Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Butterfly of Light

In vision I saw in space 

the Light of spirit

the rest was all dark space around.

The light was enclosed in a cocoon

the cocoon does not exist as per itself

inside is the light One Spirit 

and around it creation that is separated 

either out of ignorance or one purpose 

from the spirit

so it sucks it light out

or is being fed by it 

for a time

the cocoon which is brown

like a dead shell 

before the butterfly is born

is merely the dead creation 

It was said that 

it is up to the creation 

to migrate within to the light

to the core where the light is One


once the cocoon opens up

and the Light becomes a butterfly

the shedding of the shell 

will of course discard the rest of creation 

which would have decided to remain on the outskirt.