal to redirect to the star you come from.

The snake around the sundisk represent the kundalini actualised above our head

and its energy harvested there. Picture 2

The wings represent the travel possible by the use of this energy as fuel. Picture 1.

This is how we can choose where we can reincarnate, options being as much wider as is our harvested energy.

The Top of the Head is the purified energy of our own, not the stolen one. 

The both corns represent the opening of the spheres which are the ego and super ego balloon.

When both of them are shed off, the Sun of God is born. 


I had been told that these are also called the Cows horns 

As we are in the Milky Way, and there on earth the pattern that defines us is the horns.

ie ego and superego.

Interestingly enough, the simple and real purpose of life

which is to cultivate our own energy and purify it to get it as a fuel for our final travel is not taught at all.

Because the slavery is the goal. Not the Freedom.

Stealing others' energy for maintaining this kingdom. 

But the cultivation is way Higher in value of course.

And also, the energy itself in the root chakra is pure.

but the currently circulating energy in our body is a still muddy lake.

So the self realisation allows the ocean to purify the still waters in us

and this is real cultivation and purification.

My triangle being full by one third means I have two third remaining to actualise if I am correct.

I have been told, my energy still need to go through Agnya.

And as it is said in Quran,

God loves those who purify themselves.