From Movei Loser Lover 2010
meaning of song
"you are the first person I thought can understand me. you said i am weird, it is because you haven't been compatible with me yet, just want you to understand my feelings
just want you to know, deep in my heart, what i don't step closer, use your heart to feel."
It is because the Divine is a Secret to be un-covered,
and so We as Divine, see more of Ourselves into the Other,
as a Mirror.
It is only through Life Experience,
that God within can be revealed.
As a friend told me,
there is nothing to be discovered with your mind,
but with your Heart,
Use Your Heart to discover The Whole Secret,
"Did he smile [when he lost/got not what he wanted]?
he smiled the first and second time at the failure, but not the third time.
this means he failed.
the two first times, he found something else to do.
the third time he is alone.
Where is he ? bring me there?
no.Everyone needs to know how to protect themselves,
and how to face failure
except if you feel failure is a mistake
then you can go and console him."
Very funny and deep movie.