Sunday, 23 March 2014

Universal dreams and meditation

i had a few great dreams lately i forgot to wrote,

i had the dream of an old man who was about to die
so he wrote a letter to rumi in a newspaper sharing of his sorrow of life nearing its end,
then rumi answered to his letter saying
what he did of his life
he answered that he was the advisor of the king
and used to spend all of his time interpreting dreams.

(somehow that matches me, if i spend time to interpret people 's dos and don'ts.)

then, i saw both of them under a night starry sky
and then, rumi asked again
who he was
again he answered interpretor of dreams
he asked again with pressure
and then he answered : i was the liberated one

(yes, because the guy was sooo engrossed in his life/MEANING
for yes people in islam drive me NUTS when they don't understand what DUNIA means;
it means ONLY FALSE identifications of yours with your experience/role/ID/job etc.OK?!
- so the guy i repeat had identified himself with a role, and had forgotten that all the way
he was The Spirit - The Liberated One ALREADY).

and then, i saw like a white smoke, not smoke but can one say
a sort of white spirit of his?
ascending upwards to the starry night sky
it was symbolising his liberation

and one could see like eyes of God
watching him
they had turned like thunder

so rumi said to him
it is not of any use to get emotional
by seeing those eyes

(in a way they are just being so thunder like
because of his own perception reflecting his forgetfulness of who he IS.)

then, i think the scene ended.

anyhow, when i got up in the morning,
i rushed to go to meditate
because i did not want to end up dying like a waste
and also i did not want that all my past meditation becomes nothing
because i was slacking

so i did one hour walking meditation
during it, when hands in front of belly
i rememebered the ok mantra

so i realsied that if one does not start with it
the energy cannot rise to the sahasrara

like if we take the example of runners, each on a starting line
ready to race. and each having like say a kundalini behind them
and they have to run upwards to the sahasrara

it cannot happen
UNLESS they are authorised to go
so the ok word
is the one that authorised

well seen like that
it is the image i got

when it is said if we have a problem we use the ok mantra
and turn it in our own belly
not on the outside

it reminded me
like in cartoon
you have a sort of huge marmite (in french, same in english?)
where the magicians turn the water inside
and then you see versions of real life?

so it is same
we are suppose to be like the outer witness of these images
which are mere images within the pot/marmite.
and then, we can just say it is ok
and the image of the scene changes.

then, during the walking one,
i felt a united field, like a balloon extended
except for the forehead

then, i started the sitting one
to let it sink
for about 45min

it was all cool
except on the face and forehead
and of course on the heart area
it was at the end like a stone put on the heart
so i cupped hands for a while

then, i ended with some projections of what will give me joy in life.

oh yeah,
for the precedent dreams,

i had seen a paiting,
a living painting
where there were all of the prophets
and i was watching it with a friend of mine
and i was asked to pintpoint which person was which prophets
so i saw jesus, john the baptiste and moses first as long as i remember

today in the meditation,
i saw the status in stone of saint pierre
with feathers behind him
was he an angel?
also he got his right hand in the middle of his body,
you know like a half namaste?

saint pierre in wikipedia is the symbol of ? i forgot.
will check later.

hm, good production of the day, isn't it? :)
