Illumination of the day!
Shakti knows its way BACK to purity!
this means when we are in a conflictual situation
then we open up
and let intuition dawn upon us
for the intuitive nature is that of the Shakti
and as it is Intelligent for She is the Power of God who created this universe
then She will inspire us for right diplomatic words
and i love the "WAY BACK to purity"
for it means She already threaded the path in one direction
so CERTITUDE is there
that she can thread it back
but this time taking us along with it
out of the conflict!
:x kiss
ps : ah! yeah,
so the fruitcakes who say that not to go to swimming pool for you will catch others' impurities
is TOTAL silliness!
for they are MEANT to KNOW that their TRUE self is ONE
i.e. them+others
therefore the purification has NO name
it is not me vs you
the other is ALSO my responsibility
just the thing is that we work for our own liberation
while purifying others help them to get a more favorable karmic path.
so it is a temporary blessing for them.
so your only presence become a blessing to them,
but not their liberation.
it does NOT need to "protect" itself from impurities