Thursday, 11 June 2015

Leap of faith and orbs of lights

Yesterday night
i dreamt that i - as a personality
using my free will
i threw myself into the ocean

while doing this
i said to myself
i should be crazy
who risks its life like that

and it was all dark around

as soon as i did it!

i saw that i had a ball of light
that is my inner light

and that light sent instantly
like ropes of lights
to the other balls of lights
who were still on the shore
because the light is One
so it creates connections

that was tremendous
especially when i understood its meaning

that was the vision of higher astral realms
where realised souls appear as balls of light

the balls of lights
are the realised souls
from higher astral planes
and once you take this leap of faith
and surrender to the Shakti within
then it is the way of real surrender

now i understand
why is fearful to surrender
because you surrender to that which is unknown
total Unknown
**goosebumps time**

actually even in the vision
i had not time to fear
but i was calling myself real crazy
usually one aims at safety of a routine
but i was aiming at discovering something new
totally new

because you can't limit yourself
with fears
you need to breakthrough

few people can do it
to break through their last fears
that's when blessings and grace of the Spirit
are the only support and guidance left

and is also the final realisation.
that's why also advanced yogis are needed

and that Ocean is the Shakti.
Mother of Creation

ahh i feel good

and yes
i also realised
at times you do see in news
or "paranormal" activities
orbes of lights described in skies, isn't it?

to my own amazement
that vision taught me
that those orbes of lights
are these realised souls from higher planes
who travel and reach our lower planes
and are caught at times on camera
those little balls of lights :)

so these advanced spirits
are kind of playing as they want
in the 10 realms :)

and imagine
i felt so much coolness in the whole right channel
and especially JOY in the right heart

usually i feel joy in the belly
or in the left heart
but never ever ever
i would spot joy in the right heart
is so unusual place to spot joy

yes for they are from higher planes
and JUST below are the demi-gods
sugoi isn't it?!
and they do this
because they are STILL wanting to experience
hmm this gives you the meaning and thirst of Life
Experience it while being realised
is just the cherry on top of the cake

by the way
it means there are infine possibilities
when one play on these 10 realms
IMAGINE the play ground?!
ah but that is the peeping sight of Tomorrow's Land, neh?

ok i will see

anyway demi gods or not
even them they forget the source
so is most important to always remember
the Source within

i feel just happy for it
i guess

so this is WHY
it explains many things

and yes UFO exist

ps : and i got that vision
which was from my soul
as to the answer i desired the day before
that was special peaceful day
cf preceeding post

so special appreciative
thank you to my soul
to my inner light
