At the end of the cartoon
it was like for any good story written "The End"
the main female lead
what happen to creation when we write the end?
she asked
do the cartoon/creation go on living peacefully and we just don't know about them?
or do they stopped living ... hanging in time, like frozen?
this totally ASTOUNDED ME
cause is EXACTLY what i used to wonder when i was a kid
when i used to read a story it was always said : and they lived happily ever after
and when i never read that for a story
i resented the writer
as it did not close the story on a happy circle
like a full stop and you can keep imagining your heroas are happily living ever after contirnuously
or again
even not long ago
even 4 years ago i saw myself doing that :
when i use to leave my room
i would turn my back quickly
and check if everything was in the same place i left
lol you would laugh
but i used to think ok if i turn my back
may be the things get animated
as i removed my sight from them
so how can i know what happens if my sight is not there to witness them
well see
is same in that drama
and that hit me
as i thought i was watching my self worrying about such stuff
is so funny when you see yourself in someone else as essence i mean
the next amazing point
the female lead part of the world of creators/gods
was drawn to the creation place
as teleported
cause the creation kept thinking about her
so is the law of attraction which is shown
the creation the young guy
is her own creation
when she was a kid
she imagined the ideal lover
and as she put her desire on paper
and drew him
lol...word play now but real
she got drawn by the creation
so this metaphor
if you see it as such
shows you
you get what you wish for
as you energise your desire
somehow at some point
by magic they or you cross each other path
is so true
but when i read the comments of the reviewer
they all wrote :
ah if only was true
ah if only i could jump also in my preferred movie
yet is true
is just they take the movie as exterior to their self
but their own life is a movie
and they are all their own life hero
and god and goddess and creator and creation
is just the shift of the observer
that hapened not
for them to realise is
so they never started living their life
in that realisation
and thus in all awareness