Sunday, 21 July 2019

First day of Revelation / 20.07.2019

Mark the Day : 20.07.19 as your First Day of Revelation

I started my sitting
then my walking meditation.

After the walking one,
I was eyes open imagining myself in my new position and country

Quite a Great Deal in itself that position I am eyeing.. Let's cross fingers.

So hardly i finished envisioning myself there,
located in one of the most beautiful landscape
and with most important world leaders

I thought that is so GREAT!!!!

Is so Great
I like new glorious meetings
in such a beautiful landscape
in an international and multi-cultural environment

And then all the below followed

It wasn't a voice
even if I end up writing He said
It was Images showed as if i was seeing scenes in real life
in real light, brIght light with bright colors
and images were not talking as we do now
but talking as from their own essence

as when it is said in quran that stars talk to you
meaning they speak their language through vibration
as every thing speaks ie send out vibrations
and you as as tv set receive them and translate them into your own language

is what i mean each time when i write below
He said, or was said.


Right after I imagined me working there on top of that summit

I was by then listening to the Ultimate cut soundtrack of Interstellar

and there is the moment when the messages started

now i can write started

but by then you cannot say it started
as it is in a natural flow

how can you say look a river is starting here
am sorry a river is flowing always
so when it flows it flows
is just you who realises after that before you didn t see it flowing
but it was always flowing

likewise visions now i say started
cause now i am not having them
that s all what duality is about

if i say a thing
then its opposite existS

but when it IS
then there is no start
as it IS.

That s why you do not feel the break
when you pass from a mere image envisioning of your future
aka personal thinking
to a next level where I was being showed basically the
Secrets of Universe

So epic with this music background

I was told

I wish and she creates
that is a certitiude
No doubt
and as i focused on that

I felt waves like warmth
arising and falling in heart

Eyes were closed
each time i felt warmth rising
outside sun rose
and each time warmth wave recessing
sun disappeared behind clouds outside

and i kept focusing on heart warmth
rising and falling 6 times
and 6 times sun rose outside and hid behind clouds

i found it formidable.

Inside Out. Same.
So as i was shining my own light inside out
I am one
All is under control
because it is always so/ as i am one.

And if i forget this. Then I am forgotten.
As I am a Creator asking to forget
as an experience

And this is gonna reflect my thoughts
my thoughts being a command an order

things outside of me
will start to order themselves according to my wish to forget
if i forget and i don t know i forget

They will never save you by their own will

as they follow your will of being forgotten

Yet you forgot that you forgot for the sake of an experiment
and you could not change that which you forgot you initiated.

So is how you think
it is story of old
when prophets could order sun to rise and hide
or time to lengthen or move faster

it is not story of old
it is reality
and you just forgot you created it

that s why you don t know you can change it.

Epic, isnt it?

It continued..

...First I heard the Grounding Ocean

Trust me my attention was then gathered and focused
on that sound
was powerful

Felt like the OCean Floor
Deep Deep Deep inside Earth

and Sound coming from it...