Monday, 23 May 2016

Giving Birth to your Soul

today i switched on TV
and again it hit me
as it was confirming my own thoughts...

cause lately as i was remembering
about soul

i remembered to have seen in a vision
4 years ago
how Soul was a ball of light in my belly
and if necessary practice was not done
it just get drawn ..

like in black seas

this is how i understand
even better Quran
which is mostly about such metaphors

and with the awakening of kundalini
i understood that
actually my soul
as said in Quran too

through It
and join back the Spirit
its Source

so as i remembered
patchworking my visions about soul

i remembered to have seen
as if i was being born
remembering the stage of delivery

so lately
i realised  innerly

that is like my soul
is the baby to be born
and that is actually what i want

people do have children
but is not what i want
what i want is to give birth
to my Own Soul

as if it was a baby
and actually it is
this is what is to be born again

and shockingly
is what i concluded out of intuition

but as soon as i switched on TV
in a movie!
the guy was saying

"i feel the true message of Jesus
is that life after life when we reincarnate
we learn to give birth to our soul..."

i said!

is the TV a human being?
it starts chit chatting with me now? hmm?

actually is the best confirmation i ever get
cause is like you give birth to Eternal Life
when you decide to give birth to your Soul
for Real

and when you think about it
Mary giving birth to Jesus
was exactly this very action
to be taught as a metaphor
for human being

you are giving birth
to your own divine Light

and is nothing about God in flesh to be worshiped
or to worship some photo
or some statue
or some imaginary God

is about completing your trust
that God has given you
as your True Light in your soul
to which you give the Right to be born

is to actualise your divine Nature
then you become a Real Human Being
who becomes Immortal
i feel